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Business & Finance - 29 November 2006

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

A mail order online catalogue alternative spiritual shops selling all manner of goods from sets of runes to demon sigil talismans, from crystal healing kits to hex kits. What papers would I need? What do I need to do regardin tax and NI contributions and stuff to set this up?

2006-11-29 01:41:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

I work for a company who relies on agency workers for support. I was recently involved in an accident with one of these temps. I have since refused to work with the guy again as during the accident he failed to and refused to assist me . My employer asked me to hand in a report of the accident, which i did. They handed a letter to me yesterday, in which they have laid the blame for the accident on me and have warned that if i refuse to work with the individual again then it will be seen as unacceptable.

the letter then goes on to inform me that the agency worker involved has taken legal advice regardin what could be seen as defamation of charectar and descrimination, though there are no grounds for this. I enjoy my job and always carry it out to the best of my ability and i am really worried that i am not being treated fairly. can anyone give me advice, i have three children who rely on my income.

do i have the right to refuse to work with someone i think a danger?


2006-11-29 01:38:04 · 14 answers · asked by mazza 1 in Careers & Employment

I have the terrible misfortune of being on a cubicle that’s on the entrance. Where I work, there a whole area of cubicles of about 60 cubicles, and only one door. My cubicle happens to be in front of that door. I’m not facing the door, my back is facing the door, the first thing everyone sees when the walk by is my monitor screen in front of me. I HATE IT! I try to ignore it most of the time, but sometimes I just see on the reflection of my monitor how people just walk by paying close attention to whatever is on my screen. Sometimes people come to talk to people here, and wait by door, and they seem to have nothing better to do than to see what I’m doing. We don’t have a strict work environment, everyone gets e-mails with videos, and pictures, but I can’t ever see those like everyone else; I don’t have that luxury because people are constantly coming in and out looking at what’s on my screen. I’m actually a very good worker, sometimes I hate not even being able to take a 5-minute break because people are just keeping coming, and I have to look busy even though I’m doing all my work on schedule. I specially hate when people are eyeballing my personal e-mail.

What can I do?

2006-11-29 01:36:05 · 8 answers · asked by Document Guy 2 in Careers & Employment

I work in a smoke-free building and find that the ones that do smoke are taking a smoke break every hour or two to smoke. These breaks usually last 10-20 minutes. I am not given a break every hour or two to go do something. We work the same work day and if you do the math at an average fifteen minutes every two hours they are getting paid to smoke for an hour. I have asked several smokers and my boss about this and they say they come into work early and leave later to make up for the time but rest assured, this doesn't happen. Curious what your thoughts are.

2006-11-29 01:30:29 · 13 answers · asked by rhythmoftheblues 2 in Careers & Employment

I want to sell art prints through newspapers as a part time business, Do i need to have a seperate business bank account, or could i add a business name to my standard current account ,for checks to be made payable to?

2006-11-29 01:27:58 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2 in Small Business

2006-11-29 01:21:49 · 2 answers · asked by joe simmons 1 in Small Business

2006-11-29 01:21:36 · 8 answers · asked by isaac q 1 in Search Engine Optimization

on all critiria

2006-11-29 01:21:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

2006-11-29 01:09:08 · 2 answers · asked by 1delakruz 1 in Small Business

Will the insurance company investigate?

2006-11-29 01:07:45 · 8 answers · asked by joshjones007 1 in Insurance

I've been surfing the net and comed across hundreds of data entry jobs on line. It sounds like the perfect job for a home mom. But are they real? They all ask some sort of fee to join. Which doesn't make any sense, why would anyone have to pay someone to work for them? I wouldn't tell an employer interviewing me "sure I'll start work for a one time fee of $49.99 or I'll be your gold member for $99.99. Just doesn't make sense. But they all claim to be making thousads a week. Has anyone here ever tried joining one? Please respond Im very curious.

2006-11-29 01:01:38 · 11 answers · asked by Hector 1 in Careers & Employment

2006-11-29 00:51:54 · 3 answers · asked by niyambhasin 2 in Investing

I have a house that I own with the mortgage paid off. My Mum lives in it. I want to borrow £30k to use as a deposit for my own flat. Can I borrow against the house that I own that is paid off?

2006-11-29 00:51:50 · 13 answers · asked by terryscopic 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I have about $100K to invest but I need most if not all of it to remain fairly liquid as it will be needed for a downpayment on a house. I am in limbo with my job and thus am delaying buying a home for now, but that could change at any time over the next few months and I don't want my savings locked away in a mutual fund or CD if I need it quickly. Where should I put the $? Put it all in one thing like a MMF or put it in a couple of different investments? Thanks!

2006-11-29 00:50:05 · 6 answers · asked by Atlas 1 in Investing

2006-11-29 00:49:35 · 2 answers · asked by Zah 1 in Corporations

2006-11-29 00:49:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

2006-11-29 00:47:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

2006-11-29 00:46:55 · 5 answers · asked by silver 1 in Careers & Employment

What is ONGC actually into and how does the price of crude affect the performance of the company?

what happens to the topline and bottomline when the crude prices fall and rise???

2006-11-29 00:46:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

I was wondering how long do it take for the judgement to come off.I filed in Wisconsin.

2006-11-29 00:36:52 · 5 answers · asked by sexy q 1 in Credit

2006-11-29 00:36:20 · 2 answers · asked by megs_ss 1 in Investing


I am setting up a VAT registered business. Can anyone help with finding a spreadsheet for me to do my basic accounts with?
I don't want to invest in Sage until I feel I need it.

Thanks in advance

2006-11-29 00:28:52 · 6 answers · asked by Steven N 4 in Small Business

fedest.com, questions and answers