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Family & Relationships - 11 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

What should I do? My mom always does this to me when I have money and I'm sick of it. I can't even enjoy money because she wants it.

2007-02-11 05:24:34 · 19 answers · asked by kjhk 1 in Family

My mother treats me differently than my siblings. I love my mother and my siblings they mean the world to me. I had always tried my level best to be a good daughter but no matter how hard i try to please her I never seem to get her aproval. It hurts me to feel this way. The only thing in life that brings me down and leaves me feeling weak and lonely is my mother's lack of affection towards me. Im not sure if it is normal to feel this way. I sometimes try not to think of it but no matter how hard i try i can never seem to avoid the conflict between the two of us. The outside world respects and think highly about me. Inspite of being known as confident person I suffer from a low self esteem, my mother has her special ways to bring me down. I dislike the way she takes sides when anyone of my siblings & I have a disagreement. I have a great job and I even manage people. But i can't have peace with the one person that matters to me the most. Do I need help

2007-02-11 05:24:19 · 8 answers · asked by julia1975 4 in Family

There seems to be a lot of uncertainty on this issue. From what I've heard, clitoral stimulation is the most important aspect of a female's sexuality. But, I've also heard that size does matter when it comes to reaching the "G Spot."

2007-02-11 05:23:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Imet this girl over 2 years ago and something was about to happen but i screwed things up by going back with the mother of my child. Over a year had passed and she finally forgave me but things weren't quite the same. Her mother had passed away during the time and she became quite depressed and closed herself off against being hurt again. Maybe I pushed things a little too quickly but she said she couldn't commit to anything right now so i said i'd back off and leave her to find peace within herself. Valentines is approaching and i'd already paid for the dozen red roses. I want to add just one song on a cd that would help her in some way but can't seem to find the right one. It needs to show that I love her but don't wan to pressure her and show her that there is still hope. Can you help?

2007-02-11 05:23:20 · 9 answers · asked by James M 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I broke up with Andy (my ex) in Nov. and I can't move on! I delete him from my buddy list on aim and then 10 sec. later decide to add him again. We don't get along, even though we've tried, and I already have another bf, so how do I move on and erase him completly from my memory?

2007-02-11 05:23:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I would like to know what it feels like,
Does it hurt?
Does it Tickle?
Does it feel really good?
How long does it last for?

2007-02-11 05:22:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hello Im getting married in 4 months Im sooooo happy, anyway a friend told me that there was this cool site online where I can buy customized iron-on rhinestones for some shirts, for example my bridesmaids and myself ofcourse. but I cant find the web site address she gave me. all I know is the name wich is: bb glamour
and I really want this site because the prices are great and I getting low on $$. Thanks soooo much!!!

2007-02-11 05:19:41 · 6 answers · asked by usa_007 1 in Weddings

Okey this will sound SO stupid.. but i need a few answers. I have always known im quite a jealous girl.. but i never thought id be this jealous. Well the story goes.. iv always had to share my ex boyfrends with other girls... 'threats' my exes used to call them.. nice i know.. until me and my current boyfrend got together. we have been together over 8 months and everything is amazing.. the only thing that i see as a slight problem.. well not problem but something i cant help feeling is jealousy towards his younger sister - as he and her are very close... and when i am around he usually ignores me. and i feel like im second in his life if you get what i mean? i know i shouldnt feel like this but i cant help it. do i say something to him.. problem is i dont want to sound selfish but i cant help the feeling.. cos whenever im at his house.. i feel REALLY out of place.. like he wud rather me not be there... and its rele bugging me. please answer and share your views asap. thank you.. x x x

2007-02-11 05:19:23 · 8 answers · asked by x_babyurastar_x 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Im curious as to how many girls go to a bar or club looking to meet a guy. Are you there to meet someone new and maybe start something with? Or are you there to catch a buzz and have fun with your friends?

2007-02-11 05:18:54 · 4 answers · asked by wheelsup 2 in Singles & Dating

Hello Im getting married in 4 months Im sooooo happy, anyway a friend told me that there was this cool site online where I can buy customized iron-on rhinestones for some shirts, for example my bridesmaids and myself ofcourse. but I cant find the web site address she gave me. all I know is the name wich is: bb glamour
and I really want this site because the prices are great and I getting low on $$. Thanks soooo much!!!

2007-02-11 05:18:52 · 5 answers · asked by usa_007 1 in Friends

i know this sounds completely nuts and paranoid, but he has just been acting a little odd lately. like one night i came home from work early, looking for some sex, and he was in the bedroom, having a sort of ritual, with all the lights off and a bunch of candles lit. it really freaked me out. and sometimes he says weird things, like "by lucifer" and such. i love him so much, and the question of marriage has popped up a few times, but i'm a catholic, and the whole idea of satanism just scares me.

2007-02-11 05:18:49 · 13 answers · asked by pink_ballet_slippers 1 in Singles & Dating

IM sexy

2007-02-11 05:17:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

who is not willing to get a job but complain how goverment should pay for his ***... why are soo many of these people out there I mean man and woman. Why don't most people would not consider job as an option but live like a homeless.

