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All categories - 20 November 2007

Arts & Humanities · Beauty & Style · Business & Finance · Cars & Transportation · Computers & Internet · Consumer Electronics · Dining Out · Education & Reference · Entertainment & Music · Environment · Family & Relationships · Food & Drink · Games & Recreation · Health · Home & Garden · Local Businesses · News & Events · Pets · Politics & Government · Pregnancy & Parenting · Science & Mathematics · Social Science · Society & Culture · Sports · Travel


1. Is it good if a vacuum really sucks?

2. Why is the third hand on the watch called the second hand?

3. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?

4. If Webster wrote the first dictionary, where did he find the words?

5. Why do we say something is out of whack? What is a whack?

6. Why does "slow down" and "slow up" mean the same thing?

7. Why does "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing?

8. Why do "tug" boats push their barges?

9. Why do we sing "Take me out to the ball game" when we are already there?

10. Why are they called "stands" when they are made for sitting?

11. Why is it called "after dark" when it really is "after light"?

12. Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?

13. Why are a "wise man" and a "wise guy" opposites?

14. Why do "overlook" and "oversee" mean opposite things?

15. Why is "phonics" not spelled the way it sounds?

16. Why do flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?

17. If all the world's a stage, where is the audience sitting?

18. If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

19. If you are cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read all right?

20. Why is bra singular and panties plural?

21. Why do you press harder on the buttons of a remote control when you know the batteries are dead?

22. Why do we put suits in garment bags and garments in a suitcase?

23. How come abbreviated is such a long word?

24. Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we towel dry?

25. Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

26. Why do they call it a TV set when it's only one TV?

27. Christmas: What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your socks?

2007-11-20 12:31:34 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Im studying the effects of pesticides in agriculture. I am researching health side effects to product like Weed N’ Feed. Im trying to find facts that could have a visual like a graph or table for im presenting this topic in a 50 min presentation. Any ideas or web sites would be helpful

2007-11-20 12:31:32 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Environment

I was recently asked by a foreign colleague of mine why people sometimes say, "I wanted to thank everyone...or what I wanted to do today is..." Can anyone shed light on this subject?

2007-11-20 12:31:27 · 7 answers · asked by D 1 in Words & Wordplay

Hey everybody, has anyone out there ever used the seemingly popular "no money down real estate" system? Particularly the one Robert Allen promotes? If you have please share your experience including any fine print, things they don't tell you, etc. Cuz I've seen infomercials about this for years from many different people, but I'd love to know what the actual program involves. Thanks.

2007-11-20 12:31:15 · 7 answers · asked by jldude 5 in Renting & Real Estate

or like a fish?

2007-11-20 12:31:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

A mother asked President Bush, "Why did my son have to die in Iraq?"

Another mother asked President Kennedy, "Why did my son have to die in Viet Nam?"

Another mother asked President Truman, "Why did my son have to die in Korea?

Another mother asked President F.D. Roosevelt, "Why did my son have to die at Iwo Jima?"

Another mother asked President W. Wilson, "Why did my son have to die on the battlefield of France?"

Yet another mother asked President Lincoln, "Why did my son have to die at Gettysburg?"

And yet another mother asked President George Washington, "Why did my son have to die near Valley Forge?"

Then long, long ago, a mother asked..."Heavenly Father, why did my Son have to die on a cross outside of Jerusalem?"

The answers to all these are similar -- "So that others may have life and dwell in peace,
happiness and freedom."

2007-11-20 12:31:00 · 4 answers · asked by Ami D 1 in Religion & Spirituality


what are the best rice dishes you have cooked or tried? recipes would be appreciated!

2007-11-20 12:30:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

well actually i need someone to help me find something out.
please help me if u can do any of that

2007-11-20 12:30:39 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horoscopes

"How do I look"
"Is he/she hot"
"Rate Me/him/her"
"What do you think of Him/her"

Why are the opinions of complete stangers so important???
Can you not make decision for your self?? are you so worried what someone else thinks that you have lost all self confidence??

(and be serious, think for yourselfs when and if you have the courage to answer honestly)

2007-11-20 12:30:38 · 5 answers · asked by C 4 in Community Service

Our computer did not come with powerpoint but now im in high school and we have a project that we have to do on powerpoint. Can you download it free on the internet or do you have to buy it?

