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All categories - 29 December 2007

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If y^2 - 3x=7, then [d^2y]/[dx^2] =
please explain because i don't fully understand how to do this

2007-12-29 12:54:39 · 3 answers · asked by affy 2 in Mathematics

Ok so ...
I was wondering if i have a serious problem.
So i havent had a bf in like a year and a half. I dont think im extremly ugly( i have wavy red hair and are a avererage weight) . Im 13 by the way. Is it cause im not a slut? I know guys arent all that but it would be nice to have a bf.
wow so i cant explain things so if this doesnt make any sense at all just ignore it =)

2007-12-29 12:54:20 · 35 answers · asked by Rebecca 2 in Singles & Dating

i have been eating a tunafish sandwich each day for lunch, part of a new diet, but a friend told me the other day that you can eat too much tuna, is this true and why? and what is too much

2007-12-29 12:54:19 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

PATNA, India (Reuters) - A Buddhist monk from Bhutan has burnt himself to death at Buddhism's holiest shrine in India, police said on Friday

Can someone experienced with buddhism, please enlighten me how this could of happened, even though buddhists are tought not to hurt living things (including ones self)

2007-12-29 12:54:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A piece of ice fell off my roof the other day and happened to catch my ten year old golden retriever in the hip/leg. He has been dragging his legs and will not stand up without me lifting up his rear end first. And even then, he only saunters for a max of five feet. With it being directly after the holidays, what is the best thing I can do for him until I have the money to take him into the vet after the new year?

2007-12-29 12:54:03 · 9 answers · asked by Action Man 1 in Dogs

she's like one of the "guys" and she's gonna play baseball this year so i think she needs one,thanks a ton.

2007-12-29 12:54:02 · 12 answers · asked by you down? 5 in Words & Wordplay

2007-12-29 12:53:59 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

For instance:

I have a contact I love dearly. She is intelligent, expresses herself well, and consistently gives really awesome answers. However, I have found when choosing a best answer, hers is always the second or third best to me. I feel she deserves a best answer because of her consistency, and the over-all quality of her answers, but to do so would mean I would have to not give the answer to the person I believe actually has the best answer. Also, she answers practically every question I post, and I don't want her to stop doing that.

This is just one example of the kind of stress I feel when choosing a best answer. Am I making too much of this? I almost want to start putting all my questions to a vote.

2007-12-29 12:53:49 · 26 answers · asked by frenzy-CIB- Jim's with Jesus 4 in Religion & Spirituality


2007-12-29 12:53:43 · 4 answers · asked by l8r2007 2 in Polls & Surveys

Tell me your first name I pick the best one for 10 point, And if aswer I'll give you a Thump up for real!

2007-12-29 12:53:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

at the moment i run 3 miles almost everyday . is that enough?

god bless

2007-12-29 12:53:32 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

Before I go out to buy a new HD-DVD player specifically the (Toshiba HD-A30) to accompany my new Sony Bravia KDL-46W3000 LCD TV I was wondering if Blockbuster or Moviegallery even has HD/Blu-Ray Movies available for rent?

I do know that Blockbuster announced that it was only going to support Blu-Ray but I failed to notice if they even had any available for rent as I just upgraded to all this new Technology.

I dont buy movies at all as it is in my opinion a waste of money, so if I cant even rent HD movies then there is no use for me to buy one and instead I could go ahead and get a DVD player that upconverts regular DVDs to 1080p correct?

Thanks for your answers.

2007-12-29 12:53:21 · 3 answers · asked by arsalana89 1 in Movies

- male/female monkeys live in trees, but eventually decide to walk on land

- female monkeys learn that it is dangerous. Carrying a baby slows a woman down. Lions are everywhere.

- females start to mate only with males that show tendency to protect females. This eventually ensures males fall in love.

- monkeys become apes, then humans

- humans develop speech

- female humans learn that nagging is an effective way to ensure the males will work in their favor. Males are already in love and fem-nagging is like an emotional beating.

- feminism, also know as organized nagging, becomes common.

- years later, men start to retaliate against feminism.

2007-12-29 12:53:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

they ask for money and other things does that mean they are from there how mean are the nigerians

2007-12-29 12:53:01 · 8 answers · asked by connie s 1 in Friends

Before I go out to buy a new HD-DVD player specifically the (Toshiba HD-A30) to accompany my new Sony Bravia KDL-46W3000 LCD TV I was wondering if Blockbuster or Moviegallery even has HD/Blu-Ray Movies available for rent?

