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Business & Finance - 24 January 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

A member of this site asked if it was possible she could be refused tenancy of a flat if she is a bankrupt. I personally dont think the answers given were very constructive so im bringing it up again.

If a tenant provides a private estate agent with all the required information Eg. employee references, character references, a guarantor and six month up front rent, surely a landlord can not refuse? Or is he well within his rights to refuse a bankrupt?

I understand that the member has not disclosed this information to the agent but they will be completing a credit check on her and her guarantor. Surely, if the guarantor has a clean credit history then the landlord would be creating cause for complaint if he refused to let out the accomodation due to a tenant being bankrupt? This has kind of got my back up a little. How the hell to folk survive if they are going to be refused rental of a home, after bankruptcy!!!!

2007-01-24 08:03:54 · 4 answers · asked by vintage-topper 3 in Renting & Real Estate

What's an easy way to make just a simple rough estimate of how much I can afford?

2007-01-24 08:02:52 · 8 answers · asked by tfmemnoch 2 in Renting & Real Estate

My boyfriend is having some finacial problems and we are working on buying a place of our own in the near future, but he has some out standing bills. Which need to be paid off. So he is able to get a loan to pay every thing off, but he needs a co signer. He asked me too. I have been dating him for two years, we are pretty serious, but I am not sure if it is a smart idea to co-sign a loan...Please someone give me some advise..

2007-01-24 08:02:45 · 20 answers · asked by Confused 1 in Credit

I need to learn about investing but am starting from 0 knowledge. I am aware of many things but don't really know alot about them. I would like to know about the different types of bonds, markets, funds... general 101 info. Are there some programs I could watch that would get me up to speed or any books that would get me started, not looking for strategy just info.

2007-01-24 08:02:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

Okay, so you apply for a full-time permanent position with a company. The CEO asks what salary range you are seeking and you say, for example, between 65k and 70k per year. They come back with an offer that is exactly 65k per year. Since you were asking for a range between 65 and 70, and they gave you the barebone or bottomline number out of that range, do you negotiate now? You want the job. It's a good company. You have a great title. But the salary is low. How do you go about negotiating that with the CEO? Is the company expecting you to all and negotiate or are they simply hoping you bite the bullet and go for the least amount? You want more money but not sure how to ask for them to reconsider the salary while, at the same time, keep you as the prime candidate for the job. In other words, you don't want them to rule you out because you tried to ask for more money or complained that they did not follow the range you asked for. I'm terrible at this. Could use advice.

2007-01-24 08:02:36 · 5 answers · asked by achristian520 2 in Corporations

My husband owes $500 in child support from when he was off work due to surgery. We were told if we file together his child's mother will receive it all even if it is over what he owes to her. We were told to file separately. Should we do so? I need help with this issue ASAP!!

2007-01-24 08:02:29 · 7 answers · asked by alhartley01 3 in United States

On a Sunday, the register was closed and thought to be correct. On Monday morning, the money was counted and was short about $50 cash. They could not find the mistake in the paperwork. They want the workers to pay the money into the drawer from their own pockets. I think this is wrong and probably illegal, but I need some proof. Multiple people use the same drawer. There are no cameras. There is no safe.

2007-01-24 08:01:45 · 5 answers · asked by karendhr 1 in Small Business

i work in a shop with a few other people and the owner is bullying me. I am always getting shouted at for little things, like when i am asked to sweep up if a bit of paper is found on the floor i am shouted at and humiliated in front of everyone.
the other day he shouted at me for putting a price label in the wrong place on a box and kept on and on. he told me if i do that again i will be 'out' and i started to cry. i have only worked in the shop for a few weeks and feel i dont have a choice because i had been unemployed for a long time before i got the job.

is there anything that i can do to stop this? I just want my job to work but there is no one higher up that i can go to for help cause he is in charge.

2007-01-24 08:01:05 · 19 answers · asked by smarty 1 in Careers & Employment

Motor expenses 15,261
Rent 20,480
Bank 33,400
Drawings 29,400
Equity 132,000
Stock at 1 January 2002 38,280

(vii)Stock at 31 December 2002 was 36,200.

