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[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Poetry

what i have so far?

P- atriotism
E- vent
C- ourage
E- quality

need one for A?
any ideas!
and if you think you can make it better =)
please do suggest!

Easy points.
thank you berry much :]

2007-11-11 07:29:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

A dirge for a good fella
the heroic Rasta Tella

A perfect kind of poem
with a theme so solemn
A narrated pain of a poet
with eyes really wet.

None can explain better
than my pen through this letter
None can be extraordinarily explicit
than my pen's poetic wit.

A man with nine lives;
Another hero in our musical archives
A true sporting soldier
whose fame, you can't bar.

He accomplished his duty
And broght back the music's beauty
He revived our Glory
And our foes were full of fury

Now he's gone
like a bullet from a gun
But his name will forever be in gold,
a fact that needs not be told

A dirge for a good fella
The heroic Rasta Tella

He was a hero in Rap. He was like Benie man. but I decline to mention names here. Those who knew me know who I talk about. But i hope you appreciate the poem. Farewell to a fallen Colleague!

2007-11-11 06:07:06 · 6 answers · asked by Freeman 5

Points and laughs
at my score board
Giraffes stood tall
and I stayed small
If I'm a loser
what makes you rule
Over me my blindness
sees me alright
for my small needs
They may be special
and confusing too
but to some of you I look blue
My heart is see though
err! not palatable to you
nor me if I could see yours too
If I score high thats alright
but to win your hearts
I would have to
meet you.

2007-11-11 05:48:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My piece for prose is The Nightmare at 20,000 feet by richard matheson and my poetry piece is the cremation of sam mcgee by robert service. i don't like the poem that much since its not one that you can win with. does anyone have any suggestions that i can replace it with. It should be lively, have lots of expression, different characters then giving me opportunity to change my voice, and be able to be read more like a story rather than a poem since it is a competition not a recital.

2007-11-11 04:40:41 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is the poem:

i know it's a protest song *maybe* modelled after martin luther king jr.'s "i have a dream" speech? and i know pat parker is a young black lesbian coming from around the 70's......

but my teacher wants a more structually based analysis; like figural devices,diction,tone,structure,rythym,sound,. also any help on allusions and other literary devices will help A LOT.


2007-11-11 03:26:11 · 1 answers · asked by goofy 2

what did he work and that work how to effect to his life?

2007-11-11 03:13:07 · 2 answers · asked by John 1

like any contests would be good, so long as its not a scam, ive run into too many

2007-11-11 02:45:28 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

wut do you think of it
what do you like
wut would you change? (thanksss)

a midsummer's sea

only by fate was i brought to this place
on blackened clay the chill sea crashes
a solitary seabird flies south to late
the sky flutters down like faded ashes
i drag my feet through salted muck
an icy gust whips my unclothed skin
a far away call of a dabbling duck
the sky's fire dies down for the dusk to begin

2007-11-11 01:52:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok. so for my homework i have to write a poem about how i am a baby in the womb being born then a newborn baby. Im not saying write the poem for me. Im just kinda lost.

Give me some really good metiphors or simealys (I suck at spellling! ok?) Some good words that ryme and generly what its like.

Oooo and some completcated words would be great too.

2007-11-11 01:29:54 · 3 answers · asked by KittyKat 3

covered by gray clouds,
the sky begins to darken,
animals look for shelter,
for they know what's coming next.

drip-drop, drip-drop,
it starts to fall,
tiny crystals of water,
to wash away the pain.

it cleanses the soul,
it rejuvenates,
satisfying the thirst,
of those we see around us,

it represents the start,
of a new beginning,
a new life,
and a new hope.

uhm would like to know your opinions on this one. please and thank you.:D

2007-11-10 23:24:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Cupid, must thou pierce me with thy searing arrows?
Other passions now fleet into the air,
My life meaningless otherwise but for her cause
Her lips fills the rifts in my cracked heart
Space between mine fingers only to be contained by hers

Staring down at me as she does,
The Stars mock me with their twinkle.
Oh Cupid thou art cruel
Separating us congenial

I pray the fiend take my soul,
Such that we lay in the abyss of fire
Where our passion can fuel flames forever

My heart aches, my soul fades
Everything away, for her grace


Umm. I dont know how it sounds to you all, but if it sounds bad please leave comments on how I can improve.
I'm shortlisted for a English Talent Programme and I wonder if i should include this in my portfolio of writings. Thanks guys! (Good comments are really welcomed. Haha) Cheers!

2007-11-10 18:31:29 · 32 answers · asked by SweetSyrup 1

Withered Rose

The pain cuts so deeply
I can’t hold on to what was
the beauty is gone,
my heart is hard and cold;
steeled against the pain.