I do know that Blockbuster announced that it was only going to support Blu-Ray but I failed to notice if they even had any available for rent as I just upgraded to all this new Technology.

I dont buy movies at all as it is in my opinion a waste of money, so if I cant even rent HD movies then there is no use for me to buy one and instead I could go ahead and get a DVD player that upconverts regular DVDs to 1080p correct?

Thanks for your answers.

2007-12-29 12:52:57 · 2 answers · asked by arsalana89 1 in Home Theater

I don't mind what type of moulds, that way I can work it out my self what I am comfortable working with? Thankyou

2007-12-29 12:52:46 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Painting

my male keeps turning on her every now and again,they get on so well and always together,they cant be without each other,they do every thing and go every where together!! its only since shes been preg and due soon that hes gone like this,im scared hell hurt her or do something to the pups could this happen please help???? im now scared to leave him near her just in case he causes her stress or something!!!

2007-12-29 12:52:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

How old do I look? Alot of people tell me I look older than I am, but I dont know. And yeah, I know there are alot of these questions, but I'm just curious what people think. Comments about how I look or rating me or whatever is okay too. I'll post how old I am when I get some answers.





2007-12-29 12:52:40 · 41 answers · asked by ilu<33 2 in Other - Beauty & Style

Well im 16 and i have never worked out before. I never did any sports but ufc stuff but im not doing that atm. Im small 5 foot 3 and only 110 pounds and i have 12 inch biceps flexed. I am starting to go to gym around 5 times a week and dont worry im giving my body a rest. I will work out a different body part each day. I also started taking weight gainer,creatine, and protein. I know what im doing with these suppliments my bro used to use them. I also have a great diet. So if I keep up what im doing how long until my biceps hit 13 inches. How long until i hit 15 inches.

2007-12-29 12:52:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

and bigger muscles

2007-12-29 12:52:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

do u beleive in global warming or is it a bunch of bull?cause if i can remember correctly about 30 years ago they said there was going to be a global freeze!is it just something to get everybody hyped up about nothing?did al gore really desreve to win the noble peace prize for telling us stuff we already knew?whats ur point of veiw???

2007-12-29 12:52:14 · 15 answers · asked by ♥N!KK!♥ 2 in Global Warming

Ive made the decision to breastfeed my son. I know the benefits for him and that is well worth the extra work.

Here is a selfish question -- for those women who breastfd, did you find that you lost weight more quickly?

2007-12-29 12:52:13 · 8 answers · asked by cwrayvoa 3 in Pregnancy

When I boot up my desktop, a pop-up error message with the title "RUNDLL" always appears :

"Error loading C:\WINDOWS\system32\fdmwuncp.dll
The specified module could not be found."

I checked the system32 folder for fdmwuncp.dll and it is indeed missing.

What is fdmwuncp.dll and its functions?

I think that it may be the following but please correct me.
Whenever I make my desktop "sleep" (there is a button on the keyboard that says "zzz") and then get it to operate again (by pressing the CPU button, it usually goes into a blue screen that says something along the lines of
"Your disk needs to be checked for consistency."
otherwise, it sometimes goes into The Blue Sceen of Death. What the information is in the screen, I cannot remember.

To summarize, I wish to know :
1. What is fdmwuncp.dll and its function(s)?
2. What should I do when the situation happens?

Thank you for taking your time to read through this and is seek your advice.

2007-12-29 12:52:08 · 11 answers · asked by Answerer 2 in Desktops

I am going to write a song.
But i just need one thing. A idea for it.
So will you please give me a idea.
Oh and i am a type of girl who likes Pop.
Like Miley Cyrus Stuff.
You know what i mean!!
So please help.

2007-12-29 12:52:04 · 8 answers · asked by ♥ April; MX4LIFE! ♥ 1 in Other - Music

for example i am blind in one eye resulting in them being 3 different colors (one is blue and the other is green and brown) and i originally had 7 grandparents but 2 died so i only have 5 :`(
easy 2 points if you answer
easy 10 points if i hear the best amazing fact about you :)

2007-12-29 12:51:57 · 18 answers · asked by <:3 )~ 4 in Philosophy

2007-12-29 12:51:56 · 62 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-29 12:51:47 · 3 answers · asked by keri f 1 in Non-Alcoholic Drinks

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