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Family & Relationships - 16 September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My mom and I are at each other's throats. She says EXTREMELY hurtful things to me (like if people really close to me drown in a creek that she wouldn't send flowers and she wouldn't attend the funeral and that she hates them and wishes that would happen to them) and then when I bring them up in the middle of a fight she denies them and makes me feel like I'm going insane. I want to move out of my house and in with my dad, my parents split up about 6 years ago and my dad lost visitation rights. Since then, however, he has gone through counseling and really gotten his act together, we have recently reconnected and started to bond again and I think I would be much more stable living there. I don't want to get my dad in trouble but I can't stay here with my mom mentally abusing me like this. (My mom and I have also been in a physical confrontation but neither of us 'started' it) I want out, please help.

2006-09-16 09:51:32 · 8 answers · asked by jeffsgirl 1 in Singles & Dating

Im 14 he's 16 and im a freshman at out highschool while he's a junior.When we were on the bus he asked me for my phone # and i gave it to him and he said he would call around 5 o'clock and he did we talked about music,were he worked at and family and even more than that.We had a good coversation.I liked him before he asked for my number and was so happy when he asked for it.ON the phone he asked me did i have a boyfriend and i said no. It's been about a week and he has not called back am i impatient?will he call me back?does he like me?or should i just let it go.he still talks to me on the bus and playfully hits me.

2006-09-16 09:51:31 · 4 answers · asked by baby*Phat 2 in Singles & Dating

Hey all,
so i have a bf who i've been seing for 5 mo. we are both 17 in case u are wondering. a few days a go he asked me to homecoming. well one of our mutual friends decided to go with us as well...without even asking if this was okay. The problem is, she jjust recently broke up with her bf and she has been really clingy and touchy feely with mine. Her excuse is that he is her best freind and she is just getting closer because she ditched him and her other friends when she was in a relationship. So now she will be a third wheel in our homecoming group becuz everyone we aere going with is a couple and she will probably tag along wherever my bf goes. She is really ggettting on my nerves but i don'[t want to say nethign because my bf is really good freidnds with her and maybe i am just being too possesive but this will be my first homecoming wtih him and i don'[t want to worry about here. what shoudl i say or do in this situations without neone's feelings getting hurt and without ..

2006-09-16 09:51:06 · 7 answers · asked by danichika 1 in Singles & Dating

With 12-13 girls invited!!

2006-09-16 09:48:59 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2 in Friends

I am 16 yrs old, and I am ready to get my own apartment. I have told my parents that my best friend and I are going to roommates, and I'm going to split the rent with her, and I'll stay in the same town. But they won't listen, they are SO over-protective! I've always had a good relationship with my parent, but they have sheltered me far too much, and I'm ready to make my own decisions! Any ideas on how to convince them?

2006-09-16 09:48:57 · 20 answers · asked by Me & Me 3 in Family

My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year and have sex constantly, but lately, for the past couple months he's having a hard time getting me to "climax". Don't get me wrong he's GOOD at what he does and we have so much fun but I just don't a "catch one". Is it me??? HELP!!!

2006-09-16 09:48:22 · 12 answers · asked by way2clase 1 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and i been going out for a year and two mouths. I think he's cheating on me. This girl called my boyfriend on his cell twice when i'm always around. And my boyfriend is always late. when he was suppose to come over to hang out . I told him I didn't like when his friends as girls call him. I told him that to tell them not to call him anymore and I ask him , if he's cheating on me. But he says he's not. We plan to get married after colllege and start a familey . I love him with all my heart. but i'm afriad to get hurt agian. I want to beilve him ,but i got cheated on so many times. please help me out. Thanks .

2006-09-16 09:48:11 · 16 answers · asked by kitty 6 in Singles & Dating

I am startin to realize that I am a bad listener.... Any Suggestions on how to turn this around???

