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Family & Relationships - 14 October 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

my boyfriend always gets me stuff even when nothing special is going on, for some reason he always knows what to get me, but what should i get for a 15 year old guy?

2006-10-14 13:55:37 · 9 answers · asked by brianna banana 1 in Singles & Dating

My 11 yr old's father calls every 2 yrs and wants our son to come visit him out of state. Here's the situation: we divorced about 7 yrs ago and every time he goes to visit his father, there is always a different woman he's living with along with different kids. How do I explain to this person that he is not displaying a healthy relationship with his son. Everytime we talk, we end in an argument because he's so dense in the head. My son does not want to visit him, he's tried to tell his dad why and the man has an excuse for what has happened. I don't blame my son for not wanting to visit his dad. His dad feels I am the mastermind behind my son not wanting to visit him. So how do I get this man to understand why this 11 yr. old doesn't want to be around him? He thinks because he has a legal right to visit his son, that nothing else matters.

2006-10-14 13:55:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Relationship between a jr. in high school and a freshman in college that have dated for a year and a half- (not having any relationship problems just want to make him feel special).

2006-10-14 13:52:56 · 13 answers · asked by Adel 2 in Singles & Dating

Ask them.

That takes care of about 90% of the questions we see here.

Am I right, or am I letting the same questions over and over get to me? EEEYYAAHHHHH!!!

2006-10-14 13:52:30 · 3 answers · asked by You'll Never Outfox the Fox 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

I REALLY like this guy in my class. He is funny, sweet, cute, but he is as dumb as a doornail. We had our homecoming game yesterday and he just sat there the whole time. When he finally got up I said," Wow you're actualy walking around!" I'm afraid he's mad at me but I still like him. What should I do??

2006-10-14 13:52:29 · 13 answers · asked by <3 2 in Singles & Dating

Well for one i dont know the guy at all he juss sits in front of me in science class and i always look at him and he is cute so cute and he always looks at me and always asks me for gum. Thats the best part of the day is science. But i dont know him at all. So do i juss talk to him or juss start by like askin whats his name.? Or what do i say or do.? HELP! Lol

2006-10-14 13:52:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Two years ago, I was basically caught cheating with my ex-GF. Our marriage has been very strained since then. Throughout our 5 year marriage, my wife has been in contact often with an ex of hers. They email each other back and forth often, and often "cyber" through email. Some of the emails make it sound like they have a pretty good sexual relationship going. My wife doesn't know that I know about her ex and that I know that they are having sex. The thing is, I almost don't care if she wants to have sex with me and that other guy too, I just want to be able to do the same thing if/when I want to with a girl if I'm attracted and all that good stuff. What should I do?

2006-10-14 13:50:52 · 31 answers · asked by KT 3 in Marriage & Divorce

In a couple of months he'll be moving back to california and I'll be in Michigan. Im wondering if the reason we don't tell eachother we love eachother is that we know we'll be separating soon. I don't know what it is. I do know that I love him more than anything.

2006-10-14 13:50:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I love my best friend, he is a full on skater boy he also love vidio games and the compurter he dosen't give much though on grades, and he is lazy.....and im a prep I enjoy working hard getting on my compurter, and I care deeply about my grades.

2006-10-14 13:50:16 · 14 answers · asked by Remington W 1 in Singles & Dating

what do u think ( I need major help)?
he keeps asking me who I like and I want to tell him especially cuz he says if I tell him who he likes he will tell me who he likes and I really want to date him, he is my best guy friend and we sit together in everyclass I mean he acts like he likes me, my friends say it is a given what should I do. and I know he doesnt like like any of the other girls in the school (small school) cuz I asked him but he wont tell me who he likes, there is another girl and we r pretty good friends he says he kinda likes her, but he says there is a girl who he likes in OUR school, but he wont tell me and this girl who it is (we r trying to figure it out) we no it aint any of the other girls I mean I guess it must be me and this other girl maybe he likes both of us and cant decide, but he says shes is okay and I am with him like all the time in school (we r in the same grade all the same classes to) and he says the other girl is ok but he dont like any other girls

2006-10-14 13:49:56 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my friend kayelah left for a little bit and she is coming back in a few hours. i wanna go see a movie tonight and none of my other friends will answer their phones. i wanna do something tonight while kayelah is gone till she gets back. any ideas for tonight while im stuck at home? i'm like 15 by the way so no dumb stuff. lol

2006-10-14 13:48:43 · 19 answers · asked by kalyn s 1 in Friends

Its nothing really serious but i need suggestions.I have been a voluptuous gal like all my life and my boyfriend really likes it but of late i have lost quite a lot of weight,not through dieting or exercise or illness but i just dont have any appetite and thats why.I have always wished to be a bit slender and am totally excited as everyone is complimenting me on my looks...everyone except my boo who is annoyed that i have lost weight and is literally feeding me to regain my weight saying if i dont regain he will leave me.I know he wont leave but what you think i shd do?

2006-10-14 13:48:26 · 16 answers · asked by Mikillah 4 in Singles & Dating

one of my lab partners has a a gf, but i think he has been flirting with me. heres some expamples: bragging to me, inching closer to me, touching me( like brushing his leg up against mine, same with arm), copying some of the things i do, is always kinda looking at me, always talks about how dumb he is and stuff, but he's not. so is that flirting or just being nice?

