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Family & Relationships - 16 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2007-03-16 12:32:56 · 9 answers · asked by Lee Lee 5 in Marriage & Divorce

I have the skin every grl dreams of. Beautiful tan. I have thick wavy shoulder length hair. But I straghten it which makes it look thinner and a little longer. I'm tall but not too tall I'm not like a skyscraper and skinny I'm athletic and nice and popular and have a good sense of fashion. I'm have brown eyes and good sized breast. Not too small not too big. Am I hot. I think I am that's why I chose my name. If I am then why can't I get the guy I like to go out with me. OH I no because he's with my bff. But I still want him. I got all the other guys hooked om me but I want him. Don't forget to answer the 1st Question. ; )

2007-03-16 12:32:54 · 3 answers · asked by helpful?? =D 2 in Singles & Dating

im 22, graduated and just secured with a job, still my parents don't let me move out. They just want me to stay at home with them till forever.
But I feel i am already grown-up and can make my own decisions. I always respect them, but this time I just want to learn to be independent, why cant they respect me also and let me decide wot i want in my life.
I have been with my boyfriend, who has bought a flat 2 years ago, for 4, 1/2 years, still they never allow me to move in with him.
I respect them, so instead I want to rent a flat with some friends. but they just get very angry when I tried to talk to them about it although I promised them that even if i move out, I will still care for the family. in fact, very often they worry that when i move out, i wont have money left to give to them. Currently, although i work part-time, i need to give £100 to them each month. Cant imagine how much they want when i work full-time soon.
I dont mind this, but just want to have my independence :(

2007-03-16 12:32:30 · 11 answers · asked by Taxi 1 in Family

Me and my ex were together for four months. We were each others first loves. He went on vacation for two weeks and when he came back he told me half of him still loves me but half just wanted to be friends. So I said fine, I just want him to be happy, so we broke up. Even though he said we would be friends he no longer talks or looks at me. It's been two months since we broke up now. We have mutual friends and a class together. It's hard because I will be standing right next to him and it's like I don't exsist. I'm not going to ditch our friends, and neither is he. I use to try and talk to him, not about anything big, just nice small talk, but he seemed annoyed that I was doing so. I use to wave, say hello, but nothing. Now I've just started ignoring him back, he obviously wants nothing to do with me but are things always going to be like this?

2007-03-16 12:32:21 · 7 answers · asked by Simple Love 2 in Singles & Dating

A few weeks ago, probably about 7 to be exact, I and a friend of mine went on a trip to Louisiana, and one night when we were in a bar, I met this certain celebrity ( I actually took the trip down there to see if I could meet him because they were filming a movie down there",
We danced and I was more than a little drunk and so was he. He took me back to a house he was staying in down there and I'm sure we ended up having sex though I can't remember it very well. Anyway, the next morning, when I woke up, he had a cab waiting for me outside to take me back to the place where I was staying & a note. I just discovered this past week that I am pregnant and I don't know what to do because I know I'll never see him again & he's probably forgotten about me. I have just turned 21 and am in a serious relationship, however I know it's not my boyfriend's baby because we had split up for a bit just before this happened. What should I do?

2007-03-16 12:32:01 · 11 answers · asked by Brittany 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-16 12:31:14 · 9 answers · asked by shisho 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-16 12:31:05 · 26 answers · asked by miranda b 1 in Friends

I have a bf and gf they know about each other but sometimes i wonder is it right to date both??

2007-03-16 12:30:40 · 33 answers · asked by Tracy h 2 in Weddings

well i have a boyfriend and i just don't think he likes me anymore cuz he acts different around me then his friends! he can be himself sometimes around me but not his TOTAL self.....and we like never hang out since he lives in a different town and we both can't drive yet....and i just don't know what to do cuz it's just been weird.....help plz

