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Family & Relationships - 15 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Wife left me after 26 years , how or where can a guy at 47 years old meet single gals ??

2006-09-15 16:11:07 · 8 answers · asked by joel s 3 in Singles & Dating

okay met this gurl two days ago and i asked her out to dinner and stuff yesterday... she told me yes, and she told me that she wasn't sure if she could go... and that she was doing stuff with her friends that day.. and if they leave early that she will be able to go.. but she told me to call her today so she could let me know.... and i call her and she still was not certain about it... so now she says she will call me before they leave or even if they dont.. she said said if she can or can't go she will still call me but it is damn near 8 now and she still hasn't called what the hell is going on?? did she play me?? and if she calls me should i pick up and if not when should i call back??

2006-09-15 16:10:45 · 21 answers · asked by Shaboobalaboopie 1 in Singles & Dating

every guy sucks! they're incredibly clueless when it comes to relashhionships and i get so vexed about it! should i jsut go out with them anyway or wait the rest of my youth to find someone who wont be as clueless?!

2006-09-15 16:10:33 · 12 answers · asked by clim234 2 in Singles & Dating

They live in another country and this will be their first visit to the good ol USA. Her dad, brother, and sister. We live in a one bedroom apartment. They want to stay for 3 MONTHS with us. We will need to pay for everything and keep them entertained. I have no problem with them but this will stretch our budget not to mention my nerves. I've mentioned this to my wife and she'll have none of it! We're newlyweds and I'm desperately trying to avoid WW3 right out of the gates. They haven't seen each other in 6 years and they're coming whether I like it or not. WHAT DO I DO?

2006-09-15 16:10:30 · 15 answers · asked by redrum5785 3 in Family

And have no children. I want children but could not find the right man. Now that I think I have found the right man and have become engaged, he tells me he has had a visectomy. I am so depressed and know my biological clock is ticking. What should I do. I kind of don't want to adopt as I want my own child.

2006-09-15 16:09:50 · 16 answers · asked by devinshell 3 in Marriage & Divorce

i like this girl alot and she likes me alot but won't go out with me because i'm one of her friends's ex and her bestfriend likes me to. she also dosen't want to get me in trouble because im older and her perents are up tight about boys and got one of her other boyfriends in trouble be for. so we came to a deal and decided to go back to being friends and forget about what happened between us. the problem is i thought i can handle it but i can't it hurts holding in the feelings and acting like theres nothing there. what else hurts is that she can't so easily hide it. i need some advice and no sarcastic @#$% eather

2006-09-15 16:09:17 · 9 answers · asked by Ben S 2 in Singles & Dating

What do i do? I really love this guy, i have loved him for 6 years.He was married but now hes divorced and after they split up me and him started to get close again and he said that he loves me, but now he is going to jail because of his ex-wife over domestic violence which never even happened! Cause she lied about everything! So what do i do? He ran from the cops , i have no idea where he's at, and i am very worried about him, cuz if he goes to jail then i will never see him again? And i just cant take that. Help?

Ok well i know that he is not guilty cuz for one my cousin jason was there and he saw the whole thing! And yea it makes him sound guilty, cuz he is running from the police, but hes not, and his wife is mad at me cuz she said that i ruined there marriage and i know i didnt cuz i live in West Virginia and they were living in FLorida at the time.And well thats kind of impossible.I just care for him so much and dont know where to turn? I know hes wrong, but i love him?

2006-09-15 16:08:24 · 15 answers · asked by juggalette606060 2 in Friends

for a long time no one remembers me, talk about me, send me messages etc. Now i have become bored of previous love dull time. I want some one heartly say me the love sentences. i will be very greatful and enjoyful after a long time.

2006-09-15 16:08:23 · 10 answers · asked by banyamin12 1 in Singles & Dating

they say they want honesty, sincereity, character, commitment, respect, communication, but those are the guys that get the least dates/sex. why don't women just be honest??

2006-09-15 16:07:08 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My wife and I have been seperated for about 2 1/2 months now. I left because we lived with her mother and it was a constant battle and her mother was the head of the household and her not me. Anyway after I left (only about 36 hours later) I came back only to be told she wants to be apart and she is living with her mom and my kids and I am in my own apartment. I have left notes, sent flowers, sent text messages, left little gifts all to try to say sorry and it is not her and I still love her but I get nothing back, not even a thank you for the stuff I left for her. I still love her with all my heart but the hanging on kills me.

2006-09-15 16:06:47 · 22 answers · asked by jbrown280000 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I haven't dated in a while, except for a number of one nite stands this summer. (I'm gay and have depression and tons of other baggage). Should I actively seek to date?

2006-09-15 16:06:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Seriously 3 guys in my class are either intimadated by the fact that im a girl and class president. I need some opinions if i need to approach them or let it go.

2006-09-15 16:06:06 · 8 answers · asked by Jessi 1 in Friends

I have a very comfortable life , I travel, I paint, I do sports, I'm a very happy person; but when I come to one of my homes, I feel trapped.

2006-09-15 16:04:49 · 8 answers · asked by bumpb4 2 in Family

He claims that he misses me and can't wait until I come home. (I'm deployed) Anyways, when we got married he told me he was going to get me a ring and a couple days before he told me that he wasn't going to buy it because it was too much money. So, I bought my own ring. He told me at first that he wasn't going to wear a ring at all, and now suposedly he is. When I call him he doesn't answer his phone I barely get any emails. He didn't even get a house for me to come home to when I redeploy. He says that when I get back he is going to buy me a car. You know I don't believe his ***, I guess I'm not trying to say does he love me I just want to know why am I still here? Its not love, I don't even know why I married him or why I'm with him anymore. I just think I need to write it down or tell someone so hey why not, I told everyone on the internet, let me thank you all now for your replies, by the way I'm 20 an dhave no kids.