The wanting is gone too
all I feel is numbness,
abandoned and alone;
I have finally quit hoping
for him to reach out.

I am exhausted;
weary of trying, and
something in me is dying.
Is this what love is?
being alone,
no one but me
to hear the sorry sound
of my crushed
and breaking heart.

Once I was young;
love was a blossom
like a fresh, new rose.
But oh innocence,
where now is your bloom.
When did it fade and wither,
plucked from love’s vine.

With hands so gentle
I thought he cared,
he severed me;
left me in a vase
where I died,
bits of death
each day,
till finally . . .
I was at my end.

If only,
instead of seizing
youth and beauty,
he had stayed
and nourished the rose.

2007-11-10 12:34:38 · 6 answers · asked by autumlovr 7

I need to write an original poem and my topic is DEPRESSION...
I dont know how to start it...

can someone help me?!?!?

2007-11-10 12:00:02 · 13 answers · asked by Yvette O 1

Stray dog

I'm lost, i'm gone i cannot be found
wandering alone searching for a bone
lamp posts barely illuminates
disgusting sores by past decays
from where i am there is no home
i could go back where i belong
if there was one but there is none
dog-tired and smelly! I am forsaken..
perhaps it is because i am rotten? (*sighs)
passers by whisper..every dog has its day..
but they are not dogs how can they say?
so i kept on sniffing and treading
busy scratching i did not see it coming!

2007-11-10 11:58:23 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


please shelter me from the rot of the dead
creeping into my vegetables
the garden grew spikes
and no one told me that meant add water
the tomatoes grow fullest first
perhaps miraculously like tiny beanstalks
why are they so demanding?

2007-11-10 08:58:50 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have ran into numerous posters asking for aid on interpreting poems, on meter, rhyme scheme, metaphors and so on......

With a lil research, these answers can be answered so why post and wait on the responses of others? What is it about anothers opinion that we need?

2007-11-10 08:46:40 · 13 answers · asked by Earth the Poet 3


Constantly risking absurdity
and death
whenever he performs
above the heads
of his audience
the poet like an acrobat
climbs on rime
to a high wire of his own making
and balancing on eyebeams
above a sea of faces
paces his way
to the other side of the day
performing entrachats
and sleight-of-foot tricks
and other high theatrics
and all without mistaking
any thing
for what it may not be
For he’s the super realist
who must perforce perceive
taut truth
before the taking of each stance or step
in his supposed advance
toward that still higher perch
where Beauty stands and waits
with gravity
to start her death-defying leap
And he
a little charleychaplin man
who may or may not catch
her fair eternal form
spreadeagled in the empty air
of existence

i need help finding metaphors in this poem..i've found 13 i need 2 more!!! help?!

2007-11-10 07:18:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Her eyes like diamonds,
Reflecting and refracting the light of her heart,
Filling my world with the luminescence of a love I have never seen before.

I have felt darkness so thick it chokes.
The darkness hasn't a chance when she enters my world.

I have seen horrid sights that cloud a once clear mind.
My memories fade with her smile.

The silence, once so quite my eardrums ached,
Has been soothed with her laughter and childlike words.

I see the miracle of a growing, learning child,
On the landscape of my life I once thought baron.

Do I do what's right for her?

Do I love her as much as she deserves?

I did not know how to truly love before she became a part of my being.

I do and will forever love her with the deepest, truest love this tattered heart can muster.
I am now part of the lucky. I am now part of the blessed.

I have to figure out content, form,diction, style,voice,tone,mood and structure(internal&external).how the heck do u do that

2007-11-10 02:42:58 · 4 answers · asked by SunShineGurl 2

It's the realTruth that I say
You sure don't know my way
If you insist me to be a gay
U got no truth in what U say
U really don't know my way
You're just so afraid of gay
You missread what others say
You're so much afraid of gay
U force some to go that way
Because of what You say
Yet they never intended gay
If I ever wind up that way
You the accusers of gay
You are to blame all the way
Because of what You say
Yet really got no intents of gay
No matter what You say!
To H E LL go all the way
Because of what you say
Go to H E LL without delay
As I got no intents of gay
No matter what U dare say
You're wrong all the way
In the world U accuser of gay
You don't belong in anyway
Go to H E L L for what U say!
I can tell you more today
You accuser of gay
You really don't know my way
Go away for what U say!
I Curse U all the way
Because of What U say
U Accuser of Gay
May U never get your way!
Because of what U Say
Go Away Go Away Go Away!