2007-11-20 12:30:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

This guy who I thought was my "friend" stole adderall out of my purse. As soon as I found out, I told him I would never talk to him again. However, it makes me furious that he got away with it. He stole 30 adderall tablets out of my perscription bottle.....I want to tell the cops but he told me if I did he was just lie to them that I sold it to him. If I went to the police and told them what happened, could they end up believing this guy and charging me with selling drugs? It infuriates me because I have ADHD and I really need my adderall to help me with my schoo work.
Or should I just get over it? I mean, it was only 30 pills. He may have fun with my pills, getting high........but those 30 pills won't last more than a month! Also, I found out that he is giving the pills away to "hott girls" that he likes to score points with them. It makes me sick that my personal prescription drugs are going all over town. Is there any way to trace the pills back to me? Are there numbers on them?

2007-11-20 12:30:25 · 5 answers · asked by Rebecca K 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

i have several small squares of velvet fabric about 5 by 5 inches. the colors are rather dark and dont seem to go well together. the colors are : black, dark royal purple, and grey. the fabric isnt very thick but it is pretty and i would like to do something with it, any ideas?

2007-11-20 12:30:07 · 13 answers · asked by curvy_chick000 4 in Hobbies & Crafts

I lost the eye when I was 2.
I had Optic Nerve Glioma.
I wear a contact in the good eye. The PX is -6.
Nothing has reoccurred since the eye was removed.
I can see 140 degrees peripheral vision.
I can drive any vehicle without a problem.
I cant see 3D movies.
I would like an honest answer please! thanks.

2007-11-20 12:30:01 · 4 answers · asked by ilessproductions 1 in Military

i'm trying to do something for my project.
please help.

2007-11-20 12:29:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

2007-11-20 12:29:46 · 28 answers · asked by ROBERT G 1 in Football (American)

don't get me wrong, I like people and all, but usually if I have a choice I'd rather be alone. is this normal?

2007-11-20 12:29:43 · 17 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Psychology

2007-11-20 12:29:41 · 18 answers · asked by jdryer77 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I was christened in the uniting church but my fiance and i are getting married in the catholic church. I need to produce my certificate and i have no idea how to go about it. can any 1 help me please?????

2007-11-20 12:29:36 · 9 answers · asked by Ricky J 1 in Religion & Spirituality

who do you think OVERALL has a harder life??? women or men?? think about ALL the stuff girls and boys have to go though.and i mean ALL.

2007-11-20 12:29:35 · 7 answers · asked by Jen. 2 in Psychology

i kind of have an idea but dont know.

2007-11-20 12:29:24 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages


sometimes, my TV does this thing:
it goes black (the screen), but it still has sound.
you can still change the channels when it is black.
When you turn it off there is a small white dot of light in the center of the screen.
If you turn it back on, it goes to green stripes. Sometimes the picture will come on permanently, or for just a second before going off, or just stay black.
If you turn it on and off enough and the picture will come back on.
can anyone tell me what the HECK is wrong? and if and how expensive it will be to fix?

2007-11-20 12:29:07 · 2 answers · asked by billytalentishotasheck 2 in Other - Television

It seems Ancestry.com has a monopoly on census records. If you want to look up ONE person, you have to sign up for a 14day "FREE trial." Actually, 14 days free on a subscription. Don't forget to call and cancel!!
Is there a site I can look up a 1860 census a "pay a fee as you go" type deal?

2007-11-20 12:28:32 · 8 answers · asked by olive 1 in Genealogy

I also have another question: Is it true that our economy is able to adjust to a long-run equilibrium after a decrease in aggregate demand because prices and wages are sticky? If so why?

2007-11-20 12:28:16 · 2 answers · asked by sniperdogruffo 1 in Economics

I mean take California and its history of wild fires that found the government unprepared for the consequences. Now, when the weather announces that a santa ana wind condition is likely to occur, they finally take preventive measures to ward off excessive damage like putting extra equipment in strategic spots and ordering extra aircraft and making it ready to go in case of disastor. This is something that should have been done in the first place instead of having all of that red tape which would have saved a lot of lives and property.......

2007-11-20 12:28:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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