2007-03-16 12:30:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-16 12:29:10 · 2 answers · asked by shisho 1 in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend, blew 4times over the legal drinking limit last night and this has happened before like a month ago but went on a two day drinking binge.then came back,apologised,made promises to me saying that there wasnt anything more important to him that me,us and our family.told me he would get help.well,he got as far as the doctor,stopped drinking for 2wks then it was back to the drawing board. i was to leave him then but he needed my help so i stuck with him. i cant do this anymore. im just too tired of it. he said so many hateful/hurtful things to me last night, i know i cant/wont go back to him.its over :(
now i need to focus on my life and getting it back on track again. i feel like crap right about now

2007-03-16 12:29:09 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Whenever my brother and his wife gets a chance they somehow "con" my mom into changing everthing all around. As it stands and has always stood, I (daughter) am poa for mom for her health, and for finances. The will works the same way.. everything goes to me and if I die before mom everythingh goes to my son. She did this because she doesn't want her son to have anything, and she has good reason! for example.. this latest was the last straw, he basically wrote it how he wanted it and that was final. he put himself and his wife in charge of EVERYTHING. My mom absolutely hates his wife, she is cruel, two-faced, greedy just my bro. She (mom) feels like a fool cuz once again my bro. conned her into it! My brother & wife would never take as good of care of her than I do. I take her everywhere and any place she wants or needs. B4 my father passed, my bro moved pretty far away, Reason, he didn't want to deal with any of the whole thing, And has lived up to it, he does NOTHING hope someone

2007-03-16 12:28:06 · 6 answers · asked by serenitie51 3 in Family

I LOVE THE GROUND THAT THIS GUY WALK ON. I have only known him for about 9 months. We aren't a couple. I want to be more than friends w/ benifits. We both have love for each other. BUT i am not sure if he love me as much as I love him.
Please MEN give me some points........

2007-03-16 12:27:38 · 4 answers · asked by Tel 1 in Friends

my ex and i broke up a little bit after new years and it basically broke my heart but we said that we would be chill with eachother because there was no real bad reason for breaking up. its been a few months, and i think of him alot but i usually ignore it. hes been starting to txt me and stuff now and asking me to chill and i really want to cuz hes an awesome friend and funny as hell but im grounded and cant go anywhere and i have the feeling it looks like im avoiding him and i dont want him to stop talking to me! also, he txts me alot but then doesnt talk to me at school unless i say hi first which is wierd. anyways, what can i do to start being friends with him again?!

2007-03-16 12:27:18 · 10 answers · asked by mclovin 2 in Singles & Dating

I've been with a boy named Taylor. We've gone out about 13 times...but this time is different. He is asking me how far I want to go. Well I want to go far and everything like that..but I am scared. To go far...and well I want to do everyting...mostly. I've known him for about 4 or 5 years. I think I love him... I only think about him...and am I in love...any tips for keeping a long stable relationship?

2007-03-16 12:27:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

well....see after a show(battle of the bands)my bf took his friend kim home and aaprently she was drunk and high and was trying to give him head and holding his hand and say that hshe loves him and he should break up with me cuz im worth nothing....but he kept pushing her off.but when i found out about this we got into an arguement and i said that i dont want a serrious relation cuz i did know how i felt about him but it was all out of anger but now were really not talking that much....but i just want to take it all back cuz i do want to spend the rest of my life with him but i dont know if he'll believe me...cuz i want him to know that i really do love him with all my heart...what do i say?

2007-03-16 12:26:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I met a guy, then a couple of days later I went to a party (sort of with him sort of not) where we had an Amazing time. We were both pretty drunk though, but we have been flirting for a few weeks prior to it. Anyway we hooked up(not all the way) and he kept asking me out, but then a week later he still has not contacted me in any way, ALTHOUGH admittedly he does NOT have my number, we forgot all about those details. BUT he does know one of my friends fairly well, who could have given my number to him if he only bothered to ask.
What do you think, is the fact that he hasnt bothered to ask and find out my number in the last 5 days a bad sign? Or is there still a chance that he is a decent guy..

2007-03-16 12:26:03 · 2 answers · asked by Jackie 4 in Singles & Dating

If you don't want to tell someone something that hurts you?

