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Renting & Real Estate

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I got hurt on the landlord's property due to his negligence of not fixing the porch as he was told to. I have medical bills that are up to my neck and he is hiding his insurance. what are some ways i can trick him into telling me his insurance.someone told me to ask him about renters insurance and him what company i can use. or i can just go up to him and ask him? which one is better anyone have any ideas. All i need is my medical bills to be paid. im not be greedy.

2007-12-26 02:11:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone threaten to lien me, but I have no house, but soon I am going to buy, can he lien me? We have no contract.

2007-12-26 02:01:07 · 6 answers · asked by S C 1

My husband and I are ready to buy our first home. The market in our area is strange. It is a small town so average wages are fairly low. And real estate is pretty high. It's only BELOW $40,000. if it is just barley liveable. Anything that only needs cosmetic work done to it is $75,000. and up! To me that is ridiculous! We do not want any more headaches, so we have decidied to go with a modular or, site built home, on about a 1/2 an acre of land. Since we are first timers, and a modular home is not considered a "trailer" , what would our options be as far as deals for first timers? What would be some good questions to ask the builder, and loan agent? What would be some thing we need to watch out for? Any suggestion?

2007-12-26 00:55:30 · 5 answers · asked by Snow 6

If I have a real estate license, how exactly can I benefit from that?

I am 24 years old and own 1 house, I am looking to buy more housing in a college town to rent properties and also flip them. Would having a Real Estate License for the state I am in behoove me?

2007-12-26 00:20:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Paying 1/2 mortgage every 2 weeks or paying 13 full mortgage payments a year. Thanks for any help.

2007-12-25 23:53:33 · 6 answers · asked by Hoss_Cartwheel 1

Its a beautiful hidden piece of land, with a pond and many types of wildlife living on it, the police and firemens association own it but are just squating on it till its worthless. they have no interest in the land (I swim there daily, weather permitting, a stadium was built adjacent to it (but hidden by trees) and since its been there the water is getting dirtier and dirtier. What avenue would be best to deem this land protected and off limits to development or neglect?

2007-12-25 23:53:14 · 3 answers · asked by cherry 4

My mortgage was sold in June 2007 to a new lender. Of course, I'd already sent my payment to the old lender. Well, now my old lender is withholding my June payment from the new lender for reasons beyond me. As a result, every payment that I make (which has been on time) is appearing as 30 days late because they are applying it to the previous month. I have faxed proof of payment to my new lender who has been trying to contact the old lender but keeps getting the "we're sending it out today" story. I make countless weekly calls to both companies speaking with various "managers and supervisors" to no avail. My new company states they may have to advance payment to my account and go directly after old lender but seems to be dragging their feet about it. As a result my credit score is falling. I just don't know what to do at this point and neither company is really helping me. Does anyone have any advice? Do I need to take legal action? All advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

2007-12-25 18:36:13 · 6 answers · asked by Sonya W 1

My husband has taken a job in Seattle and we are moving in 2 months from the Midwest. I am currently a school counselor at a large school and looking for a job. Any websites that are helpful? The cost of houses are unbelievable. We have pets so renting is not an option, or is it? Any suggestions? Are banks a bit more flexible since the cost of housing is so high? Do educators earn higher salaries? We currently own a huge home here but paid 1/3 of what it would cost in Seattle area. Not sure how people afford to live out there. Would appreciate any information.

2007-12-25 17:54:28 · 3 answers · asked by Amy 1

the same credit 519 will they give me it i just need 80,000

2007-12-25 15:26:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a new landlord in New York and need some advice from experienced landlords. I am renting out a co op apartment unit to two roommates in their 20s. I recently spent tens of thousands of dollars completely renovating the apartment, so I want to protect my investment the best I can. I took 1 months security deposit from the tenants. Since I spent tens of thousands dollars renovating the apartment, I would like to make sure I can hold back the most amount of money I possibly can in order to cover for any and all damages once they move out. How can I successfully hold back the security deposit should they do any type of damage to the apartment? Has anyone had any experience with this?

thank you

2007-12-25 14:53:25 · 2 answers · asked by tom 1

i knew someone who had done this along time ago. my house is large and so is the yard. i still need 4 bedrooms and alot smaller yard.

2007-12-25 12:22:01 · 13 answers · asked by rgn_gray 2

2007-12-25 08:51:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Each has their own situation but basically I am not collecting enough in rent to cover my costs. I have been through every scenario. Can't sell them b/c they are worth far less that what I "paid" for them (I found out they were fraudulent transactions from the broker, who is being prosecuted by the county) Short sale is an option but these are basically distressed properties now due to high tenant turnover and my lack of funds for repairs.
I am facing missing my first payments ever in my life. I can deal with the credit hit if I can deed in lieu these back to the bank. They've been up for sale for over a year and I can't take the stress of the tenant relations, evictions, and repairs any longer, plus I am literally out of money. I have a new home I moved into due to family growth with some equity in it. What's the chance of these lenders coming after me hard and suing me and taking my equity or worse my personal home? Tenants and houses are HORRIBLE , NOT my screening. Thanks!

