My parents have been divorced since I was eight (so for seven years), and now I spend every other week with my mom, and every other week with my dad. And at first, they didn't really argue. But now... it seems like that's all they ever do. And somehow, my name always seems to weasel it's way into the fight. I needed to get braces, and they faught over what was going to happen. Two years when I started high school, they faught over what school I was going to. My dad started working late, they faught over how I was going to get over to my mom's house when it was my week with her. Whenever holidays come, they fight over who I'll be staying with. The list is just ongoing, really. And now that Christmas and Thanksgiving and my 16th b-day are comming .... I don't know how they're gonna be...... and I just want to know..... did I do something that makes them fight so much? I know, I'm old enough to know that it's not my fault they split up... but is it my fault they're fighting?????
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Marriage & Divorce