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Environment - August 2007

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Alternative Fuel Vehicles · Conservation · Global Warming · Green Living · Other - Environment

The Stern Report and the IPCC Report have already shown us that unless we take measures to halt massive global warming our economies will suffer drastically, and yet you refuse to acknowledge the valid science underlying these reports and actually set targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Without a safe environment and safe living conditions for humanity we will have numerous problems both nationally and internationally, including millions of environmental refugees who will be forced to flee their homelands. Please understand that the environment and economics are inextricably linked and without a safe environment you cannot have good economics.

2007-08-07 14:13:40 · 8 answers · asked by angela c 1 in Global Warming

Our planet is dying and no one seems to have answers how to fix it do you think there is still hope to reverse the damge we have done to his planet?

2007-08-07 14:06:07 · 14 answers · asked by sarah76 3 in Global Warming

2007-08-07 14:02:35 · 18 answers · asked by sarah76 3 in Global Warming

its real people and im not scared by al gore he is helping us by telling us solutions we can do ... and cant you feel it i mean each summer is getting hotter my big question is WHY dont some people beleive in it

2007-08-07 14:00:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

I mean, I am very energy conscieous, so I never turn on the A/C in my home unless the temp goes above 92 degrees. But most people just leave it on set at 70 degrees. The result is that the hotter it gets, the MORE the A/C comes on. In a cooled down house, the Water heater will come on more often, and you would use more hot water than you would if the house was hot as hell. All this energy comes from COAL burning at the local electric power plant. Add that CO2 to the additional CO2 produced when you drive around with your windows up and the A/C on full blast and I woud say that you have to agree that Global Warming is definitely CAUSING increased production of man-made CO2. So couldn't the data just APPEAR as though man-made CO2 is causing global warming when in reality its the other way around?

2007-08-07 13:54:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

for those of you who deny global warming, how would you argue against those who say prove is all over the place.

2007-08-07 13:47:22 · 15 answers · asked by Razgriz01 4 in Global Warming

Remember that the planet has experienced fickle as well as changing weather conditions across the globe over hundreds of thousands of years. So why do the governments decide now that the human species is mainly to blame?
And please realise that all the experts that offer supposedly scientific graphs and reports to qualify governments imposed remedies on us to use less of everything and yet pay more for everything. Whereas the reality is the main problem is the Sun in our sky has the greatest impact on all out weather conditions. And this we cannot change. But governments and much as certain well-known politicians will continue to bombard us with their extermely clever conditioning, and the general public swallow this wholesale.

2007-08-07 12:55:51 · 21 answers · asked by swifttruman 2 in Global Warming

Did you ever wonder this if it happened to you?

Have fun with this and please don't be too cruel. lol

2007-08-07 12:30:12 · 5 answers · asked by Yafooey! 5 in Other - Environment

I want to start a global warming group for my school. does anyone have any suggestion on how to get started or any activities or stuff we can do. anything will be great!

2007-08-07 12:06:13 · 8 answers · asked by reptar 3 in Global Warming

It has dawned upon me that people who dislike Al Gore don't support the Global Warming and Live earth issues. Now its all basically saying, clean up your back yard, stop using too much electricity and try to recycle. Is that so bad/hard to do? What is the big deal? Global Warming issues existed long before Al Gore decided to run for president the first time, so please Wake up and smell the fresh air, plant a tree....

2007-08-07 11:56:24 · 13 answers · asked by Sarah 4 in Global Warming

This really boggles my mind. The man is a science FICTION writer. He wrote 'Jurassic Park' - a story about dinosaurs being cloned and put in an amusement park.

GW deniers say 'but look at all the references in his book'. Have any of you even bothered to read those references? How do you know he interpreted them correctly? I know of one example he distorted terribly - James Hansen's 1988 climate predictions.

In 1988 Hansen predicted future global warming based on 3 different scenarios, depending on how our greenhouse gas emissions changed during that period. Crichton ignored two of those scenarios (one of which - the one Hansen predicted to be the most likely - turned out to be extremely accurate) and focused only on the most inaccurate scenario, concluding:

"Dr. Hansen overestimated [global warming] by 300 percent" (p247).


This science fiction novel which distorts the evidence so badly is one of the best GW denier sources??

