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[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Poetry


Sometimes I feel I am stuck in a mire
Lost and forgotten, like someone's old tire.
I know it now, I should never give up
I may be a little old, yet I feel like a pup.

You are the one who gives me my hope
What was I thinking? God, what a dope.
A second chance is what cried for
You've given me that and quite a bit more.

I used to feel so bad I would cry
I really wished, that I'd just up and die.
But not anymore, I have love on my side
I might still choke, but I swallow my pride.

I feel the anguish down deep in my heart,
Whenever I think of the two of us apart.
I now have a chance, my feet hit the floor
My last little thought, I wonder what life has in store.

This is for someone very special who is attempting to change my view on life.

2007-11-13 07:42:14 · 4 answers · asked by The Dark Prince 3

Filling the Emptiness Within

Already used to walking alone
She stood on the edge of the woods
Letting the sun warm her face
It's touch might smooth away every thought
The roughness of the grass on her finger tips
Letting it fill her mind
Memorising the pattern of the leaves of the forest floor
Saplings turned and twisted towards the light
To keep these things forever
To have them fill the emptiness inside
A feeling so profound
She took up her pencil and drew
The only way to free her of loneliness

2007-11-13 06:53:34 · 14 answers · asked by mumtaz 6


If there's something to desire,
There will be something to regret.
If there's something to regret,
There will be something to recall.

If there's something to recall,
There was nothing to regret.
If there's nothing to regret,
There was nothing to desire.

2007-11-13 06:35:00 · 4 answers · asked by xxtrasweetchocolate 3

is it (a) edgar allen poe
(b) james fenimore cooper
or (c) william cullen bryant

2007-11-13 04:18:24 · 4 answers · asked by Hannah L 1

I'm gonna go with Denise Levertov.

2007-11-13 03:32:48 · 12 answers · asked by Linz VT•AM 4

Do you notice this in your own work? Sometimes I might feel inspired to write about something really joyous or happy that I see or experience, but I can never find the words to express it as well as when I'm describing something painful.

2007-11-13 02:10:01 · 14 answers · asked by Linz VT•AM 4

2007-11-13 02:05:33 · 5 answers · asked by anthony r 1

Critical analysis needed.

2007-11-13 01:58:30 · 2 answers · asked by Shby 1

critical analysis needed.

2007-11-13 01:55:21 · 2 answers · asked by Shby 1


Whispered words melt,
passing by, the thoughts
inside tumble
as you smile

Strands of hair part
as ears strains
to listen

Softly passing by,
they fall to your toes,
scattered, whispered words.


2007-11-13 00:45:56 · 7 answers · asked by TD Euwaite? 6

How about this one.....

My mind sharpens,
arcs towards distant evolution beyond time,
future from here, and in this exact moment simultaneous.
Release that empties, expands,
quiet, highest silence,
river of stillness,
pure self enveloped in pure non space,
no place, no names,
dissolve into glorious air.
Enter upon heaven, captures the being that I am,
embraces deepest reservoir, total imersion
into its inverted lake, head first into a dream,
fluid, infinite openness,
a wave upon wave of ever expanding bliss.
Silent realm of above ,
full, abundant water of eternal life,
I drink.

2007-11-12 22:17:36 · 6 answers · asked by Lyra 5

The Price

In the morning i feel like vanishing
with all the fragments of my undoing
it scares me to feel the price..
the price i will be paying..
as moments of disarray
come into play...
I pull the sheets to cover my eyes
wishing they were all just lies...
last night i prayed for an eternal slumber
but all i am now is just a little half sober

with all the fragments of my undoing
it scares me to feel the price i am paying..

2007-11-12 20:51:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-12 17:20:24 · 6 answers · asked by 1+1=5 2

compare and contrast

Shakespeare sonnet 18 and spenser sonnet 75

2007-11-12 16:36:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok well i need to write a

Revoulting Rhyme

it has to be fantasy so im thinking of using a nursery rhyme or walt disney charachters or story to put together a phyme

and by revoulting it means like fractured, naughty, twisted or revoulting

Thankyou =)

2007-11-12 15:45:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

What did author base on to create this poem?

2007-11-12 15:19:31 · 2 answers · asked by Ms.Lee 2

Bunker oil:

The fog reverberated complications
in the steel hull’s pregnancy
as it yelped and gave birth
by concrete c-section.

The born gushed from the open belly,
spread and divided itself by waves and tides.

Millions of globules like tumor colored jellyfish
drift to sting sea lions, pelicans, cranes
dive to choke mussels, clams, crabs
rest on rocks, marsh reeds, beaches
waiting patiently for storks.

2007-11-12 15:03:03 · 5 answers · asked by Ben Watson 3

what do you think of poetry.com?

2007-11-12 14:22:43 · 3 answers · asked by rayray 1

expressing the feelings that i have for you,
could not be expressed by simple words,
it has taken me day and night,
to simply think about these a few words,
i have come across many creations of god,
but have never seen one like you,
if i can find words to describe how you look,
there would be simply too many,
to express you as you are,
so let me tell yoy how i truly feel,
as i come across you beautiful face,
my mouth cant form words,
to describe how i feel,
this world seems a lot better,
everytime i look at you,
i wish i can wake up every morning,
by looking in your eyes,
so that i can feel better about life,
even when life does not want to cooperate..

i tried
it took me 5 minn

2007-11-12 14:12:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, I'm ten years old, and I'm trying to find my talent.
She sits in her bed, tears in her eyes,
She remembers the day,
She wants to die,
Is this where she shall lay?

Elmos smile sparked her deppresion,
After he crumbled her heart,
She only thought it was an obsession,
Her once sweet smile, gone, it's now tart.........
He says he won't hurt her but she knows he lies,
Gun in his hand, she knows its her last day,
She wants to die...
Is this where she lays....?
She creeps into bed,
Hands on the trigger,
A smile slithers u-pon her face,
Soon all she has to do... is pull the trigger...
She hears footsteps.....
She hears footseps , shes screaming down to the core,
She knows its her last day,
The mystery person opens the door......
Her body collapses,
Her vision starts to slurr,
The pain will end now, no memory lapses,
Death will now occur.

(whisper) Killme if you wish, but I'm already dead. (gunshot

2007-11-12 14:07:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

please help i need any songs or poams links that you know old classics new song any think that is about war and peace
thx appreciate it

2007-11-12 12:14:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

not song lyric, but poem

2007-11-12 11:14:30 · 8 answers · asked by your.halo.is.slipping 2

Mindless Motorist

that annihilates my quiet reverie
with the violence of a hammer;
an assault of every sensibility.

a racket of confusion,
LOUD and raw with stupidity;
it thunders and pounds from
a car I wish weren’t so close to me.

No intelligible words,
nor pleasant melody; vibrations
drill away at my inner sanctity
like a dentist in my mental cavity,

with ear shattering volume
enough to crack paint
six cars over,
l can’t help but wish its driver
was elsewhere
pushin’ clover.

The green signals my freedom
from this torture of the damned
as ‘Mr. Mindless’ speeds on oblivious
to curse some other traffic jam.

2007-11-12 11:05:22 · 3 answers · asked by autumlovr 7

Can you help me with the literary terms in this poem by william wordsworth? what are they and where are they?

That though the radiance which was once so bright be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower. We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.”

2007-11-12 10:13:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


please explain the storyline of edward, edward

2007-11-12 10:10:16 · 1 answers · asked by yu3se6 6

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