I need to revise my program... Help!!
This is a binary search tree
which lets the user input numbers, display the numbers in increasing order and delete a number of the user's choice...
this is the url of the program: http://dianejane.blogdrive.com ,i entitled it binary search tree in the blog...
I need to change it to accept words, display the words in alphabetical order, delete a word.. or and if possible search a word..
and oh yeah, I'm really confused on how to add a meaning to these words, should i use another bst??
so the output would be like this:
choose an operation
1 add
2 display
3 delete
4 seach //optional
*presses 1*
Add a word: Keyboard
It's meaning: Inputting device
*presses any key*
choose an operation
1 add
2 display
3 delete
4 seach //optional
*presses 3*
Delete what word? Mouse
word not found
choose an operation
1 add
2 display
3 delete
4 seach //optional
5 exit
*presses 5*
press any key to continue..
2 answers
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Programming & Design