2007-08-07 11:55:42 · 7 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Global Warming

Why are todays youth not in the streets about global warming which will make their lives truly horrific and miserable if its not stoppped. Anybody under 30 should be rioting the government and corporations about global warming. Why are todays youyt ASLEEP and what will it ytake to get them to WAKE UP??

2007-08-07 11:42:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

2007-08-07 11:30:58 · 19 answers · asked by Kiwi4lyfe 1 in Global Warming

I heard that by 2030 that our oil supplies will run out. Is this true?

If it is, then could I speculate that the rise in gas is because the companies realize this and want the most money they can get, and the government doesn't bother to stop them?

Just a speculation, I could be totally wrong....

2007-08-07 11:25:34 · 12 answers · asked by shawn. 2 in Green Living

2007-08-07 11:13:46 · 12 answers · asked by DT 4 in Global Warming

My conservative friends say it's split 50%, while my liberal friends say it's 100%. I know neither is right, so i was hoping someone could provide me with a link to a survey or something.

2007-08-07 11:09:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

As George Monbiot writes, James Hansen's research suggests that this is the case.

"The IPCC predicts that sea levels could rise by as much as 59cm this century. Hansen’s paper argues that the slow melting of ice sheets the panel expects doesn’t fit the data. The geological record suggests that ice at the poles does not melt in a gradual and linear fashion, but flips suddenly from one state to another. When temperatures increased to 2-3 degrees above today’s level 3.5 million years ago, sea levels rose not by 59 centimetres but by 25 metres. The ice responded immediately to changes in temperature."


Hansen's paper available here:


If Hansen is correct, our tendency not to react until a problem's consequences are very tangible may be our downfall.

2007-08-07 11:07:13 · 5 answers · asked by Dana1981 7 in Global Warming

Can a wood burning fireplace uses a metal chimney that run indoor to release all valuable energy before it cools down and goes out the wall (not roof)?

2007-08-07 10:07:39 · 8 answers · asked by Xiaopin R 1 in Green Living

Think about it. Take water, seperate hydrogen from oxygen, get fuel. Exhaust? Heat, and air. It's already been done in some motorcycles. Not very expensive either.

2007-08-07 10:01:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

I have some extra Olive Oil but instead of storing till I need to put on salades can I mix it with my number 2 fuel oil to burn?

2007-08-07 09:11:21 · 3 answers · asked by Robert C 1 in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

I know it's hard work to "live off the land" and lessen our impact on the world, but I'd like to do so. Some ways I know already, like using solar panels as my sole source of electricity, and growing all my own food. But what about things like heating water (I guess I could do that over a fire) and getting running water (from a nearby stream is convenient, but not all that practical)? What about refrigeration and going to the bathroom? Anyone know these things?

2007-08-07 09:09:05 · 76 answers · asked by Anonymous in Green Living

They seem to be if we go by no emissions as compared to fuel fed vehicles. But don't they emit bad vapors in the air, too when the batteries are being recharged? And in the long run, what happens when billions of batteries die out and needed to be replaced? Where do you dump them or what's left of them? They would surely pollute big time. So is it really a good alternative against fuel fed vehicles?

2007-08-07 08:51:28 · 16 answers · asked by wind m 4 in Alternative Fuel Vehicles

Can any one let me Know what is the maximum power generation capacity of single solar cell

1.75 Watt or 2 Watt or more than that

2007-08-07 08:50:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Green Living

The milankovitch cycles can predict long term climate patterns, when it's supposed to get warmer, when it's supposed to get cooler. It's not a mystery.

This is NOT a time when the earth should normally be increasing temperature so quickly. The milankovitch cyles PROVE this.

Why do people still think that mankind is not contributing to global warming?

2007-08-07 08:42:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

Never before in history has man discovered this number of new and unseen species These species range from Whales to Mushrooms and everything between.

Clearly warmth is good for life. This is why co2 values lag temp values by some 800 years.


2007-08-07 08:25:49 · 8 answers · asked by Dr Jello 7 in Global Warming

The Milankovitch cycles can predict future climate patterns over the long term. The changes are gradual, over thousands of years.

Even though the warming in the last couple decades is only by a degree or so, it is still WAY too fast to be accounted for by natural climate patterns alone.

My question is, why on earth does anyone still think the slight warming we have experienced is due to natural weather patterns?

2007-08-07 07:54:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Global Warming

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