2006-09-15 16:04:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

He thrives on making me jealous. We go out, he flirts with others, sweet talking, repeated eye contacts, turning head after a girl pass by, and all that goes. When with his friends, he talks about how he wants other women and they tell me on the first occasion after what I fall into depression for months. When is with me acts like he is forced to be at the place; or is approached by his guy friends who regularly bring girls to introduce to him. Not even once, my husband turned to me and said, “this is my wife”, I would sit/stand/whatever/ totally ignored. He spreads out that he has jealous wife and it is milked by max and by all, my dear readers. Desperately tries to get me into swinging. Addicted to porn, has sites with family incest. He hurts me on daily basis.
Before you say leave him, please try to help and tell me how can I return the favour? How to make him jealous? Because I tried talking to him for decade of marriage now, and he explains how it is an every guy thing, and is ok. He wants me to go out and have fun with guys, his friends are ok to go out with (???!!) but when one got closer and he thought I liked him, he sabotaged and ruined it. Somehow, down the road, I lost all my guy friends b/c he didn’t like them.

2006-09-15 16:04:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I've been with my girlfriend for 7 months a few weeks ago she found out that i'd held something back from her during that time, it was pretty big but we got through it all she asked was that i'm totally honest with her in future. Fair enough, the last few weeks whenever she's asked how i'm feeeling i've told her, if things were bothering me about myself, her, work, friends, anything really i've just told her. I don't think there's been a weekend yet where haven't ended up not speaking to one another!
We work together, she got some good news at work yesterday i'm happy for her but it brought me down in respect of how I feel about my job. I told her this she's thinks i'm bringing her down. I was just being honest. Is it worth it?

2006-09-15 16:02:56 · 18 answers · asked by Nicholas M 1 in Singles & Dating

I have a really great professional relationship with one of my supervisors at work. My problem is, whenever we have any type of after-work gathering, this supervisor does not talk to me, but other coworkers notice him staring at me. I don't understand why he is unable to have a friendly conversation with me - would it be completely unprofessional for me to ask him why? (If not, how could I ask him?) I've worked with him for almost 2 years now, and according to other co-workers, he's always raving about what a great worker I am, but I would like to be able to talk to him about something other than work. Any advice?

2006-09-15 16:02:48 · 6 answers · asked by a a 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

i just started having sex with this guy who is a virgin. we are both adults but i am very sexually expierenced and he obviously isnt. he has no idea what he is doing and i dont know what to do. should i just keep on telling him he is doing fine and encouraging him or should i tell him exactley what to do. i dont want to hurt his feelings or cuase him to become shy and insecure but i would really like to be able to have an orgasm. how do i tell him what to do without hurting his feelings. im kind of shy when it comes to talking about sex i have always been with guys who knew what they were doing so i never have had to say anything. what should i do?

2006-09-15 16:01:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a new bf..we've been dating for like a week.I'm not shy,with my friends and family i talk alottt and he does that too.But when im with him i get shy and dont know what to tell him,and he said that the same thing happens 2 him.We have almost the same likes and music taste and everything..and we already talked about all that. && now when we go out we almost say a thing.And we have those embarrasing silent moments. So..what should i say to him??I have no idea.Nothing comes in my mind. When we meet,im like "heyy!.whats up?..what did u do today?..etc etc" and after we talk a little,i run out of ideas :-D...what should i do to stop the silent moments and start to talk more?

2006-09-15 16:00:37 · 16 answers · asked by Lollirot 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-15 15:58:11 · 14 answers · asked by chaosman89 2 in Singles & Dating

this girl is the light of my world how do i show her i love her .going out for a month

2006-09-15 15:57:54 · 17 answers · asked by musicmaker048 1 in Singles & Dating

Well I've like this girl for 7 months, but I dont know if she likes me or not. Well when I asked some of her friends they said " she likes me, but she wants me know me a lil bit more." Well that was like 5 months ago or something. But well its kinda confusing you know. Alot of stuff have had happened that makes me curious if she lieks me or not. Now we're in highschool we go to different school. Well when I liked this one other girl ( the other girl that i like), my friend said that shes taken. So I was kindof sad about that. But then when her friend and her ( the girl that i like for 7 months) knew about it. They left me a Voice message. They were singing for me to make me happy. So then when I was talkin to the girl that I've like for 7 months she said " it sounds like youre not happy talkin to me" so I was like " no im really happy ( in a sad voice )...sorry about the confusing story. I just made the story really really short. I hope you understand it.

2006-09-15 15:57:44 · 3 answers · asked by confused person 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I had never had a real kiss or a relationship! so will I have a relationship in the future? Im 16 and all depressed about it, so can u please help me!

2006-09-15 15:55:20 · 24 answers · asked by Amanda P 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

thanks for the answers. i did forget to mention that before the paternity question thing came up he just recently told me he was still missing the things his child's mother used to do to him. (who he is not sure if the child is his) while he was with me!!! keep in mind she had a sexual relationship with his friend while he was still with her. could it be that he does not want to do the paternity test because he still wants to hang on to the fact that she is his babymom? it seems like if he finds out the child is his it will really hit home that she did all those things behind his back yet he loved her so much he doesn't want to know if the child is his. maybe he doesn't want to let go. i need some opinion as to what to do from here. cause am half way out the door. i don't want to compete with his child's mom. anyone??????

2006-09-15 15:55:14 · 6 answers · asked by sexylousleo 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

giirls talk to other
guys on the net?

myspace..yahoo.chatting etc.

i mean it means nothing.
why would you get so upset.
is it worth losing a relationship

why are guys so..dumb!?

2006-09-15 15:54:16 · 34 answers · asked by xtegx 1 in Singles & Dating

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