2007-11-10 02:04:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Between the linen,
above the ground
In times of stillness
shadows of your shape
wavy images of formlessness
In the blackout of the time that I
next to your pulse…
shore lines of your waist I felt
under my fingertips
those touches and the fragrance
of your skin
pulled me in

never did I guess
in what spirit it was when I
kissed behind your neck
and said
Last night, I think
I made love
to you

2007-11-09 15:51:58 · 9 answers · asked by soFresh&Clean 2

2007-11-09 15:25:04 · 7 answers · asked by Sarah 3

I know...there are so many things i should be thankful for...
but all those things....no matter how i try...
they just can't measure up with all the hate and pain and madness i feel inside me.
I do want to be happy...who doesn't? but my mind...my heart...and my soul won't let me!
thus i blame none but my mind, my heart, and my soul!
and my hostility for them is insanely baffling
I feel ...my end is near...and i deliberately brought it upon me...
and i am guilty for being selfish...for once in my life...I am being selfish.
for the first time in my life...I concede...I am just a gutless wonder ..a no one...
i never really have the true strength to defy what fate had in store for me
How ridiculous i was...for even thinking i could avert this absolute tragedy!
My battle is lost...my cause was merely but an empty vindication.

2007-11-09 14:58:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have some of mine removed for no apparent reason or explanation from Yahoo. I email Yahoo with no response. Is their a human I can contact?

2007-11-09 13:44:39 · 7 answers · asked by Marguerite 7


With in her world, so dark and deep,
She shuts it out, no one to hear her weep
Here she hungers for the pain to end,
The sorrow, sadness, the hole to mend,
Deep, deep down, with in herself she hides,
Carrying emotions, what a rollercoaster ride,
No one sees the feelings when they take a look,
She keeps them guarded, they're a mystery book,
The infant helpless, the child craves love,
The adult seeks everything, keeping faith above,
The infant carressed, the child taught pain,
The adult to remember it over and over again,
To put a painful past to rest,
The adult must face the Demons best,
Accept, confront, battle and beat,
All the Demons her conscious meets,
Face them with a brave heart so true,
Hold them back, til the dragons are slain through

2007-11-09 13:35:11 · 6 answers · asked by s_and_j_hatch 3

With anger and fear
Along comes tears
Grinding Gears
Loud noises you hear

Chipped metal rust
Nothing but dust
Just pure gust
From outside water lust

The machines Reiteration
Moving Artifacts Transition
That only brings Eradication
Fear of an Insurrection

With the knowledge they could obliterate
Everything they locate
Everyone is disconsolate
The world is dilapidated

2007-11-09 13:08:22 · 6 answers · asked by Frostt 2

Here's the link to veiw it and rate it. Please tell me what you think. I'm not much of a poet I just recently just started getting involved with submitting stuff because a couple of people said I should. I'm realy more of a director. But ya tell me what you think.


2007-11-09 06:15:47 · 2 answers · asked by rootbeerintexas 1

the ills i sorrow at
not me alone
like an arrow
pierce to the marrow
through the fat
and past the bone
your grief and mine
must interwine
like sea and river
be fused and mingle
diverse yet single
forever and forever
let no man be so proud
and confident
to think he is allowed
a little tent pitched in a meadow
of sun and shadow
all his little own
joy may be shy unique
friendly to a few,
sorrow never scorned to speak
to any who
were false or true
your every grief
like a blade
shining and unsheathed must strike me down
of bitter aloes wreathed
my sorrow must be laid
on your head like a crown

2007-11-09 05:12:42 · 2 answers · asked by jenny u 1

the ills i sorrow at
not me alone
like an arrow,
pierce to the marrow
through the fat
and past the bone

your giref and mine
must intertwine
like sea and river,
be fused and mingle
diverse yet single,
forever and forever.

let no mand be so proud
and confident
to think he is allowed
a little tent
pitched in a meadow
of sun and shadow
all his little own

joy may be shy, unique,
friendly to a few
sorrow never scorned to speak
to any who
were false or true

your evey grief
like a blade
shining and unsheathed
must strike me down
of bitter aloes wreathed,
my sorrow must be laid
on your head like a crown

2007-11-09 05:10:41 · 1 answers · asked by Sabrina M 1

should i discard of this or write it in my journal?

welts all over my body
broken glass surrounds me as i sleep
the world fades as my dreams get deep
a feeling of temporary content
only temporary until

GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the ominous voice boomed a reaction of silence filled the room going as far as to make the furniture feel uncomfortable
roaches scattered and lights flickered
oh how i wish i could hide with the roaches
how i wish i could just simply hide away with no bothers no cares no priority's or responsibilities


fine i'm awake


no more no more i hurl my self into the fire
give me the painful loving embrace of death
i've waited so eagerly for

NO these flames not meant for you to desecrate

skeleton hands push me out out back into my room surrounded by broken glass once again

once again the day stays the same

2007-11-09 04:51:50 · 3 answers · asked by Absurdly_insane_13 2

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