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All categories - 15 December 2007

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There's this guy I like & we've talked in class a few times, & he always laughs at my jokes, & if everyone around us is talking, he seems more interested in what I'm saying. But he's really shy, & the only gf he's ever had was NOT the best looking, & everyone I've told says I look a lot better. I told my friend to tell him I liked him, & he let out a forced laugh & said, "why does she like me?" & he said he wouldn't go out with me. Does anyone know why he reacted this way? He wasn't like, turned off by it, but said he wouldn't want to date me. I don't know if I should just give up on him. :/

I hope no one's annoyed by my question.
I know a lot of people probably ask annoying crap like this, but it's bothered me since last night.

2007-12-15 16:13:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-12-15 16:13:01 · 4 answers · asked by sueflower 6 in Polls & Surveys

Christians believe atheists are taking the easy way out by not believing in God while atheists believe Christians are taking the easy way out by believing in the supernatural? Is this the cause of elitism on both sides?

2007-12-15 16:12:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

This is relaly important to us - they do so much for us, and we owe them big time. Anythinglike a play....but something where they can sit back and relax...yet have a good time??? Serious help needed here - and thanks. Merry Christmas, everyone.

2007-12-15 16:12:53 · 6 answers · asked by CrazyCatLady 2 in Family

Most of you say that you want to get as much out of life as possible & that life is short and you don't want rules or whatever. Anyhow my question is if you gave it thought and thought that you truly don't know the real answer to eternal life or not, wouldn't you just live for God in order to have a great eternal life? I mean, once you've been there a trillion years, you've only just begun. You can't risk that being spent in hell?!

2007-12-15 16:12:35 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My wife receives child support for her daughter. She no longer has primary custody of the child. My wife's father is the executor of the joint conservatorship. He does not receive the child support. Wouldn't the Attorney General's office have to be notified if the custody papers were legal so that the child support would be sent to the child's home?

2007-12-15 16:12:32 · 1 answers · asked by gbeld 1 in Law & Ethics

laundry soap just aint doing it is there something else that I can use to get the smell out of my shirts? I dont want to throw em out pls help!!!!!!!

2007-12-15 16:12:29 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4 in Cleaning & Laundry

I am a young gay may (25 years old) in a committed relationship. I would love to have raise children and start a family - it just seems like having a great family is something that really makes life fulfilling, especially once you start getting older. But I'm in a dilemma because, being gay, it's really hard to procreate. Finding a surrogate mother is expensive!! I guess adopting would be fine too, although I would like to have my children have my own genes if possible - but maybe that doesn't matter so much, maybe adopting is the best idea. What do you think? Thanks!

2007-12-15 16:12:13 · 3 answers · asked by tidy mess 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

so i work in retail and it gets busy around this time of year like everyone knows. WELL last night i started to get a bad headache and i figured it would go away with sleep.. it didnt, i woke up at 3am with a horrible headache and threw up twice, i fell back asleep until about 7 when i still felt like sh*t, i couldnt keep any food down, so i called into work (four hours before my shift) and told my manager i couldnt come in, she asked why and i told her... she then told me that i was expected to come in because 4 people did not show up... do you think that was right of her do do?

2007-12-15 16:12:06 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

my mother a few weeks ago was diagnosed with osteoporosis cancer, which is a very late in development and she was given a couple of weeks to live. the doctors told me that she can survive at the most a few weeks if i put her on a machine that pumps her blood for her but it will be very painful for her while she is awake and she wont even be able to move or talk. he also said that i could just pull the plug on her and let her go peacefully even though i would technically be killing her. i don't want to kill my mom and i don't want her to die slowly and painfully but her husband is dead and i have to make the choice soon. what should i do, I know I shouldn’t make my mom die slowly and painfully but I can’t let her go.