2006-09-16 09:47:33 · 8 answers · asked by Meg 1 in Singles & Dating

i have this huge crush on a guy but i don't know if he feels the same way. what do u think?we used to be really good friends and talked all the time then a grl found out i liked him and told him everything and he stopped talking to me but then over the summer he started e-mailing, instant messaging, and texting me again like 24/7 so when skool started i thought we would be really good friends again but i was so-so wrong he won't talk to me unless i start the convo. but he still talks to me online all the time he talks to my bff all the time about me though and i always catch him staring at me and when i look over he turns his head fast so when we like go to asemblies and his friends sit by me he sits furthest away except lately he has benn getting closer and closer and he walks past me at lunch except he is so close i could trip him just by moving my foot my friends say hes trying to get my attention but im not sure that's it what do u think

2006-09-16 09:47:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

It's like I know I'm better off without him and I'm happier with out him but it really does SUCK! It's so hard to get used to sleeping alone. I'm used to it now but I still miss having someone. Don't you hate break ups? Sorry, I'm bored!! : P

2006-09-16 09:45:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

okay sooo i am getting pretty frustrated with my friends boyfriend... i have found that i dont like him any more..(thx to the ppl that answered my other question) but today my friend and i 3 wayed him and he said that i could go hang with them on thurseday wen they went to hang...(my friend and him there bf gf) and i told him that i didnt want to intrude... then he told me that i wouldnt be...(while my friend was on the fone) then after i got done talking to him he called her and then she told me that he told her that i was inviting my self... it made me really mad and then my friend started taking his side... and to make matters worse he has been telling my friend that i need a life and i need to go get i guy..... wat should i do!?!? i have a life and i have a guy.... wat is his problem? wat is hers?

2006-09-16 09:45:25 · 6 answers · asked by Sierra D 1 in Friends

there's this boy that I REALLLY like, and I think he likes me too. we've been friends since kindergarten. I don't want to ruin a good friendship in case he doesn't like me back. what should I do?

2006-09-16 09:45:08 · 9 answers · asked by lauren 2 in Friends

2006-09-16 09:45:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

i hated my first time
i was 14 i was pressured to do it by an older guy
and i was wondering if as many people regret their first time?

2006-09-16 09:44:32 · 24 answers · asked by brazilianbeauty 2 in Singles & Dating

Me and my boyfriend go out all the time, but tonight, we are both a bit strapped for cash. We've gone bowling, mini golfing, gone to the movies a billion and five times, we go walking. I'm just running out of ideas for our dates. Any cool, cheap ideas out there for us to do? I know some of you are complete creative geniuses, Someone must have an idea!

2006-09-16 09:44:27 · 10 answers · asked by Megan T 2 in Singles & Dating

take this girl out for a meal the other night....and on the way back from the chippy(chip shop) she totally ignored me.

2006-09-16 09:44:22 · 15 answers · asked by ? 5 in Singles & Dating

I like carrying women on my shoulders-but do women like it? Any expierence?

2006-09-16 09:44:17 · 4 answers · asked by Gyula S 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

These rude boys steal my purse and dig through them, I have a side zipper, and they try to open it. I have medicine, and tampons. I have to act violently to get it back, because asking and being polite isn't enough. The dig through my booksack, and try to steal my stuff. They aren't flirting they are being rude and obnoxious. It's embarrasing, they take my things and when the bell rings for next period they run, and throw my stuff around. Then ,my friend and I have to be late to class to find my things, it makes me mad and very upset. I had to punch one of them to regain possesion of my purse. I'm 13.

2006-09-16 09:43:56 · 6 answers · asked by Lovely_Lady™ 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I love a girl since last 4 yrs. We were together in English speaking class. We have never met. I want to propose her.
I planned to phone. then planned to post letter to her home address with my photo.
Now I am thinking to-
-create new email account on her name
-send a proposing email with my photo to that new email address.
-Post a letter to her home address with new email account, password and request her to go near cyber cafe and check that email account.
(Will she go and check email? Will She answer?)

I will be grateful if GIRLS answer.

2006-09-16 09:43:16 · 22 answers · asked by Rajesh 1 in Weddings

What's a "Friend with Benefits"?

