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It doesn't exist and I'm tired of all these commercials and ads and everyone saying "go green" in some way. Very annoying. Is there anyone else like this?!

2007-07-07 15:34:30 · 36 answers · asked by masaki 2 in Environment Global Warming

36 answers

I agree. But I disagree about the "Go Green" part. I have no problem with people buying better products that reduce the use of fossil fuels and our dependency on foreign oil. Plus there is nothing wrong with cleaning up the air of smog and other pollutants.

2007-07-07 16:16:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

It is real. It is only the under educated Americans which believe that there is still any controversy when it comes to Global Warming. From a scientific perspective, global warming is no longer a debatable issue. There are a few scientists which doubt that GW is human caused, but the vast majority agree that global warming is caused by rising CO2 levels whch started at the same time as the industrial revolution.

2007-07-07 18:18:02 · answer #2 · answered by craige09 2 · 3 3

I can see both sides of the story, going green isn't going to hurt anything, if that's where the money is, that's where corporations will go. As for the chart cited above, an 8/10 degree change in 140 years is not a trend. There was recently a study of ice cores that showed over several millions of years hotter climates matched up with evidence of solar flare activity. As to the point that it's over 110 degrees in Arizona and New Mexico, no kidding, it's summer in the desert! Happens every year, every summer. Don't panic folks, the sky isn't falling.

2007-07-07 16:07:53 · answer #3 · answered by Captain Happy Pants 6 · 4 3

YOU, NEED TO BE MORE EDUCATED BEFORE MAKING AN ARGUMENT LIKE THIS. IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK TO TURN YOUR THERMOSTAT DOWN A FEW DEGREES? Or to walk to where you need to go when it is only 5 minutes away?!?! Global warming may not be caused by us, but you can't deny our overuse of energy is a little, I don't know.. maybe WASTEFUL? It doesn't hurt to do our Earth a little good now and then. It's our home. It takes care of us everyday so in turn, we should take care of it! Can you also tell me SMOG doesnt exist? The elderly FAKING NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATHE? The hole in the ozone doesn't exist? Groundlevel ozone doesn't exist? The billions of plastic bags in our garbage dumps doesnt exist? You think Toronto is sending send its garbage to the US for great amounts of money PER TRUCK for the heck of it? Going green doesnt apply strictly to global warming you know. You can maybe save yourself a couple of bucks on electricity by getting some flourescent lightbulbs around your house. After you have done that, you can walk to the bookstore and purchase some books about 'going green' to further educate yourself on this topic!

art psycho, there are enough problems in the world as is. We all should know that by now. This wouldn't have been brought to our attention if it wasn't important. AND there is NOTHING wrong with young people taking a stand. It is their generation that will be living on this Earth. If its a problem they DON'T want to deal with, they DON'T want to RISK, if the simply want to take better care of their plant, then I don't think there is ANYTHING wrong with that..

2007-07-07 16:06:28 · answer #4 · answered by Cynthia G 3 · 4 3

No. I think its real. I've lived in the same city since I was 3 and the climate is way different now.

Its hotter, and there are a lot more thunderstorms than their used to be. Plus winter is starting to seem like fall. And even if global warming doesn't exsist going green is still good to keep down air pollution because that really messes up people with asthma and allergies and stuff like that.

2007-07-07 15:39:31 · answer #5 · answered by Devan! 5 · 9 3

I used to believe global warming didn't exist & got irritated every time I heard it...until I started doing some reading on the subject. Yes, global warming does exist...and it is something to be concerned about...which means we each have to do our little share to make it better. I have forgotten the scientific facts about this so can not share the exact causes & effects. Do a Google search & see what you come up with. Global warming is...real111

2007-07-07 15:54:07 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

even if it doesn't, if you "go green" you'll save money! i think they should emphasise that more in the commercials so that people who don't believe in global warming at least do something.

2007-07-07 17:40:10 · answer #7 · answered by rt1290 6 · 4 0

In Europe we are not vulnerable to the same brainwashing's by the government and the church
And judging by most peoples spelling ,the people are on avarage more intelligent ,or have better sense of self preservation

you will find most people in America who agree with you
And it is getting boring to try and convince you guys.

I think we should just let the Americans get on with it
and wallow in their bliss.And Let Global Warming get you unprepared .

But you will not win forever and when your Empire crashes
you people deserve everything that is coming to you

Its pathetic to realise that the world is gonna be ruled by you people ,when you have killed most of the others and installed you New World Order

Every year 150.000 people die related to Global Warming
,3500 people died in Europe In 2003
But because they were not Americans it is not Important to you people I know

2007-07-07 17:56:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

You can tell who doesn't know history by the answers.

For one thing, the earth was in a cooling spell between 1940 and 1975. It's been warming since then, but the temperatures they measure from are in cities, which are hotter than other places, so the data is skewed anyway.

When measured from satellites, the temperature of the earth has only varied by about a quarter of a degree over the last 500 years.

This is about as stable as you can get, but a stable planet doesn't make money for the "climate scientists." The real money is in creating a panic out of nothing and convincing ignorant people that humans are the cause of something that isn't even proven to be happening. Once they convince enough people they can start with the extra taxes on industries which will raise the prices of all products, thus increase government and take more money from the average people. This is just another socialist ploy done to degrade the economy.

In reality, the global cycles seem to be about 500 years. There was a warm period during the middle ages proof of that is in the grapes they grew during that period. Then the earth went into a mini ice age for the next 500 years. All of this is documented. It's been constantly warming since then, but only by less than a half a degree per century.

Charlatans like Gore cherry-pick data and then they get thousands of "scientists" to agree, even though only a few know anything about climate changes. Anyone who disagrees is slandered and drummed out of the business.

The pure ignorance of so many is what's amazing. Most honest scientists say that there's no evidence of CO2 doing anything but benefits towards the planet. And the rise in CO2 follows a rise in temperatures. Since CO2 is less than 0.03% of the atmosphere, it's hard to blame it for anything. The greenhouse gases are mostly water vapor and without the greenhouse effect, we'd freeze every night when the sun went down.

I'm sick of having to educate people on this subject. If you want to believe in "global warming" without any proof, then do so, but realize that it's a religion and those of us who want to rely on proof do not want to be forced to join your religion.

Ask anyone over 70 if they believe it's warmer now. They'll tell you that it's actually cooler now than it was in the 1930's. There are parts of Florida that used to grow orange trees in the 40's, but not anymore. It's too cold these days.

Here's a good source of data. Click the link and do the quiz. You might just learn something. There's millions more links and movies that oppose the Gore doctrine. Search on google and youtube for global warming swindles and cons.

2007-07-07 16:00:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 2 8

I hear someone like Dana make a moronic statement like ZERO scientists disagree with the concept of AGW, and I have to laugh. If someone with a master's in science lacks the reasoning skills to comprehend the obvious invalidity of that statement, then what hope does any of the lesser educated people gullible enough to buy into this motley crew of hypotheses and bureaucratic wet dreams?

The story of lemmings following each other over cliffs, plunging en masse to their deaths is a myth. Well, if lemmings were sentient. then their "lemmings" would be GW alarmists,...only their stories would be based on fact.

2007-07-07 21:00:02 · answer #10 · answered by 3DM 5 · 2 4

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