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Family & Relationships - 13 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

o.k. my best friend likes my boyfrined and they used 2 b 2gether. if my boyfriend finds out she likes him again, he might break up w/ me and go w/ her! but i really like this guy. what should i do!!

2007-03-13 10:32:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

i make his favorite food!!or take his side when there is an argument!!!!

2007-03-13 10:31:32 · 5 answers · asked by ....FED UP............ 7 in Singles & Dating


i used to find alot of chicks hott. but lately i met this girl. she likes me ALOT!!! i like her too. we'r like 90% the same. she even said it!! shes HOTT and everymans dream. but the problem is she has a bf and they'r happy. however. im not that kind of a romeo who crys at nights if the girl he likes is taken
i take it like a man and i move on !! BUT, every time i move on i met a hott chick. i start comparing her with the one whos taken.. and that ruins everything!! am i too blind to see their hottness ?! to see that they do have good qualaties too

2007-03-13 10:31:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We dated steadily for 5 years and 8 months. Then she came to me asking for a break i gave it to her and she came back after a week. Then she was distant not calling as much and then she broke up with me at the end of Janurary. We still talked like we were together and hung out 4 times since then having sex everytime. We were together on Valentine's day.

The she started asking me if im over her and complaining that she is losing me. Everything was starting to get great between us then i wen to bermuda last week i spoke to her while i was there and she was saying i love you and i miss you like crazy and i cant wait to bring our kids there. So i get back and i have like 5 voicemails from her saying how much she misses me. I call her and she asks to come over i say sure she was excited. Then i get a call from my sis and she said i saw her in the mall with another guy. I called her and she said that was nothing he meant nothing. But all along she was assuring me she was not seeing anyon

2007-03-13 10:31:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

what then, what and how??

please advice, cause thats my situation and i am totaly loosing faith in love - please advice and help

thank you

2007-03-13 10:30:08 · 6 answers · asked by . 1 in Singles & Dating

There is this dude i developed an obsession with before i knew him.. i just wanted to get to know him.. and now i have, and were friends so i don't have a crush on him anymore... and he is a nice person to know. When i was crushing on him i used to stare at him from a distance, and always looked away quickly when he glanced up or something and my friends got into it to.. cuz he's sooo hot! nice butt too.. anyways, at about the time i was getting over him, he came to our church one night. We got to know each other and i forgot all about the crush and i think we are sorta friends now.. cuz he's just like his best friend whose one of my friends. So, suddenly, after that one night hanging out at church.. he starts finding me every day in the halls and walking with me to class, and i keep catching him looking at me, and everytime he walks by he smiles and waves and when i wave back he smiles somemore. And he was mentioning how he only spoke around people he knows but I barely know him!

2007-03-13 10:29:57 · 7 answers · asked by janna w 2 in Singles & Dating

just wondering how it always seems that when a woman draws her hand back to slap my face, she always nails me good, it's only happened twice though. both times on my left cheek. most guys can't see it coming either. but when a guy gets into it with another guy, we can usually see the blow coming. if you're female and you went to smack a guy, did you find the same thing? i've never seen a woman miss.

2007-03-13 10:29:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-13 10:29:04 · 36 answers · asked by Michelle 1 in Marriage & Divorce

do u think in a girl the only things that is important is boobs and the ***?

2007-03-13 10:28:57 · 14 answers · asked by hi ! (: 3 in Singles & Dating

what should i do? i really don't want to further this and i don't want to break up with him on his birthday. so what DO I DO?!

2007-03-13 10:28:46 · 7 answers · asked by piccilo hiccups 3 in Singles & Dating

I like a guy and he likes me. I asked him if I could borrow a movie I heard he had and he said he would search for it. He searched for it but couldn't find it because he left it in his old house, which is two hours away. First, he said "do you want me to go back and get it? I'll be back by tomorrow" I told him "no, it's okay I'll rent it and watch it" Now, today he asks me "did you see it?" I still haven't seen the movie and I told him "no, not yet, maybe next week". He said "I'll rent it" What does he mean by saying "I'll rent it?" For us to watch it together or for me to watch it?

2007-03-13 10:28:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-03-13 10:27:23 · 3 answers · asked by Queen of Angels 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-13 10:26:46 · 4 answers · asked by toofroggy2 1 in Family

wuts a good age to start dating??????

2007-03-13 10:26:37 · 27 answers · asked by missperfect 2 in Singles & Dating

If you check my questions you will see the story, lately he doesn't show sign of looking for escort service the past few days.

I think he might consider forgeting what he has done and try to be a bf now and maybe built on something more. But I have been a better gf because I know his dark secret and thinking when I confront it might beour last moment. Should I think that way? I know if I confront him it will be over because everything is laid out and we can't face each other anymore, at least I won't be able to know that he knows that I know and we both will be thinking what we know and it's hard to love each other.

Or now just let me pretend I don't know and that he thinks he can redeem himself by not looking at escort service now...

What do you think?