2006-09-16 09:42:49 · 11 answers · asked by Mr. Brightside 3 in Friends

She broke up with me because she said she doesn't have the same feelings for me as she used to when we first started dating. She told me that she never had a guy who liked her as much as I did..but over the summer, which was a really long time, she lost feelings for me. She said she needed a break, but she still likes me alot. She said she just needs a break..so what should I do??

2006-09-16 09:41:44 · 20 answers · asked by RKO 2 in Singles & Dating

There is this girl that i lke and she looks at me alot. but....she doesnt smile or anything. She just gives me these quik glances. she was sitting 3 seats away when i saw her lean over. She was looking at me. I dont no wy.....but she gives me this look. not mean.not nice.just a calm look. We havnt talked yet. I DONT NO WAT TO DO!!!!!

2006-09-16 09:41:15 · 7 answers · asked by LOST-ECHO8P 1 in Friends

i cant go anywhere they take my cellphone that i bought away every night i am an honor student i can even ride a bike with out a helmet for gods sake im 15 i cant have a boyfriend i cant stay after school to take a test without my mom callin me or roamin the school im the only child at my house i cry because they treat me like a little kid i want thnis to change i cant live like this any more what should i do

2006-09-16 09:39:58 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Early days, he conveyed that his taste in girls is completely opposite of me, he likes girls who are NOT like me at all. Me & him also opposite

If i ever somehow implied that we were behaving like an old married couple (which in my opinion we still do) he'd make fun and say things like "not in a milion years"

But now, he "jokes" about with me and brings up being "together" himself, like physically and intimately being together - i just try to shrug it off.

Like yesterday he told me to "keep the bed warm for me" - isnt that flirting?
And another time, he was talking about how he wants me to come and look after him because he's ill, and how he'd take care of me if i was ill.....o.O or even cook for him. This isnt normal is it?!

Been friends for 8 months, quite close

He talks about other girls to me, "fit" girls who are potential love interests, teases me and makes fun of me most times, argues with me over the most stupidest things, talks to me when online EVERY time..

2006-09-16 09:39:53 · 19 answers · asked by Miss Terious 3 in Singles & Dating

I've been dating the same guy for 5 yrs now, we recently got married a year ago hasnt changed anything as we lived together before.
He has no interest in me what so ever last year we had sex twise...he's fine with that.
This year once, all of my other relationships previous were very sexually fufilling.
I'm so confused don't know if I should leave him find someone who does want to be with me in a sexual way...he keeps saying he does want to be with me, he's trying but still nothing happens. I'm 34 all my friends are having kids or simply having sex, what should I do he really is a nice guy but I'm so lonely, depressed and worst of all sexually frustrated.
He goes to a therapist every two weeks who's recommended viagra which he refuses to take.
Does anyone know of a good sexual therapist or something for him before I throw in the towel..pls I'd really appreciate it!!

2006-09-16 09:38:51 · 19 answers · asked by janice v 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-16 09:35:51 · 34 answers · asked by Sherry G 1 in Singles & Dating

Is it possible for a man to find a woman more beautiful every day?
What makes a man desire a woman?
Can a relationship between a man and woman stay strong?

I love passionate and sensual woman, but it's difficult to find the right one that are true. I'm not afraid of commitment, but I'm still looking for that woman to come in my life and to have this type of relationship.

2006-09-16 09:35:37 · 15 answers · asked by Not a superhero 1 in Singles & Dating

What does a guy want to see to recognise that a girl fancies him and wants more?

2006-09-16 09:35:31 · 8 answers · asked by gini 1 in Singles & Dating

This all started this past Monday night(Sept.11)when I recieved a voicemail message on my cell phone from my girlfriend! In the message,she stated "We need to talk! It's about US!" Tuesday night comes along and she calls me @ my grand-mothers house after our small group meeting just to say that "I don't love you anymore" & "It's over"! I was crying/devastated/heart-broken when she said this! I was just wondering from all of my friends here @ www.answers.yahoo.com if I'll ever find somebody new and get ovewr her(my newest ex-girlfriend)????????????????????

2006-09-16 09:35:29 · 8 answers · asked by michael_kleman2003 2 in Singles & Dating

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