if televisions go digital what does that mean for the ones with basic non SD/HD tvs. If they can no longer be used, will there be a way we can make a trade for a digital tv. Also will the antennas that are used for the basic local channels, will they have to be replaced with a different type of antenna, or will antennas be eliminated all together, since there probably will no longer be any need for them.
Right now, we have 3 basic cable ready tvs, you know the ones where the antennas hook into the back like VCRs do. And we have only 1 SDTV, which is basically a cross between HD and Basic television.
By the way, are electronic antennas that have a dish on them and you have to turn the knobs to get a signal basically the same as a rabbit ear antenna.
I'm basically wanting to know exactly what is suppose to happen when all televisions go digital.
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