2007-12-15 16:12:05 · 38 answers · asked by ▫□ █ ▄ ▀Square▀ ▄ █ □▫ 6 in Mental Health

that I'm not aware of in my marriage. For instance, this evening as we were getting ready to eat dinner (in front of the tv...nothing formal) my mom called on my cell phone. We chatted for about 10 minutes and when I went back to the table, my husband seemed irritated. He told me that he wasn't mad, but that he thought I should have told her to call back since we were eating. I didn't think it was a huge deal, but his comment made me feel bad. Also, last week we went on a trip to NYC with some friends. It was very cold and we were waiting outside for someone to take a picture, so we stopped in front of a store. Everyone was looking at the windows...so I said to my husband (in a sarcastic tone) "you know, we can go inside!" since it was freezing. He literally didn't speak to me for and hour or so, and when he did he said that I was being a jerk for saying that. We are usually very jokey with each other, and I explained that I was kidding, but he didn't believe me. I guess the

2007-12-15 16:11:56 · 7 answers · asked by LAB03 2 in Marriage & Divorce

ok so i created my boyfriend a myspace account and he asked me to put up pictures for him and so i went to go do so and i gound out he changed his password, ok so anygirlfirend is going to automatically assume that their boyfriend is hiding something so that is what i assumed... then he told me he felt sick because he was afraid i was going to get into his email, which i never had the intentions of doing so. I then ask him if he is hiding things on his email and he says yes he is and he just kept on with it when i dropped it.. he posted a question on here and the people on here told him to break up with me so he did so... I dont understand this, i love him so much, what should be done? This happened earlier today and we have somewhat forgiven each other, but the question is, do you think he should give me another chance or not? Tell me the truth!!

2007-12-15 16:11:56 · 10 answers · asked by Christa(Vadka) 1 in Singles & Dating

10x-(10/x^2) = 112 + 2/3

I posted this in question before and was told to multiply everything by 3x^2. I see the reasoning behind doing this, but how do you determine that 3x^2 was the right number for doing it? I'm sure it just wasn't a guess?

2007-12-15 16:11:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

On here people seem to have a strong opinion of "let them have their own identity."

If they are identical, noone will be able to tell their own identities anyway unless you know them closely.

Also, I think its very cute. Like:

Blake and Blair
Nathan and Noah
Logan and Lucas
Tanner and Tyler

Aleigha and Alana
Tally and Tessa


2007-12-15 16:11:49 · 24 answers · asked by Smartie_Pants 5 in Baby Names

show all work. the carat denotes exponent value

2007-12-15 16:11:43 · 4 answers · asked by diva 1 in Mathematics

2007-12-15 16:11:18 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-15 16:11:13 · 8 answers · asked by Thomas E 7 in Words & Wordplay

i get 15 dollars a week and a dog is usually 700 maybe 600 dollars how many weeks and months will it be till i have enough money?

2007-12-15 16:11:02 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Remembering almost breaks me because some dragons won’t stay slain and the shadows will follow me forever. I remember the time I nearly lost myself. My heart was broken and my dreams abandoned me and I was disillusioned and I felt beautiful for the first time in my life looking at my face in a broken mirror by candlelight and I believed in happily ever after- I thought I'd never find mine, and I swore to myself in writing certain things... that I'll never say at all because I was lost and alone and crying in the dark with an open notebook I could pour me secrets to, and I remember when I lost my faith and when I wondered how God could be so cruel and why people keep so many secrets and how I could be so blind as to not know... I look at my hands and I see some of the scars on them and I'm glad I'm not naked or then I could see all my scars and know all the stories and lies to go with them and I know I'll never let go of what I was- because it's what I’m still becoming.

2007-12-15 16:10:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I just got out of a reallly bad relationship and feel like there is no such thing. . .

2007-12-15 16:10:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day!

2007-12-15 16:10:17 · 13 answers · asked by Third P 6 in Philosophy

Looking up some ancestors online, I've noticed several things, that not only is sourcing limited in many cases, but assumptions seem to be made, such as the great grandson of my 5 times great grandfather having the same middle name, and speculation on my 5x great grandfather's father's name. Variations on dates, as well, though I understand that more.

My questions are, shouldn't the people who make these pages be obligated to give sources as well as the reasoning for their claims? I have no idea if my 6 x great grandfather was named George or Alexander, how someone else does, I don't know, and am not sure they do either.

What other errors are made in genealogy pages?

2007-12-15 16:10:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Genealogy

2007-12-15 16:10:05 · 5 answers · asked by Tomas S 1 in Classical

show all work

2007-12-15 16:09:59 · 8 answers · asked by diva 1 in Mathematics

the Midnight Special back in the 70's...???

2007-12-15 16:09:55 · 32 answers · asked by SmoothCharacter 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-15 16:09:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Do you also believe in things like fairies, elves, and dragons?

2007-12-15 16:09:42 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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