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Family & Relationships - 7 July 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

the question refers to a wedding and only has seven letters i think

2006-07-07 05:14:00 · 8 answers · asked by Winnie G 1 in Weddings

I'm doing a baseball video for little league and need a good toe-tapping song. I already have the one "Coach put me in" or something like that. But I'd like a good hip hop song. Nothing explicit please these are young teenagers.

2006-07-07 05:13:43 · 6 answers · asked by Wanna-be-Dear-Abby 3 in Family

My mother goes out of her way to make me feel bad. Nothing I ever do is right and I find myself trying so hard to please her. I threw her a surprise party 2 years ago and instead of thanking me, she told me that she did not ever want me to do that for her again and the happier I am she will find some way to make me feel bad in her own little way.
I am an adult now and I can't take it anymore, should I stay away from her or just deal with it?

2006-07-07 05:11:19 · 11 answers · asked by mommyj2u 2 in Family

My boyfriend asked me to marry him last week. Of course I accepted!

I'm 20 and he's 24. We've been together for just over a year and we've been living together for almost 9 months.

We are planning on getting married in about 4 or 5 years time when we have saved enough money for a nice wedding. We want to do it properly, not just in a registry office.

Is this a normal length of time to wait? What are other people's stories about getting married? I'm so excited I can hardly wait! 4 or 5 years seems such a long time away!

2006-07-07 05:10:27 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

hi there my little brother taylor has recently caught on to my bad attitude and i have changed mine to the innocent little goody good that does what she is told. but two days ago taylor started to seal money from my parents and he has kept going into my room and taking my makeup and then when i tell him not to do that he wines "i'm not, i'm not!" and it is starting to make me really really mad! so please tell me how to deal with this problem!

2006-07-07 05:10:15 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2 in Family

cause of some small understandings so should i fight for her or just let her go

2006-07-07 05:09:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I would like to know three thing what does and girl want in a guy and what do girls look for to find one that she thinks is right for her? please answer I'm just confused about that one

2006-07-07 05:08:53 · 24 answers · asked by Mark C 2 in Singles & Dating

i have liked this guy at school for ages, we used to talk and stuff, but then, for some reason he stoped talking to me, and he dosen't even sit next me when he is asked by a teacher he tells someone else to sit there instead. i always see him talking to lots of girls. i know that the chances of him fancying me are the same as me winning the lottory, but i still can't stop thinking about him, i want to be near him all the time, if i ever see him anywere i get this really weird feeling in my stomach. help help, how do a forget about him

2006-07-07 05:07:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

At the grocery, in parks, at the mall. I'm a tall, muscular middle aged guy. Is this some sort of daddy fetish, or are they just practcing their flirting on me? I really would like to understand this.

2006-07-07 05:06:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My younger brother is a minister - in every conversation, he talks about the Bible and God. He can’t hold a real conversation about life here on earth. We were born and raised in church and I have a personal relationship with God – I enjoy his conversations. The problem I have is he’s engaged to be married in this fall, his soon to be wife is moving in with him very soon. This is considered shacking and we know when you live together you sleep together. Should I say something or just keep my big mouth closed?

2006-07-07 05:05:56 · 34 answers · asked by Sparkles 2 in Family

I've been with my boyfriend 6 months and I feel like he's started to take me for granted. I've tried to act 'cool' around him, to come across less 'clingy' and 'available' but if I'm like that in his company he starts to think that something is wrong and that I'm being moody so I feel like I can't win!?

2006-07-07 05:05:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What do you prefer? My mom said that guys like long hair on girls...because they like to fondle it...and put their fingers thru it....is that true guys?

2006-07-07 05:05:35 · 23 answers · asked by mountaingirl88 3 in Singles & Dating

No REDHEADS in this one! i dont care if you think this is shallow.
just humour us and tell us which one is definately prettier despite their poses!

#1 http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=14464303&MyToken=859c0703-e2d7-45d4-810f-7431acde7825


#2 www.myspace.com/frenchdesire

i aint either..i am the red head who doesnt have myspace! :)

2006-07-07 05:03:58 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

And please tell me why or why not...I can't stand it...my nose is freezing off!

2006-07-07 05:03:56 · 25 answers · asked by Neo 2 in Friends

o.k. heres the question me & my boyfriend who wuz together 4 six months. we broke up cuz we constantly fought and argued. but anyways i guess u can say we both moved on from each other cuz hes talking to sum 1 else and i am 2. but we still see each other on the side he talks to 2 other girls and they both tell him they love him & he tells them they dont mean that. but when i tell him i luv him he says it back and i really do still luv him but i have feelings 4 the other guy 2 but its not luv so what should i do should i give the ex another chance or move on with the new new?

2006-07-07 05:03:54 · 9 answers · asked by tiana a.k.a miss thickness 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

we have been friend for about a year,but lately she has been very snappy with me. every time we talk about anything we always disagree. I find myself just agreeing with her to keep from arguring. i care for her very much but don't know if i can take it any more. three months ago we have a bad argument and decided to part as friend,it only lasted 2 days. then we made up. but the same thing is happening again. things in her life are not going very well,and my life is going great, i feel guilty talking about my life around her , i try to help her out financially as much as possible. I don't know what more i can do. help.

2006-07-07 05:02:38 · 8 answers · asked by mailgirl 1 in Friends

It's for my sister in laws step children. (girls)

2006-07-07 05:02:23 · 6 answers · asked by bjsmama 4 in Other - Family & Relationships


2006-07-07 05:00:49 · 7 answers · asked by satanmonsterlord 2 in Singles & Dating

I think my 13 year old brother has a crush on his teacher but he doesn't want to contact her even when the teacher calls him he doesn't call her back..she is friends with our family..the teacher is engaged!

2006-07-07 05:00:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-07-07 05:00:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I knew the women and we were suppose to be friends. Any way he says they mostly complained about there spouse meaning me and her about her husband. He told me they cybered but what he did was tell her what he wanted to do to me and what he wished i would do. i found a lot of the chats and she persued him. Do you think this is cheating? I made him leave but let him come back to try to work things out we have three children under 5. He said he only talk to her cause he was lonely. I was working second shift and he was home with 2 of the kids. He claimed cause i was working second we didn't feel like a couple. I was pregnant at the time it started also. he says he was not getting enough attention neither was I. I told him i was feeling neglected he never told me. Sorry if this is to much info or not enough lol.

2006-07-07 04:59:43 · 29 answers · asked by SiberianHusky_8 2 in Marriage & Divorce

what are some steps to introduce yourself to a girl. If you like her and you want to get with her, what do you have to say... The girl is extremely sexy and can get any man she wants she is around her mid 20's and has men droowling over her. please help.

2006-07-07 04:58:38 · 16 answers · asked by Sr 2 in Singles & Dating

1st-to be my slave,eat my left over.stay on a leash.i wil wake you up everymorning by beating your a*s up.yea NO SEX
2nd-let me just burn you up alive.
Come on tell me which one you like better.

2006-07-07 04:58:31 · 24 answers · asked by Sona 1 in Singles & Dating

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