2006-10-14 13:47:40 · 11 answers · asked by lildramagirl 2 in Singles & Dating

~~~I work in an office, have alot of phone calls comming in and going out, to Dr.s... The girl that works in the office with me,,,NEVER STOPS TALKING,,,,for 8 hours straight,,,stories about this friend and that friend, I have told her Im sorry to ignore you but I have alot of work to do,,,she just never shuts up,,,my boss (who works in a different office) even warned her about not talking so much,,,but she never ever stops,,,I even bought a radio thinking that would drown her out,,,,still she keeps talking ,,,stories about people I dont know,,and dont care about,,,,,,I want to run threw the building and yell ,," make her shut up! someone please make her stop talking!!!!!!!"
Can someone give me some helpfull hint to make her stop talking allllllllllllll day long,,,,,????? Please make her stop talking,,,,Please???

2006-10-14 13:46:27 · 15 answers · asked by ~~Penny~~ 5 in Friends

im alittle discouraged in this relationship (if i should even call it one). I've been dating this gut for about 3 months, in the beginning it was fun, we hungout a lot, went to lunch all that. He told me he would have a lot on his plate before all this, and told me it wouldnt be a problem. Now, i bearly see him and we never go out, with all the things he has going on( school, work, his business). i love and respect that he is so ambitous, but i feel he doesnt have time for me. I feel that if he really liked me he would make the time.

So last week i went to talk to him about it and he actually brought up first, he apoligized and said it would get better, and explained how he was a "complex" person. So, a week has gone by and no change. Should i move on? and find someone who has the time? Or should i give his a ultimatum? Is it so wrong to think that i deserve better?

2006-10-14 13:46:16 · 6 answers · asked by flo 2 in Singles & Dating

What do I do when this happens? he is a friend of mine, but I don't know if I should tell him that I like him. what do i do?

2006-10-14 13:45:45 · 12 answers · asked by CreativeGEEK 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-10-14 13:45:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-10-14 13:45:34 · 6 answers · asked by shanipooh2004 1 in Family

Here's the deal. I met this REALLY great guy (lets call him Ben)and we started hanging out. First we went out for coffee then he came over one night and we just chilled and watched TV and then the third time we hung out we went to a bible study with one of his roomates. This roomates (one of 3) is a girl. She has a crush on Ben but he doesn't like her in that way. I am not sure how Ben feels about me so I asked her if he had said anything about me. She responded with "Not to let you down or anything but he told me you two were just friends." I told her I was bummed and she said "don't worry I was really bummed too when I realized he would never like me like that". At first I was disappointed but then I started thinking that this girl might just be trying to push me away because she likes him and doesn't want to see him with anyone else. Do you think this is the case or is he really not interested in anything more than friendship?

2006-10-14 13:45:32 · 4 answers · asked by pnmnp222 1 in Singles & Dating

By 'manly' I guess I mean rugged, heavy set, 5 o' clock shadow, chisled jaw types.

I'm fairly young looking for my age (bit of a pretty boy) and am quite successful with girls, but often wonder what it would be like if I looked kind of 'meaner' if you know what I mean. :D

2006-10-14 13:45:31 · 24 answers · asked by Gilligan 5 in Singles & Dating

This guy I met in person told me that he wanted a relationship more than friendship here. He is fighting for his disability due to medical problems. He went to the doctor this past week and got some bad news about him facing surgery. For two days, I did not talk to me. I tried calling him and he ignored my calls etc... He did finally call me the third day and told me that he was sorry that he had a lot on his mind etc.... and later on that nite i asked him to come over and hang out and he said NO. And I then thought he was advoiding me all out.He started acting like a major jerk to me Two more days have gone past and no word out of him and he tells me earlier today that he thought I was pushing him to come over the other nite and I never did. He said he thought we should go our own ways etc..... I dont know what to think here. Do you think I was being played all this time or what? Please help me out! How do you see this situation as being? Im confused !

2006-10-14 13:45:06 · 3 answers · asked by southerncharmer73 1 in Singles & Dating

A lot of my friends around me are getting engaged and/or are married, I am not really looking for this but I am wondering why I can't seem to ever get a boyfriend. I am 23 and have never had one...I am starting to wonder if there is something wrong with me. Can anyone help?

2006-10-14 13:44:55 · 3 answers · asked by Adrienne B 3 in Singles & Dating

my friends name is ED and i put that down and everybodys like Erectile dysfunction?

2006-10-14 13:44:31 · 3 answers · asked by boythunder99 1 in Friends


what are you supposed to do if guys slap your *** and you dont whant to be known as a tatle tale?

2006-10-14 13:41:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I have green eyes

2006-10-14 13:41:10 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

the guy i'm dating is nice and all but he just doesn't have what i'm looking for in a guy. he has liked me sinc the 2nd grade and i don't want to break his heart by dumping him. how should i dump him without my friends doing it for me and what should i say?

2006-10-14 13:40:19 · 13 answers · asked by morocco103k7 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-10-14 13:39:22 · 9 answers · asked by ashley m 1 in Family

her don come to my house trying to destroy my marriage and my husband agreed does any one have a mother in law who needs to mind her business

2006-10-14 13:39:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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