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Family & Relationships - 7 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Lets take religion out of the picture since that is a freedom we should have in the country to differ on. How will it hurt society if my partner and I of 13 years share insurance, money, health and employment benefits, etc. What is the problem..I just dont get it?

2006-07-07 04:25:33 · 26 answers · asked by daleatuop 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-07-07 04:23:57 · 38 answers · asked by Viviana 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Why do we all LIE when someone says hey how are u, we always say good great ok fine.....well here is your chance to be honest and hell even vent a little if you want. SO REALLY HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY???

2006-07-07 04:22:19 · 12 answers · asked by shadow_lion 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I cant stand the fact that my ex is happy while i'm feeling miserable. Cant get to clean the flat, cook or eat.
Cant stand staying alone at home and I think my friends are getting tired of me talking about my ex.
The thing is I'm so hurt for what he did to me. I know he's having a great time right now, partying,..and whatever else he's doing. I saw him with two of his exes just after we split up and its only been a week! How can men move on so quickly?

2006-07-07 04:21:29 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What are the differences in personality traits in a girlfriend and just a female friend?
Is a girl who is into football and laughs and jokes the same way a guy does, but is clearly femenine at the same time, just friend material, or capable of more?
or do guys just go for the typical sweet girl who likes cuddly bears and flowers and non-stop shopping?
i cant see how guys choose how someone is just friend material or whether that girl can be something more...where does the difference lie?

i dont think i made much sense but try and answer anyway!

2006-07-07 04:20:44 · 33 answers · asked by Miss Terious 3 in Friends

Thinking about putting a classified add on a singles webiste. What kind of thing do women look for?

2006-07-07 04:19:06 · 13 answers · asked by CJ75 1 in Singles & Dating

My sister & boyfriend ended up together about 5 years ago. She lived with him for 2 years and had my parents convinced they were just roomates, when she swore she would never tell my mom the truth I lost all respect for her. She is now with some other guy and assumed I would be in her wedding, I accepted just to keep my parents happy but I don't think I should have to take time out of my life to go to the shower. I bought gifts, but I absolutely don't want to ruin my only day off this week by attending a shower of someone I really don't like. I am tired of people telling me to "let it go" if I could let it go, I wouldn't be going to a therapist because of this. What do you think I should do. For God's sake I WILL be in the wedding!

2006-07-07 04:18:59 · 57 answers · asked by metalicgirl69 3 in Friends

My girls are in alot of activites, they dance ( since they were 3) they are now 10 and 8 and very good i might add.
My 10 yr old is a cheerleader, Student council rep, dance instuctor asst and HONOR ROLL studnet. ( and has NEVER been in trouble at school)
My 8 yr old, just started playing baseball, ( with the boys) and found out to be a good player. She even made the all star team. She dances also, plays basketball and is also an HONOR ROLL Student.( NO BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS EITHER) and believe it or not she is all girl,in a boys body.

I keep them encouraged and in activites.
Dad doesn seem to want to be a part and that is fine,not is flexible with times that i can meet him when the kids activites conflicts.
Thus making the kids decided what they want to do. I refuse for them to decide and i make the decisions, and of course the decisions are FOR THE KIDS ALWAYS. despite how tired i am of running everyone to practices.

2006-07-07 04:18:00 · 9 answers · asked by !@#$$ 2 in Family

Do you see a difference between Northern and Southern names for Grandparents?
My family is from the south...
My maternal grandparents - Granny and Paw-Paw
My paternal grandparents - Nana and Grandpaw or Bumper - the first grandchild chose that name and so we all called him Bumper.
My husband's mom is from the north and her parents are known by the grandchildren as Gram-ma and Gram-pa.
Hubby's dad is from the south and his parents are known as
Granny and Pa.
I think the most unusual grandparent names I've ever heard(more so than my "Bumper" for my grandfather) are what my cousins kids call my Aunt and Uncle. It started when one cousin was dating a lady (who he later married) with 2 young daughters, and they asked one day while visiting what they could call my Aunt and Uncle. My Aunt came up with Queen and King and the girls would be the princesses. So now all of her grandchildren call them King and Queen.

