of the bill. There are 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the USA. Each is assigned a city, a letter of the alphabet and a number. The number corresponds with the letter ie..1=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc. JFK was killed in Dallas Texas on Nov. 22 1963. Let's say the K stands for Kennedy (JFK) Where shot?..Dallas TX-see the city below the Letter K.--Dallas. -Kennedy was shot in Nov. Nov = 11th. mo. Look at the number to the right of the letter K..11=Nov. Kennedy was shot on the 22nd. Look at the number underneath the serial no. on the left of the bill..11 Upper 11 + lower 11 = 22- Nov.22nd. Look at the no. on the right portion of the bill - right of Washingto DC. it's an 11. Kennedy was the 33rd President. Adding together those three 11s.= 33. Kennedy = 33rd. Pres. There is an 11 on the right side a little below the one you just saw. Kennedy was 44 yr. old. 4 x 11 =44. If it's a 1963 bill=the yr he was shot. All coincidental. * Some say Kennedy not 33rd someone seperating terms.won/lost/won elections.
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