I know that this is a repeat question, but the answers are not too clear. I am considering a move to Manhattan from Philly, and I have the following unanswered questions: -Knowingly, rent is high. With that said, where would a single 30 y/o want to live that is close to a park (dog walking) and has a decent night life? -I am not opposed to live in the boroughs, and it appears that Queens or Brooklyn would be an option. Where would you advise living (using the same criteria above)? -What is considered "average rent" in the boroughs? There are many listings in the classifieds, but it is hard to judge what is considered a bargain. I am looking for a 1 bdrm, and am willing to spend around $2000/mth. I find many apts in the range, but dont know what neighborhoods would be ok. -Broker fee, no broker fee, flex, coop--I'm confused. -Simply put, if you could do it again, what kind of general advise can you give to another transplant to the area?
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Renting & Real Estate