2007-12-25 08:44:52 · 4 answers · asked by confused 1

We live in a flat behind a house and the new owner of both places has just moved into the front house and tells us what to do. We are very clean tenants but she tells us to move cat food when it is outside. We also had a pile of prunings covered up that was on our side of the property and we heard her husband complaining loudly about it. This was not in any way being blown to their side. At the same time these landlords have not moved the PILES of rubbish left in our shed on our belongings left by the last tenants nor removed the rubbish from our bin which was filled by the last tenants. They also block our car in on the driveway (we use our park). Yesterday one of them walked through our area and when we asked why he said he was finding a place to put more rubbish left by the tenants. (in our area!). We also find them staring at us a lot when outside or inside. (facing windows) Any advice? We don't want the cost of moving or hassles of courts as why should we be forced to move?

2007-12-25 08:16:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I charge him $200 less than what I could get from another, and he still misses rent payments. I let him do work on the house to make up for missed rent.
Unfortunately, I can not afford to keep this up. In fact, I really need to sell the house to pay for my children's college education.
Question- How much notice do I need to give this guy?
Also I am almost positve when I tell him we have to sell the house I will never see a rent check again. I don't live in the same state as this house.
Any advice to a landlord in my situation?

2007-12-25 08:09:22 · 8 answers · asked by weswe 5

After less than a year, the other half owner recently acquired $200k in cash and wants to leave us. He doesn't want to pay any more into the house. He doesn't realize that by abandoning the house the lender will call in the loan and he'll have to pay his half with nothing to show for it. He thinks he can just walk away and leave us with the payments. We cannot afford to pay the full morgage payment on our own. Nor do we want to lose the house. He is also the type of person that cares less about others, but is only interested in what serves him best. Would it be fair to ask him to pay his half of the house loan, and then offer to let him stay as long as he wants with no further monthly payments, and no other monthly bills? The man is single, in his 70s, and really has no place to go. He is quite paranoid and doesn't trust anyone, not even us anymore. He also has three pets. He thinks he can take his $$ and live anywhere he wants, but an abandonment will show badly for him.

2007-12-25 07:12:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are looking to serve our tenant with a 3 day notice for not paying rent for Dec (25 days past due). This will be second notice to pay or vacate. The first one was for 2 months late (Oct/Nov) but did not include late fees. She paid the 2 months rent w/o late fees. Now I would like to include late fees from the previous 2 months plus for Dec. Can I do that? Also, we ended up using a lawyer for the first notice (we were not in the state). Can we include the fees we paid to the lawyer as well?

The lease expires on Feb 1st and we have no plans on renewing or re-renting. Is it even worth it? On the other hand, ideally for our situation, we would like for the tenant to be out by Jan 19th...

2007-12-25 06:30:11 · 3 answers · asked by vmsergei 1

I am a new landlord in New York and need some advice from experienced landlords. I am renting out a co op apartment unit to two roommates in their 20s. I recently spent tens of thousands of dollars completely renovating the apartment, so I want to protect my investment the best I can. I took 1 months security deposit from the tenants. Since I spent tens of thousands dollars renovating the apartment, I would like to make sure I can hold back the most amount of money I possibly can in order to cover for any and all damages once they move out. How can I successfully hold back the security deposit should they do any type of damage to the apartment? Has anyone had any experience with this?

thank you

2007-12-25 06:24:44 · 8 answers · asked by tom 1

Is a landlord allowed to come into the home and take fruit or anything else the tenants are growing in their backyard? Does it matter if the tree was already there before the tenants moved in?

2007-12-25 06:04:11 · 6 answers · asked by AdrianG430 1

Need some help with the following calculations here...

Principal = $180k
Interest = 5.875%

This is the scheduled payment for first 2.5 years

Jan to May 08 = $1,000 per payment
June 08 to May 08 = $2,250 per payment
June 09 to May 10 = $3,250 per payment

How much principal is left at this point? and how long will it take if I pay $3,750 per payment!

Happy Holidays!

2007-12-25 05:25:32 · 2 answers · asked by Dr. W 3

OK this is a strange question I admit, however i've been noting just how big our houses are compared with other folks around the world ( I live in Texas hah i know) but really folks, take the ultimate challenge, can your family or yourself picture living in very tight quarters, saving a ton of energy and basically leaving a smaller footprint on this earth where it starts?
this is my first question ever, so i appolpgize ahead of time

2007-12-25 03:29:56 · 20 answers · asked by sidewind69 1

Most of the things in life we pay for more with our hard earned money goes toward the principle except the house payment. Please someone explain why. Thanks in advance and have a great new year.

2007-12-24 21:12:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anthony D F 1

I am thinking of buying the house that i will be in for 20+ years. I am scared that if I rent out the house that I am in now, and the renter does not pay the rent will the bank foreclose on my new house as well as the old one? How do i protect the new house? Is there any way to shelter the new house from being taken away? such as LLC or any other option out there? I live in california.

2007-12-24 20:05:15 · 7 answers · asked by ag 1

Hi, I need a little help answering this one. My roomate has been here 4 months, he filled out an application with the landlord when he moved in to make him official here. But we never signed a new Rental agreement together. today is 12/24/07, and he just told me he's moving out 12/31/07, which doesn't leave me enough time to find someone to help pay for next months rent. Does he have to give me and the landlord 30 days notice, and can he be held responsible for his portion of the rent until I find a new roomie since he never gave his notice legally? please help me!

2007-12-24 17:40:23 · 20 answers · asked by andosetsfire1 1

does anyone have any idea of what the average rates for home cleaning services are. i am aware that it will depend on factors such as size of home, job duties, and frequency. any info or stories will be helpful.....thanks a lot

2007-12-24 15:55:21 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous