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Business & Finance - 24 January 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

2007-01-24 09:17:39 · 7 answers · asked by cindy d 1 in United States

Unfortunately I am also about the same amount in debt. Should I pay off all of my debts and be left with nothing (but a fresh start) or invest it and just keep paying the minimum payments on my debts? Should I pay some of my debts and invest the rest? This is the most money I will ever have especially all at once. What is a fast, easy investment that would give me the quickest profit? Is there any way to explain to me stocks / investments, etc. in an easy quick summary? THANKS!

2007-01-24 09:17:31 · 15 answers · asked by Lisa P 2 in Investing

How much to adjunct or part-time professors make at schools like the University of Phoenix (online)?Are you paid by the credit hour? If so what is the average starting pay?

2007-01-24 09:17:04 · 1 answers · asked by Lil Miss Answershine 7 in Careers & Employment

If so, what are the steps to take to make it legal?

2007-01-24 09:06:50 · 6 answers · asked by Napkin 1 in Small Business

I am 22, work part-time and go to school full-time. I do not live at home and am not supported by my parents. I make over $3,200.00. Do my parents still need to list me as a dependent since I am not 24?

2007-01-24 09:04:51 · 8 answers · asked by peersignal 3 in United States

Im a day care povider and this is my first year, do you get anything in the mail for taxes, any form to give a tax preparer? Please help me this is my first time doing taxes witha business in my home.

2007-01-24 09:04:42 · 3 answers · asked by dev'smummy 2 in United States

2007-01-24 09:04:36 · 10 answers · asked by Tim 2 in United States

I got this message when checking the status of my 2006 refund:

We have received your tax return and it is being reviewed. You will receive a notice from us requesting additional information from you. When you receive the notice, please provide the requested information within 30 days. You may not receive all or a part of your refund until we receive and review the information we requested from you. If you need more information after you receive our notice, call the number on the notice.

What does this mean, what do they want?

2007-01-24 09:03:06 · 4 answers · asked by kinulechong 1 in United States

My claim for tax credits recently changed as my partner moved out, i am now claiming as i single parent with full child care costs to my 2 children as i work 20 hrs per week. However i havent had payment since 18th dec as this is when partner moved out, i made a new claim and just yesterday they contacted me saying they wanted all this extra info bank statements, work contract, last 3 wage slips, nursery reciepts and nursery contract. Semt all this to them today. Thing is i know i have been over paid by about 40 per week since june, should have mentioned it i know, however as i havent had payment since 18 dec they owe me around £1500 in back dated money, do u think they will take what i owe them out of this lump sum or do u think they will take it weekly?

2007-01-24 09:00:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in United Kingdom

It makes me angry when your co-workers are like shes new here and she doesn't know anybetter. What the hell does that mean atleast im trying to do my job!

2007-01-24 08:58:26 · 6 answers · asked by newmom05 2 in Careers & Employment

My husband and I married in Nov 06'. We purchased a $125,000 home in June 06' (mortgaged $100,000) and did extensive renovations (approx. $15,000 worth, new floors, roof, cabinets/countertops, bathtub, etc.) I am pregnant with our first child. Our combined income is approximately $25,000.

*Should we file married, filing jointly? or married, filing seperately?
*Should we take the standard deduction or itemized deduction?
*Is there a tax credit for buying a home, doing renovations and getting married?
*About how much is it to hire someone to do our taxes?

We have no clue what we are doing, any help would be appreciated.

2007-01-24 08:56:48 · 8 answers · asked by *Just Married* 4 in United States

that a person that has graduated high school and has ok computer skills and has volunteer experience in the medical field be able to get at the age of 17 yrs. and nothing like mc donalds, movie theaters, wendys etc.

2007-01-24 08:56:26 · 7 answers · asked by brenpren07 3 in Careers & Employment

This is our first tax time with having our new baby. How much do you get back for having one child usually? How do they figure it out?

2007-01-24 08:55:09 · 1 answers · asked by manningsmommy 2 in United States

Hi everyone, I'm just going to explain my situation and if any of you could offer advice it would be greatly appreciated, (Im in the UK):

Over the last year I have made around £100,000 from various websites I set up.I received the money via cheque and deposited them in my barlcays current account. I also made that money when I wasn't registered as a business. I'm assuming this means I fall into paying tax as a sole trader....

And if so the rate will be extortionate (up to 40%). Is there a way I could incorporate now, so that I pay just 19%... and pay 19% on those earning even though they were paid into my bank when I wasn't registered?


P.S: Also if anyone happens to know of any viable schemes such as reinvesting in the business, etc please say

P.S. Could I for example buy a ready made shelf company formed 2-3 years ago, so that I can say I earned the money when I was incorporated, see:


2007-01-24 08:55:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in United Kingdom

just kidding....I knew it was high but had no idea it was that high!!!

What can I do as far as dealing with lenders with that type of score?

2007-01-24 08:51:32 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

what answer do you give when they ask you a bad quality about yourself

I mean I have bad qualities but none that really have anything to do with the job like
I am footphobic
I HATE it when ppl don't use their blinkers
I speed
I am jealous of those girls on my super sweet 16 and the ppl on MTV cribs

what would you say

thank a bunch

2007-01-24 08:50:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

I am planning on getting training in that field and just wanted to know if someone had experience in it and can tell me a little about it.

2007-01-24 08:48:05 · 3 answers · asked by therock316_2001 2 in Careers & Employment

Is it posible to pay with a money order?

2007-01-24 08:47:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit


I am married- my husband works full time and I do not work (I am a student). We also have one child. What is the best choice on the w4 to get the most money in each paycheck? How many exemptions should my husband put? 3? Also should he file married and filing separately?

2007-01-24 08:44:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

When hiring someone, say you interviewed someone who seemed really good, was well qualified -- but tested positive for marijuana. Would you hire them anyway, or stick firmly to your policy?

This question is specifically about marijuana, not other drugs

2007-01-24 08:43:58 · 13 answers · asked by Jacob S 3 in Careers & Employment

Need some input. What would you suggest?

2007-01-24 08:43:02 · 20 answers · asked by Laura C 3 in Careers & Employment

i want to start my own candle making business

2007-01-24 08:42:51 · 3 answers · asked by TASHA A 1 in Small Business

I know google is popular but I would think I would be getting like a 60/40 ratio of traffic from google/yahoo.

I get around 90% of all my traffic from google I think I have a page rank of 5.

So what is my problem? I own betteroblivion.com


2007-01-24 08:42:45 · 4 answers · asked by Jeremy J 3 in Search Engine Optimization

I'm anxious to start working.

2007-01-24 08:41:51 · 10 answers · asked by Mrs. Ryan Seacrest 2 in Careers & Employment

fedest.com, questions and answers