2006-07-07 04:17:40 · 19 answers · asked by pottersclay70 6 in Family

2006-07-07 04:17:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

When does it go from being a long kiss to making out? When does it go from being just making out to something more?

2006-07-07 04:17:26 · 4 answers · asked by WhiteHat 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

Please post your answer on his question and then just give me a little note saying you've done it... we will both pick a best answer so there's a possibility of 20 points plus 2 here and 2 there...24 points...doesn't get much better than that....lol... please just do your best.... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Al86_zFiCfCv5yzq2rygDKHsy6IX?qid=20060706210912AAYNsmw

2006-07-07 04:15:52 · 28 answers · asked by colorist 6 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am 24 in shape, attractive
he is 25 in shape..we are on no meds
married less than 2 years
sex once a month or can go even longer WITHOUT IT OR FOREPLAY
I have talked to him about it
he says "nothing is wrong..sex isnt important"
He says he is not gay..is not cheating on me
I try NEW things..am always naked around him/take showers with him...try to tease him.
ask him if he wants to do anything new.
he never wants to try anything new
he hates sex toys-- hates porn and doesnt masturbate
He has no interest in sex at all..
I am at wits end...

2006-07-07 04:15:45 · 56 answers · asked by beAn*s MoMmy 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I had sex w my friend, while we were totaly aware. It's been a week and we haven't talk together, he didn't call me and me niether. I have no idea what does he think, and what is he looking for, is that gonna continue? is he looking for a relationship or just sex? what should I do? I just feel so weird:(

2006-07-07 04:13:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

If two people have been friends for a long time and one of them has feelings for the other and have had since the beginning of their friendship, should they stay friends or is it not good for them?? Will the person with feelings ever just see the other one as only a frined and nothing more??

2006-07-07 04:13:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

My husband is talking to his ex-girl friend of 20 years on his cell.

2006-07-07 04:12:53 · 13 answers · asked by Jro 3 in Marriage & Divorce

If i hate you doesnt mean i am a lesbian/ugly/fat in my country girls doesnt swing the both ways.I just hate you all for so many reasons.You people are nesty and so so stupid.Why do you do think your going to get laid when we look at you with a big smile?Yes hopefully one day i will find a slave for me who will be more then happy to stay on my leash,eat my left over and get overused by me everyday.SMILE you dumb freaks.ha ha ha ha

2006-07-07 04:12:27 · 18 answers · asked by Sona 1 in Singles & Dating


2006-07-07 04:11:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

when he first died, i was jus like ok he's gone he's never comin back. i didn't get upset or anything and i jus moved on with my life. but lately i've been hearing him laugh and stuff and sometimes i'll walk into the house and be something will be missing and i'll be like um...where's justin? and then it takes like a minute or so to remember. it's been 9 months, so he hasn't been around for awhile. so why just now am i starting to hear him, and forget that he is gone?
has this ever happened to anyone?

2006-07-07 04:11:12 · 7 answers · asked by lifeistough_period 1 in Friends

ive finished with my boyfriend of two years who i still love but we need to end for various reasons. i love him with all my heart still and i NEED to let go. whats the best thing to think about to get over him and stop this hurt im feeling xx

2006-07-07 04:10:38 · 40 answers · asked by princess 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have an amazing Fiancee. We have been having problems with his ex wife. I know that if he wanted to, that she would go back to him if he decided that. I know he loves me very much, and I know that this wont happen, but I am scared he will leave me for her. she always calls him and trying so hard to get him back, and each time he does not answer his phone, I think something is up. I freak myself out, and it ends up nothing. how can I let it go, and not let it bother me and think something is wrong if I cant get ahold of him ( we are doing a long distance relationship at the moment) there is no reason for me not to trust him, but I cant keep the past relationships that have hurt me, out of this one

2006-07-07 04:10:05 · 8 answers · asked by love2traveljen 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

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