2007-03-16 12:25:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-16 12:25:10 · 1 answers · asked by SaI 1 in Weddings

I have a friend that has kids and is married. Her and her husband constantly fight and in the last year or so she has found an old friend and she has really fallen for him. She has been a stay at home mom for some time now and has been looking for a job so she has a way of supporting her and her kids. She really does want to get divorced but all at the same time scared she has never been alone really. What advice would you have for her? How would be the best way for her to bring up divorce without hurting everyone. she just isn't happy anymore.

2007-03-16 12:24:47 · 11 answers · asked by sabrina_you_shy 1 in Friends

it was an accient shes gon to the police saying it is abuse what should i do, it was not intentional i was just so mad ..

2007-03-16 12:24:33 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

well i asked her out and she said i'll think about it and then after a week her friends told me she said no. But after that whole thing she began to be really shy around me and we don't really talk anymore. she looks at me alot during class and looks away when i look. also today in class we were reading this romantic story outloud and she kept staring at me with her head in her hands and looked kinda dazed.(0) like this ( =hands 0=head
i'm just really confused now. does she like me? shes also moving in may.when i saw her today my heart started beating in a way i never felt before it was........i dunno what to do . should i try again?

2007-03-16 12:24:27 · 6 answers · asked by mugiwara luffy 2 in Singles & Dating

okay i have an october wedding coming up and i an't choose between these:
1.black,white,and red
2.black,pink,and cream
3.black,silver,and baby blue or
4.black,lilac,and baby blue
which of these is better i can't decide
ps: if you want to suggest other colors please do

2007-03-16 12:24:23 · 37 answers · asked by Kyra 1 in Weddings

im 22, graduated and just secured with a job, still my parents don't let me move out. They just want me to stay at home with them till forever.
But I feel i am already grown-up and can make my own decisions. I always respect them, but this time I just want to learn to be independent, why cant they respect me also and let me decide wot i want in my life.
I have been with my boyfriend, who has bought a flat 2 years ago, for 4, 1/2 years, still they never allow me to move in with him.
I respect them, so instead I want to share a flat with some friends. but again, they just dont let me and get very angry with me.
I really am feeling very sad now. Since young, i always have to listen to them, but now i feel i am grown-up and want to have my own life, wot can i do.

2007-03-16 12:24:19 · 4 answers · asked by Taxi 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

after dinner we went to his highschool dorm and I sat on his couch and he said 1 second and I waited and he came up to me and sat next to me and we were making out for a while and we fell asleep and when we woke up it was like 4 a.m and I forgot about highschool and we are in dorms and the princaple thought we were having it but we were just making so he made us call our parents and my mom said if I find out you nhaving it again your coming home and I told her that we were just making out but she didn't believe me!! what should I do?

2007-03-16 12:24:03 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-16 12:23:29 · 5 answers · asked by miranda b 1 in Friends

Hi all! We are a mixed family with 2 kids coming from my husband, and one from myself, and one together. Our 13 year old boy (his son) lashed out at my 8 year old daughter and hit her hard! Our 7th grade son is about 5'6 180 and our 2nd grade daughter is about 4' and 50 lbs. This really upset her and hurt her. We have no idea what a proper punishment is...but this is just NOT acceptable. Of course we grounded him at the moment...but how do we teach him this is not ok? Our 8 year old did say something she probably shouldn't have to him...but it was all in joking and everyone else knew that. For him to turn around and clock her one is just not ok. What would you do in this situation??? I have a tendency to have a temper...but have to walk a fine line with the stepson.

2007-03-16 12:23:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

ok, so I like this guy, he looks at me a lot, my friend says he does, and i catch him looking sometimes. and yesterday, he burped in my face and started to laugh, and then when I was talking to him, he sorta checked me out.... but when any of my friends ask him if he likes me, he says umm... no. but sometimes he blushes when he answers

what does this all mean???? HELP!

2007-03-16 12:23:22 · 15 answers · asked by mcstick s 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm Sorta Punk And "unpopular" And I'm Thinking Of Changing That all For Him But He Doesnt Seem So Very Worth It. I Know he is gunna break up with me but im not sure whether after he dumps me if i should make him jelous because makeing people jelous is stupid. help im confused.

2007-03-16 12:23:17 · 8 answers · asked by Kristina H 1 in Singles & Dating

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