I've just downloaded Ares, I'm new to it and I need some help on how to use it. I need the basics and need to know stuff.how can i make it download stuff faster.
I 've been using Limewire for a while know and it seems that Limewire is downloading faster??
Also, I've bees using Limewire, and i've come to problem, everytime I use it now, after every 20 to 30 minutes, it turns of or shuts down by itself and my downloads don't get completed. I have to open it op over and over again. How can I Stop this.
And Finally, which is much better and easier to use,
Ares or Limewire???
and from the previuos questions, can you tell me specifically and as much detailed as possible on who to do all that I need to do???Please!!!!???!?
3 answers
asked by
John Ghost