Having been a manager for two companies for over 6 years, I would say yes to answering about being convicted when you fill out an application. My style for hiring a person is about the person in front of you, not the person you were in the past. Several good applicants lost out on employment because they did NOT answer truthfully. Once I found out that they have been convicted but failed to answer truthfully, they were passed over as possible hires. Most hiring managers are willing to listen to you when the subject is brought up. Honesty is always the best policy.
2007-01-24 08:14:33
answer #1
answered by missjax72 4
you must not lie on a job application. If an acod means your record was expunged, then you do not have a conviction on your record. I thought it meant the case was dismissed without a finding of any kind. In that case, you were NOT convicted of anything. Being charged is not the same as being convicted.
2007-01-24 16:03:08
answer #2
About the 'acod' part, im not sure, because i dont know what that is...but it depends on what your conviction was for. I'd suggest be honest, if you must fill out an app, cuz theyd surely find out anyway.
I have friends that been in prison for murder, assault, car theft, you name it, and they have been working ever since they were released and left that life behind. They acquired their jobs thru networking, before they had to fill out an app. So your best bet, in my opinion, is by going thru someone you know, or a family member, and worry about that after.
2007-01-24 16:05:36
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Always answer no. If later they say they found out about it, the worst they can do is fire you, at least you will have had the opportunity to prove your self and maybe they will never find out.
2007-01-24 16:00:12
answer #4
answered by cajohnson667 3
what on earth is an acod? Please clarify
2007-01-24 15:58:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous