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Books & Authors - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

Can anyone recommend some good pulp fantasy books?

Note: The following authors need not be mentioned, they're great but I already am well acquainted with them:

-Robert E. Howard
-J.R.R Tolkien
-Kathryn Kerr
-Philip Pullman

2006-08-15 16:34:51 · 6 answers · asked by John S 4

2006-08-15 16:27:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-15 16:18:36 · 2 answers · asked by altgrave 4

Its a book I read in 4th grade, Its for younger kids and teens. Its about a girl who goes to live with her 2 aunts and they make her like their slave. And if you do well you get a peppermint. If you stole one you are punished. I rememeber something about her father comming back later in the story. I really need to know what this book is called!!! Please help ASAP!!!!!

2006-08-15 15:32:23 · 3 answers · asked by Emily C 2

poet? And what poem from them do you like best?

2006-08-15 15:16:20 · 16 answers · asked by WiseWisher 3

If so, what did you think of it. Was it worth reading?

2006-08-15 14:43:23 · 6 answers · asked by farmergyrl23 4

My opinion on the book is that I feel justice was never served. What do you think about the story for those who read it?

2006-08-15 14:42:25 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2

2006-08-15 14:38:57 · 17 answers · asked by realunderboss 1

Do you have any poems that i can read while I am on here...for who has the best poem, gets best answer and 10 points.
i want to see how good you are!

2006-08-15 13:53:47 · 12 answers · asked by ♥mcmanda♥ 5

Please help me! I just found out the quote I used for the homework assignment that's due tommorrow isn't going to work, and if I don't do this right my entire school year will be thrown off whack. And I can't find quotes to save my life. And i can't find my book, either.

2006-08-15 13:49:43 · 2 answers · asked by zoemstof 3

I read my first copies till they fell apart, and had to buy a whole new set, I'm just hanging out for him to finish the last books in the series........

2006-08-15 13:46:36 · 8 answers · asked by maggie rose 4

2006-08-15 13:38:07 · 7 answers · asked by redfez01 1


Sweet, sexy, beautiful, hot Benji.
Your as benjaful as can be.
Sweet and sexy Made man of Tattoos.
What ever you might be?!?!
My sexy punk rocker Benji Madden of that
dear punk rock band Good Charlotte, who
plays that sexy, sweet looking guitar, and
is also vocals along with that twin brother of
yours named Joel who is just lead vocals.
Benji...Benji...what ever could I do without
that sexy man you are?
The man of piercings, tattoos, and makeup...
Your the sexiest man in the universe.
That dear, sweet, sexy , beautiful, hot Benji.
This made man of tattoos who has piercings, wears
makeup, and has those awesome but sexy
tattoos...either way it all matches you!

By: Me!

oh...btw, if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anthing at all...and if you think this poem sux...stick it up your a**...i don't wanna hear you whine your head off...and just because you can't write a poem as good...stick it where the sun don't shine!
I can careless bout what u think! what u think?

2006-08-15 13:31:31 · 21 answers · asked by ♥mcmanda♥ 5

A strong gust of wind pushed at the boy, making his brown hair flop from one side to the other, and sending shivers through his body. He was wearing a bulky gray coat, bundled up inside it as if there was no end to this autumn cold. His eyes were of a piercing green, almost glowing in the dusky light of the evening. To passersby he seemed nothing more than a poor boy, no older than fifteen, wandering the streets to avoid going home. In the uncaring city, this was one of many ways of life.
But the boy seemed determined as he pushed through the icy gusts of wind. Winter was coming on quick, snow threatening to split the sky, windows already laced with frost. He passed a couple walking arm in arm, laughing, with their heads close together. He pushed away the sight of it, and plodded on. He darted across a busy street, dodging cars carelessly, as if he didn’t care if they hit him.
Standing on the other side of the street, he stared up and down the row of dusty storefronts. A bakery, a hair salon, a thrift shop, a butcher. He shook his head, muttering something. Then his attention fell on the last shop on the street.
A sign swung back and forth, a plaque of lacquered wood hanging from rusty hinges. It read, in crooked lettering, “House Of The Mystic Arts”. A star, painted as if an afterthought, was its only adornment.
The boy’s eyes filled with light as he read the sign, and he was immediately running to it, as if nothing in the world could stop him from getting there. He slipped through the scattered groups of people, shouting barely-heard apologies over his shoulder as he ran.
He reached the storefront, a plain window that lacked cleaning or care. Inside, he could see a dark room, and a teenaged girl with wild chestnut-colored hair standing behind an antique desk. Her eyes were sapphire blue, and they met his as he peered into the store.
Then, the boy slipped inside, pushing the heavy oak door and stepping into the dark room beyond. He could not hide his excitement.

2006-08-15 13:23:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bruce Fergusson is one of my favorite fantasy writers. His two novels from the Six Kingdoms series broke very rule in fantasy literature. But after his brilliant Mace of Souls, I never heard from him again. Does anyone know if he'll ever return to the Six Kingdoms, or write another book??

2006-08-15 13:10:30 · 2 answers · asked by hunanlaowai 1

2006-08-15 12:33:54 · 13 answers · asked by gina f 1

I have already read the DaVinci Code and I am not looking for a book that will scare me. I am looking for a real page turner...thanks in advance.

2006-08-15 12:27:49 · 14 answers · asked by Fallon V 4

I heard it was going to be. I love that book (and its sequal, Inkspell)! Does anyone know when it's due to be released?

2006-08-15 12:20:36 · 3 answers · asked by Kree 2

I know of Middle-Earth, but I cannot get the others!

Please help!

2006-08-15 12:16:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

The gravel crunches rhythmically with each step. The scent of dew soaked grass and damp wood fills the air. Lingering in mouth were the tastes of stale coffee and cigerette smoke. The near silence was broken when The Old Man spoke:

"It is quite simple to change the world" as he reaches down and gets a handful of sand, letting it slowly sift through his fingers "See?"

I said nothing just walked. I could feel his eyes move downward into a sorrowful stare. A pain of guilt hit me in the gut like a fist.

2006-08-15 12:05:12 · 12 answers · asked by Red Yeti 5

Who do you think will die in the 7th book...there's at lease two main characters that do. i think that it will be voldemort and i hope snape, but that's probably not true...what do you think?

2006-08-15 11:57:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-15 11:52:06 · 9 answers · asked by Please! 3

2006-08-15 11:30:49 · 6 answers · asked by Rose 1

I am reading "Sweet Miss Honeywell's Revenge" by Kathryn Reiss. It's SOOO good!!!

2006-08-15 11:18:55 · 48 answers · asked by Kimmy <3 5

2006-08-15 11:05:45 · 5 answers · asked by Simmy 5

The first one to answer correctly will get the 10 points. And the acknowledgement of how cool they really are ;-)

2006-08-15 10:40:32 · 2 answers · asked by RachMeist 3

Right now I'm starting a new "book". I've always thought about whether to write the details page by page and take it slowly or to write the basic plot and come back and add details? Is there a better way?

2006-08-15 10:26:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was a book I read in the seventh grade, and it's been a good 4 or 5 years since then, so I don't remember the title or author. I'm not sure why, but I just want to know what it was. It was a fiction book and I think it took place in the 40s. The story is told through the eyes of a twin, who's sister is the favorite in the family. Her twin had complications at birth, and everyone told the story about the night she was born and how everyone was worried, but when the other girl asked they always said something along the lines of "You caused us no trouble at all". I also remember the girl wishing she was a monster so that her family would pay attention to her. The girl also sent on song lyrics for a competition, and got an automated reply back. I also remember that the two girls were reading on the Sabbath (Sunday) and they turned on the radio even though they weren't allowed to and heard about the start of WW2, or else D-Day, I can't remember which. (More Details)---->

2006-08-15 10:06:56 · 4 answers · asked by Ell 5

im in luv wit my boyfriend and poetry... and one day i woud like to share some of it with him..but at the moment i want to hear some very sexy poety..u got n-e goods?

2006-08-15 09:55:32 · 6 answers · asked by sexii 3

I had heard it is the recently found Book of Judas, circa AD 30. I don't mean wall painting or stone tablet or sarcphagus etching etc. I mean a written document, like a paper book or papyrus leaf writing.

2006-08-15 09:48:14 · 3 answers · asked by paanbahar 4

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