With in her world, so dark and deep,
She shuts it out, no one to hear her weep
Here she hungers for the pain to end,
The sorrow, sadness, the hole to mend,
Deep, deep down, with in herself she hides,
Carrying emotions, what a rollercoaster ride,
No one sees the feelings when they take a look,
She keeps them guarded, they're a mystery book,
The infant helpless, the child craves love,
The adult seeks everything, keeping faith above,
The infant carressed, the child taught pain,
The adult to remember it over and over again,
To put a painful past to rest,
The adult must face the Demons best,
Accept, confront, battle and beat,
All the Demons her conscious meets,
Face them with a brave heart so true,
Hold them back, til the dragons are slain through
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