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My brother is big hearted & will want to take his kids out to buy some stuff for me, even though he is seriously strapped for cash after Christmas.

And opening presents is such a big part of a birthday celibration that I don't want to just drop it, I want to substitute it with something else.

Any ideas?

2007-12-30 03:06:09 · 2 answers · asked by Smart Kat 7

I'm Zach and I'm 16 and I feel like I'm living in my brother's (Laiden aged 18) shadow. We are both on the football team but he's captain. People refer to me as Laiden's lil bro, even the teachers do. And if someone is introducing me to someone else they always say ''This is Zach. you know Laiden's lil bro). How do I break out of his shadow?

2007-12-30 02:41:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im leaving guys, what should I do there is a lot of things I need to sort out, thats gonna take some time. It was really nice here, I met some really cool friends... had little fun. Im gonna miss ya all... :( I hope everything going to be fine??

2007-12-30 02:21:40 · 19 answers · asked by Beautiful Disgrace 3

i had a crush on agirl i started staring her....... but when i talked to her she did nt respond well .and told me about her boyfreind......but still now she stare me like anything........

2007-12-30 02:08:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I will be known for helping the old and the young in my city. Because NO ONE ELSE will!

2007-12-30 01:25:38 · 6 answers · asked by Bailey 6

I have multiple schlerosis (MS). I told me best friend a couple of months ago and ever since she's been spending less and less time with me.

My doctor tells me the disease is quite serious. I may suffer loss of vision, loss of muscle movement at time, loose my balance, loose my ability to reason and solve problems at times. I told my best friend all this just so she can be preparedd for when it does happen in front of all. So far none of this has occured yet.

I love my best friend. We've had big arguments and made up. We've done alot of things together. I want her around but i can't get her to ring me or hang with me anymore. She spends more time with her other freinds who are smart (they go to medical school), they're good looking and have many parties. Her boyfriend is good looking and popular. So i kind of understand why she don't see the point of being around a soon to be cripple like me.

what should i tell her to make her look at me the same way again???? please help.

2007-12-30 01:15:36 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you have things that you are not willing to talk about?

2007-12-30 01:03:05 · 8 answers · asked by whatever w 1

This girl is an adult and an only child, and she is the rudest, nastiest, selfish, know-it-all I ever met in my life. She uses her big mouth to get whatever she wants and has the entire family scared to death of her.
I've gently hinted around that I'd never let either one of my children cuss at me and tell me how much money to spend, or let them just dump their children on me whenever they wanted expecting me to watch them for 10-12 hours at a time and not offer to pay me. (Or having the gall to ask me to babysit while I hang out with my friends and my husband goes and plays golf...and the husband only works part time!!)
I've also said that I'd never let my children disrespect me and talk to me like I was a piece of dirt, but it all seems to go right over her head, like I'm not referring to her precious Monster child.
I hate to see my recently retired best friend be used and abused like this, any constructive advice is appreciated.

2007-12-30 00:57:03 · 17 answers · asked by serialmom12 5

I need help! I have a friend who's involved in a program at school. I am no longer in that program but i help out and attend the monthly meetings that the parents have. Their is a specific family who has done nothing but said negative things about my friend, by family i mean the parents and their kids. Its come to the point where my friend is just not healthy...emotionally, mentally and physically. This family has done nothing but talk and spread rumors. I want to confront them during one of the meetings. I want to talk about the situation in front of everyone without pointing fingers but directing it to that family. Please help and give me any other suggestions you might have.

2007-12-29 20:52:57 · 3 answers · asked by Shy Guy 1

I am a sophomore in college and I am good friends with this one girl...we have known each other since the beginning of freshman year and we consider each other pretty good freinds. I developed a crush on her around christmas time and told her.....she was very mature about it and said she basically didnt feel the same way. Even after that we are still very good friends.

She told me last summer that I should come visit her but I never did. And when we left 2 weeks ago for winter break she mentioned it a few times that I should come visit her during the winter break.

So, what I am wondering is, could this be some sort of test? I am not trying to look too far into it because she didnt reciprocate my advances last year, but I cannot help but wonder. What I mean is, could it be that she wants to see if I like her enough as a "friend" to come visit her, and then if I do maybe be more? Women would you or have you ever done something like this?

2007-12-29 19:44:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

some girl mooched off me and stole from me. tried to tell police but that didnt help. how can I get her back? i cant go around beating people up, i dont wanna mess up my future or get some criminal record. but i do want to get her back, i see her sometimes at clubs and have her number, that is all i have to work on. wut can i do

2007-12-29 19:16:59 · 13 answers · asked by penguin24 1

i was just going through a myspace bulletin and it said did you lose your virginity in 2007, and she said not in 2007, haha. what does this mean? she never told me about her first kiss or anything, so is it possible that she's not a virgin? i'm trying to figure this out, and so i'm not sure how to start the subject to find out. does this sound like she's not a virgin? (she's 15)

2007-12-29 19:16:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend whose 13 and she sleeps with her parents and she has this teddy bear that she treats like a real human.

Is this normal? I'm starting to get worried.