(viii)Depreciation is charged on office equipment at 20% per annum, using the reducing balance method. Depreciation is charged on motor vehicles at 10% per annum using the straight-line method. A full year’s depreciation is charged on all fixed assets held at the end of the financial year.

(ix)A bad debt of €3,736 is to be written off.

(x)A bad debt provision amounting to 3% of year-end trade receivables is to be established.

(xi)At 31 December 2002, salesmen’s salaries of €3,600 were due but unpaid.

(xii)At 31 December 2002, motor expenses of €1,261 had been paid in advance

2007-01-24 07:58:58 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

I filed my 2006 tax return and checked the status online and it stated that they will be mailing me a letter requesting more information before they will release my refund. What does that mean? What could they possibly want?

2007-01-24 07:56:31 · 6 answers · asked by CURIOUSSAM 2 in United States

Was asked on a job application if I have a current security clearance. Want to know if its still good. I have a totally clean record.

2007-01-24 07:53:15 · 2 answers · asked by Rainey1 1 in Careers & Employment

How long did you have the stock? How many shares? How much did you purchase it at and how much was it when you sold it? What did you do with your earnings?

2007-01-24 07:52:51 · 6 answers · asked by theoneandonly4251 2 in Investing

I am suppoused to be on salary. I am out of vacation time. So I am now getting paid for every minute I am/am not here. For example - while no one else has to use their PTO if you are less than 30 minutes late (the grace period), they get paid for a full day. But If I am 5 minutes late, I don't get paid for it! Is this legal????

2007-01-24 07:50:34 · 6 answers · asked by J*Mo 6 in Careers & Employment

My consulting business did well enough this year that I had a bit of money due to the IRS. I planned on setting up an IRA this year since I'm in my mid-twenties. I like the tax-free potential of the Roth, but I also need to lower my AGI this year. Would it make sense to open and contribute a portion of my wages to a traditional account and deduct what I need to break even on taxes, and throw the rest into a Roth account? Not exceeding the $4,000 limit on contributions of course... The fees on the accounts should be negligable, considering that I'm working primarily with an Internet broker.

2007-01-24 07:48:18 · 2 answers · asked by WhomItConcerns 1 in United States

This is regarding their job profiles and enterpreneurship

2007-01-24 07:47:20 · 7 answers · asked by KVS_Anderson 1 in Corporations

2007-01-24 07:45:21 · 5 answers · asked by lhurst31 1 in Credit

I have small bussiness at home now.but no bodie taks it serious.i can help people make serious money. What is the problem?

2007-01-24 07:45:05 · 6 answers · asked by Donny S 1 in Small Business

Does anybody know of a website where you can type in a job that you would like and can find out info on it, such as income, and other stuff?

2007-01-24 07:44:58 · 5 answers · asked by Squeeks 2 in Careers & Employment

Thank you!

2007-01-24 07:43:49 · 3 answers · asked by WonderWhy 2 in Investing

I worked there for a brief stint earlier last year (4 months) and have sinced moved to another city. I can not seem to get in touch with anyone from the office nor find the HR number anywhere online!! Can anyone help me out with this?? I really need that W-2! Thank you very much!

2007-01-24 07:41:41 · 6 answers · asked by lanaelise81 2 in United States

What % should I figure in when calculating retirement? As in when I am trying to figure compounding interest over 40 years, what % should I use? About 8% is what I think I have heard but I don’t remember…

2007-01-24 07:39:28 · 2 answers · asked by sooners83 4 in Investing

I own a coffee shop/bar that is opened 24hours. I just found out that an ex-employee is opening up the same business less then 2 miles from my business. The same menu, coffee, chai, even the same paint color on the walls. The only difference is the name. What would you do?

2007-01-24 07:38:59 · 9 answers · asked by Mrs. Right 2 in Small Business

can anyone tell me of any sites to create and print my own business cards, i would be most grateful

2007-01-24 07:38:06 · 8 answers · asked by MICHELLE S 2 in Small Business

I purchased a home in April of 2006 with two 30 year fixed 80/20 loans. How can I lower my total monthly payment to a more managable amount?

2007-01-24 07:37:31 · 4 answers · asked by That Guy 2 in Personal Finance

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