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I was watching the news the other day and Al Gore was talking about how the polar caps are melting. This one subject makes no sense to me. If the caps were really melting, water levels world wide would be rising. Coastal cities like Miami, Seattle, St. Petersburg, and Sydney would all be flooded or flooding, but their not. In fact, water levels in these regions haven't changed at all in the last century.
Besides, a large portion of the poles melt in the summer and refreeze in the winter it's been going on for millions of years. Which I guess that's why we only hear about global warming in the summer.

2007-07-07 14:27:40 · 14 answers · asked by big_scott_larock 2 in Environment Global Warming

14 answers

That's true ask Al Gore why doesn't he recycle and plant trees? I guess he thinks he's better than all of us since he uses more energy than we do. Also ask Al Gore and the other GW's where was the SUV's during the dust bowl back in the 1930's?

2007-07-07 14:39:28 · answer #1 · answered by **Anti-PeTA** 5 · 1 3

Global warming isn't just about the melting caps, the melting caps do cause flooding but the temperature change affects not just water and flooding, it affects the penguins and life forms, and without penguins who feed on fish, those fish breed more and more and more and it is a cycle where everything goes out of whack from just a few degrees. It takes awhile for changes to occur and we're seeing them now with the penguins having less and less areas to stay on in winter, the ice isn't thick enough. Global warming also is about natural disasters, take a look at India all flooded, Kansas all flooded, just where I live in NY it's like living in Florida it's so hot and now dry, every place is affected differently from the trend. The winters get worse, storms worse, more storms, earthquakes, etc. We hear about it more in the summer because some places now are getting intense heat like never before. When I was younger, 80's were hot, now it's close to 100 here and the rain isn't rain it's violent thunderstorms, tornado warnings, straightline thunderstorms, ect. Geez, we had a major snowstorm in October that cut power to people for weeks, 2 feet of snow in Oct is stupid, that's global warming, the severe strange weather.

2007-07-07 21:53:58 · answer #2 · answered by classeequeen 2 · 1 1

dont need to say anything, just wait for a century, when all ice melted and the whole world is flooded. that will shut them up. so yea if you dont believe it, keep going, emit more CO2, let the ice on each pole become smaller and smaller. i would love to see how those people's face look like. why venus is hotter than mercury? mercury is much closer than the sun, but venus has heavy CO2.

for the answerer above, NY is still cold. you cant tell the difference. you are not a polar bear or a penguin. when earth temperature raise 1C, you think you can feel the difference? sure, its only 1C, this is not room temperature.

2007-07-07 22:14:42 · answer #3 · answered by Rax 2 · 2 1

They say in due time these cities will flood and all that bs. Ice is supposed to melt when it is warm, the earth has gone through about a dozen ice ages and warming periods and as I recall, humans has not been an issue during those times because we weren't even around.

2007-07-07 21:40:00 · answer #4 · answered by HAGAR!!! 6 · 1 1

So not true.
We are having unusual weather problems everywhere. Those in England are especially worried b/c it is already affecting the Gulf Stream, which affects their climate. The climate they're used to enables them to be garden-obsessed and controls the climate to a livable state. Remember, this is a world-wide concern, not a US political issue.
Also, the attention to this particular issue seemed to 'come out' in the winter. I remember seeing a lot of magazine's with green covers around Jan/Feb and hearing my g'ma (who's getting older and repeating whatever she hears on the Limbaugh show) that people must feel stupid since they're going on about global warming and New York is having such cold weather.
I've heard both sides of the argument, during the winter up until now, and it's obvious to me that, even with the evidence available, people will try to cling on to denial, when they think it gives them a reason not to do anything.

2007-07-07 22:09:53 · answer #5 · answered by strpenta 7 · 0 2

Global warming has no basis in scientific fact. The latest issue of the Journal of Science, THE place were scientists from all over the world submit research papers for peer review. Only the papers with scientist facts approved by other scientists are printed in the Journal. For every so called scientist, like ALGore, there are 10 real scientists who say the facts do not support the global warming theory. Heck 10-15 years ago the alarmists were running around saying we were entering a new ice age and we'd all have to move south to survive.

2007-07-07 21:41:13 · answer #6 · answered by Linda S 5 · 2 3

LOL global warming supposed to be science, now it ended up political. because of Al Gore made a movie about that. you cant trust that video above completely. its really about which side you are on, republican or democrat. LOL! i am not helping al gore or oppose republican, i am not into political. i just telling the truth. before al gore made that movie, everybody believe in global warming. everybody tried to reduce CO2. they built better cars. they planted more trees. and now, they say global warming doesnt exist. how pathetic politicians are.
watch, next time if Al gore make a movie about pluto, pluto will become a political subject. both parties will end up fighting whether pluto is a planet or not. LMAO!!!!

2007-07-07 21:39:43 · answer #7 · answered by ۞_ʞɾ_۝ 6 · 3 1

Don't listen to haters. Find out the truth for yourself at SGW.org or at climatecrisis.org.
Al Gore has nothing to gain from what he is doing, I know where those of you who talk cr_p about him stand, what do you think 7/7/07's events are all about? Did they just make that up to have a party? Grow up and open your eyes!

2007-07-07 21:59:24 · answer #8 · answered by flpantherlady7 2 · 2 1

yea i agree with Jack, before that AI Gore made that movie. everyone believed in global warming. why du think we built cars that emit less carbon dioxide? why did we plant more tree? why did we try so hard to reduce air pollution? why do we build hybrit car? to save the environment.
now, because of that Al gore made that movie, suddenly those who used to believe in global warming now say global warming doesnt exist. wtf is that? How much did they pay you?
you see when you ask about global warming, the 1st thing you will get is Al gore. wtf? hey you, its not about him. you think Al gore make the climate change. I dont give a **** what Al gore has done. I just believe the truth.

2007-07-07 22:02:49 · answer #9 · answered by NOMEGA 1 · 2 1

Sea levels are rising. If you would just take a moment to do a search you will find evidence of this from several major university studies. Learn before you talk.

2007-07-07 21:44:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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