2007-12-29 16:45:11 · 59 answers · asked by YaoYao D 5

And tell them to use ...peanut butter? LOL The crunchy kind?

2007-12-29 16:43:21 · 2 answers · asked by Juk 2

2007-12-29 16:42:40 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

because he always talking to me about his single status...he never have a girlfriend...help me...what should i tell him???

he's 18...



2007-12-29 16:02:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend just passed away on Christmas day.
and everything I try to do to take my mind off him brings it back to him, and horrible thoughts.
I try to listen to music to try to alter my mood, but it just seems to get worse..
Anyone have any advice?

2007-12-29 15:40:51 · 6 answers · asked by [♥] 1

my friend sent me a video to the song buddy holly by weezer,in a comment on myspace. he's also a guy.ill post the lyrics in a detail.please tell me what you think he's trying to say to me.

2007-12-29 14:25:31 · 12 answers · asked by skateordiex_x 1

We have dated for 6 yrs now. Christmas has come and gone and he knows he is my guest at all my family gatherings. As a matter of fact, I had to work Christmas and he attended our family dinner without me or even an invitation from me. He popped in un announced. My brother told me he arrived un announced and of course, my family made him feel welcome.
Tommorrow, his adult children and the rest of his family are all getting together for Christmas, and he did not ask me to attend. He said he didnt know about it until the last minute, but he told me about it 4 days ago. He knows I feel insulted and poorly treated.
What is he doing? Why would he treat me like an outsider after 6 yrs?

2007-12-29 14:23:18 · 18 answers · asked by happydawg 6

2007-12-29 14:22:15 · 67 answers · asked by Jo 6

does it mean . help help

2007-12-29 14:05:26 · 17 answers · asked by casey tran 2

to my friends....what do I have about me that you like....

2007-12-29 13:41:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friends are making me really pissed off!!! They keep saying your girlfriend is pimple covered and fat!!! I already told them to stop and they still keep doing it. I dont want to get in any fist fights cuz Ive already gotten in 10 this year and suspended from all of them. What should I do!!!???

2007-12-29 13:24:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

they ask for money and other things does that mean they are from there how mean are the nigerians

2007-12-29 12:53:01 · 8 answers · asked by connie s 1

That they're being annoying and be upfront about it, or is that rude?

2007-12-29 12:42:06 · 7 answers · asked by Megan 6

Well... my friend chris is having a new years party and i was inviited. I hung out with him the other day at his house but his sister who is 19 was home from colledge and we all hung out and talked and the conversation became about weed and chrises sister smoked and was going to be at the party she said i should bring some weed and protection... then kind of winked and smiled at me and chris was like F you do you think she was joking or not?

2007-12-29 12:31:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay. There's a guy who is my friend. For the last three years he has liked me. I don't feel the same way about him, and he knows it. The thing is, he's become obsessed or something. He will not leave me alone. He always has to know what I'm doing, who I'm with, and everything. I've tried to be nice about it and act like a regular friend, but he seemes to take it the wrong way or get the wrong impression or just something. My friends have told him to back off and he told one of them that he was going to make me go out with him. I don't want to be mean to him but I don't know what else to do. He just seemes to ignore everything anyone says about me not liking him like that!! I've told him so, but he doesn't seem to understand!! He won't back off!! Any suggestions??? I really would appreciate it!! Thnks!!!

2007-12-29 12:17:48 · 5 answers · asked by Kassie Leann 4

Since the beginning of last year me and this girl, lets call her yellow have been best friends. During the school year a girl we'll call her red moved in and she became friends with us too she was so nice and seemed like a true friend but started to change throughout the year and red started clinging to her till this day they treat me like dirt and i cant take it anymore even though i've confronted them more than enough times. I've been a great friend to both of them and i dont understand why they do that. It seems that yellow only seems to care about me when red isnt around and red might be moving again this year and im afraid yellow is gonna come back to me because she has no one else. Meanwhile yellow doesn't even realize Red is a b*tch or at least she pretands she doesn't becuase she tends to cling to a certain someone for some time until she finds someone better

This may seem immature and trust me i know i thought we all left this drama behind in middle school. I guess not

2007-12-29 11:26:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i have a friend kristin and she gets mad at the smallest things like i was flirting with my crush well like he came over to talk so we were like really close to each other and kristin interupted us to say something i ignored her cause that was rude so then she got really mad and is still mad at me that was last friday! me and my friend katie have been so annoyed with her behavior we cant get through to her cause her bff megan is convincing her to do stuff against us and like when ever they hang out kristin is always like following megan and like megans hand bag although megan acts like they are milk and cereal i dont know if i should drop her as a friend? and she had guy trouble lately cause crush went out with her friend but they broke up so is she jealus cause my crush and I and belive me I have risked so much to please her and satisfy her and it just seems like its not worth it and like she is super mean when we arnt friends like she will convince people to be mean to me!

2007-12-29 10:26:57 · 2 answers · asked by Southern At Heart♥ 5


you kind of coppied what i got for Christmas.i just want toknow why you did that!i am not mad,you are still my bfoy.i just want to know why.
here is the link(s)


it is okayy

2007-12-29 10:23:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous