I have seen 2 of my aunts stay in 25 yrs of abuse.And I wonder all my life why do they stay.I asked them, all they say is "I love him,or it's not his fault,he was rasied that way". Now my sister who has been married 15 yrs,is staying with her abusive husband.I helped her once to get away from him(3 yrs ago),She went back.Now for 3 yrs she hasn't been allowed to contact any of her family. She sneaks and calls my grandmother sometimes. And I asked her once after she went back why?And she said "Duh I love him".,,,Her and her children were safe with us. It broke me down mentally and physically when she went back. It hurt me more for the children,I have 2 girls they got very close to her girls,and now they keep wanting to know why she did this to her kids?WE were not raised to let a man beat us,but our father did mentally abuse our mom.Is it from being raised in abuse or what?
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Mother of 2 girls