I've heard lots of complainers about it. The fact that Al Gore is promoting it, the fact that the musicians themselves aren't truly green if they use jets and limos, that it's more of a waste to make the concerts live than anything.
I'm no fan of Al Gore of course. I thought the muscians were trying to be green themselves. Just because your mode of transportation isn't green, doesn't mean you're not green. People use jets all the time, and musicians can't? I also thought they were using hybrids and that stuff. All concerts take up lots of energy. At least Live Earth made it green, by promoting efficient lighting, recycling bins (heavily enforced), and lots of greening up the venues.
People also complain that people are just in it for the acts. At least Live Earth is also trying to promote a message throughout the event. It's going to take time for everybody to be more green, and a little (or big) helps. They gave tons of tips on how to be green easily. Any opinions on this?
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