2007-02-11 05:16:26 · 1 answers · asked by Holy 2 in Singles & Dating

I like a guy. Before he didn`t notice me as much but then, when I changed my hair style he noticed me. But also when I changed my hairstyle and realized he liked me more thats when I also became more confedent and somewhat changed my personality.What I am asking is, does he really like me for me Or what I became and should I go back to my regular self and see if he really does like me?

2007-02-11 05:16:26 · 10 answers · asked by TomBoy 360 1 in Singles & Dating


2007-02-11 05:16:08 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i've been wondering about this for forever now. i have to know before V-Day!! would u like to get (4 V-Day) a chocolate chip cookie that says be mine, a love card, and one of those hallmark tigers??? PLEASE ANSWER THIS ASAP!!!

2007-02-11 05:16:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He says he really does care but he's so busy at work.

2007-02-11 05:16:00 · 2 answers · asked by Darksuga 2 in Singles & Dating

My husband is living in a different state and we are telling our kids that he is working out of town He is living in our former home that did not sell before we moved. He says that I am welcome to move back there but there is alot of dysfuntion he is an alcoholic and his drinking support system is there so I have no desire to move back. but I think that he knows this and this is all part of a plan to build a case to take my children. I have always been with them I am a stay at home mother I do not have any bad habits and they are pretty much my life, but he has made idle threats in the past and I know that he loves his kids so my gut is telling me that he is trying to build a case against me to take them. So my question is What are some things that I need to make sure not to do, that could cause him to win custody?

2007-02-11 05:15:27 · 24 answers · asked by sydphie 3 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-02-11 05:14:46 · 2 answers · asked by BRAINS! 5 in Singles & Dating

Me and my friend were waiting for our parents to pick us up. We are both in the 7th grade. While we were waiting, I asked if i could look at the pictures on his laptop, which he and his sister (who is in the 8th grade) share. He said yes. So there I was looking at the pictures, and all of a sudden I see a picture of his sister's BUTT!! His family is crazy like that, and it was up there probably as a joke...She is pretty cute, and she does have a sort of nice butt... BUT HOW DO I GET THIS IMAGE OUT OF MY HEAD?!

2007-02-11 05:12:40 · 22 answers · asked by Justin J 1 in Friends

i have a boyfriend that my parents dont kno about and i realllllllly like him.what should i get him for v-day?i wanna get him something sweet but i dont want my parents to get suspicious.oh and also we need a song.preferrably rock.whether it older or newer it doesnt matter.THANKS A BUNCHH!

2007-02-11 05:11:36 · 4 answers · asked by Hannah HaYwIrE!?1♥ 3 in Singles & Dating

does slapping her *** after we slow dance make her wanna ?

2007-02-11 05:11:27 · 4 answers · asked by storage b 1 in Singles & Dating

A yes or no will do, or explain if you wish.

2007-02-11 05:11:22 · 14 answers · asked by brp_13 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Any ideas for simple food at our reception??

We don't want a "sit-down-dinner".. I mean, they will be sitting down :) but we want trays/buffet style.

2007-02-11 05:11:09 · 11 answers · asked by Mrs.Neville 4 in Weddings

And why do men think that SIZE is sooo IMPORTANT??

2007-02-11 05:11:01 · 8 answers · asked by ilovepoison2820 5 in Singles & Dating

He sends me alot of dirty texts on what he would like to do to me. Yet says he wants a long term relationship.

2007-02-11 05:10:55 · 7 answers · asked by Darksuga 2 in Singles & Dating

I genuinely want to stop. I am looking for advice on how to.

2007-02-11 05:10:44 · 3 answers · asked by cubislowhigh 1 in Singles & Dating

EVERYONE LOVES HIM....my parents, my friends, my relatives....He is wonderful, caring, trustworthy, hot, great job, gorgeous house, genuine, would be a great father.....I have always been in drama filled relationships and FINALLY decided to get out of it after 7 years and this has been my 1st non drama relationship

I took a 6 month break and then met him. We clicked. We both wanted to get married to each other someday, have kids together, and live in our "now" house FOREVER.

One day my feelings clicked off. Honestly, I woke up one morning after we were dating for 3 months and had come to the conlusion that I didnt love him anymore. Since then I went on some anti-anxiety meds and my feelings have been up and down. When we are out of town I dont think about anything and have a good time with him, BUT when we are at home I get all anxious and feel like I dont love him anymore...I dont know why but the smallest things he does annoy me and the next day everything could be fine. I just dont feel as romantic as I used to with him. I still enjoy having sex with him and spending time with him but feel as though something is missing or I dont love him anymore? Please help, I hate hearing that I am not in love with him anymore...For some reason people re-assuring my love for him makes me feel better?!?!?

2007-02-11 05:09:06 · 12 answers · asked by dawson190154 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

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