2007-03-13 10:26:22 · 1 answers · asked by Confused 2 in Singles & Dating

everyone found out tht i like this guy...so i told who all that knew tht i didnt...so now only a few people no that i still like him...
but one of my good friends, who doesnt no tht i still like him, starting likin him the day i told her i didnt anymore....n now shes "fallin' in love" with him even though it's only been 2 months...n everytime she tells me more and more abt how she likes him...i like him more too
but recently its been getting annoying cuz i have to cover the fact that i like him to her...n if i tell her...she'll try makin me stop likin him...like she did b4

What should i do?

2007-03-13 10:26:22 · 3 answers · asked by Ash 2 in Friends


ok..my bf and i are talkin on msn...and i really feel like turning him on!!! Wat can i say that wud make him go WOW
:) hehe

2007-03-13 10:25:53 · 6 answers · asked by GucciEnvyMe 2 in Singles & Dating

My friend started IMing him and she flirted with him just to see how far he would go. Long story short, he said that he needed to sleep with other women, that he still loved me but felt that he was getting older and wants to be with more women than he has. My friend "suggested" that they meet up and he said he would look at his schedule and get back to her. They "agreed" to not tell me (she did, of course) but then she says that it was all play and I shouldn't worry because she would never do that to me. I believe her. Not sure about him... Should I confront him or just brush it off as harmless flirting? She lives over 300 miles away from us so is not like she's accessible, but just to think that he even considered it makes my skin crawl!

2007-03-13 10:25:46 · 14 answers · asked by Ailama 1 in Singles & Dating

ok. my bff likes my boyfriend and they used 2 b 2gether! i dont know wut 2 do! if my boyfriend finds out she ikes him again, he might like her back! :( plz help me!

2007-03-13 10:25:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I am a freshman in high school and my mother still wont let me have a boyfriend. I get good grades in school and i will never get involved with drugs and alcohol. How do i convince her to let me go out with this guy. (hes a junior)

2007-03-13 10:25:14 · 4 answers · asked by mrs.somerhalder 2 in Singles & Dating

i ask "will u go out with me" to some guy i likes how do i know he will anwser it

2007-03-13 10:24:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

his other wife every other night and then you every other night? I'm asking because I'm Muslim and everyone knows Muslim men can have up to 4 wives and my husband has another wife and I'm not thrilled about him bringing his other wife into his country. Do you think I'm wrong for thinking that? And anyway if I wanted to divorce him I couldn't get custody of my kid because in my religion and in Saudi Arabia which is my husband's country the mother loses custody of all children over the age of 6. So I'm stuck because I couldn't leave my kids. Your thoughts please.

2007-03-13 10:24:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-03-13 10:24:03 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ihave been married 16 years my husband turned out to be a drunk and has verbally and mentally abused me for the last 4 yrs i stayed and tried ,i moved back to my moms house and he chaned the locks any body out ther that knows what i can do ,i do work but make very little money not enough to pay the high rents and live .thank you

2007-03-13 10:23:42 · 10 answers · asked by Kim M 1 in Marriage & Divorce

ok, so me and my bf were hugging during lunch. just hugging (i am in high school) and the teacher comes up and is like "I told u both to stop hugging and get off eachother give me your ID cards." it says nothing in the rules about hugging or kissing. i've seen students making out in plain sight and they don't get into any trouble. i think this is complete bull. freshman year the staff told us it is ok to kiss and hug as long as you are sticking your tongue halfway down your bf/gf's throat. and when the b***hy teacher came up to us, my friend & her bf were hugging behind us & she left them alone. tell me, do you think this is retarded and what should i do? oh, she also said "How would you like it if i were to call your parents, what do you think they will say?" my mother would get pissed at the teacher & his dad will get pissed @ her to. so, tell me. what should i do?

2007-03-13 10:23:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

When you boyfriend broke up with you but you were still friends and he wants you to call him alot, but when we were going out we wouldn't talk as much.

2007-03-13 10:23:09 · 11 answers · asked by kelli m 1 in Singles & Dating

My wife and I have only been married for the last two months. Before we were married we were together for about 6 years (since we were in high school basically). We never really had problems except one time (before we were together, we just use to hook up) we got in a fight and she was really mad at me and later we ended up dating and getting together. Several years after that I had heard by her friend that she told her friends when they were talking one night about me (because we had stopped hooking up) that something along the line of they she didnt care that we werent hooking up because I had a small dick anyways. Obviously, after I heard this i was very hurt and doubting my size. I looked intensley about penis size stuff and found that my size is pretty much average (measuring at 6"-61/2" in length and almost 5" in girth). So later I confronted her about what her friend said to me and she admitted saying that but she said she only said it because she was mad at me and

2007-03-13 10:22:53 · 1 answers · asked by Chris C 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

im presently bi sexual but it just seem to me more and more that str8 relationships doesn't do it for me. i fatacise abt gurlz so much and enjoy doing it with gurlz. what do u think i should do

2007-03-13 10:22:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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