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All categories - 5 November 2007

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If so, then why did Job - a man who "...was blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil. [Job 1:1]" - rebuke his wife in the midst of his difficulties and say, "...Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity? [Job 2:10]"
Couple this with Deut. 32:39, and I wonder if we have such a misconception of God's nature, that when adversities come in our lives we immediately wonder why God is not in control.
What are your thoughts?

2007-11-05 03:10:24 · 13 answers · asked by BowtiePasta 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Hey everyone! I'll be 18 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I have a alil bump but im not big at all by any means. Recently, over the past 2 weeks especially ive noticed that im getting this weird pain in the right side of my back when im standing or walking around a lot. It almost feels like a strain in my muscles that won't go away till i sit down...when im at the mall walking around it starts to sometimes kick in when ive been on my feet for a while and seems to get worese the more i stand. I was wondering if this could be due to the baby even though im not that big yet. Could it be that the baby is more towards my back and thats the reason for the pain and for maybe why im not as big as some at almost 5 months. This is my first pregnancy. Thanks!

2007-11-05 03:10:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

• IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) warned that 13 million Filipinos out of 640 million people, who are living in coastal areas 10 meters above sea level, face the greatest risk from abrupt climate change? -- How was this related to Batangas?

2007-11-05 03:10:15 · 6 answers · asked by Gabrielle d'angel 1 in Global Warming

Im 18 and this married guy is 37, I broke it off with him over a month ago and I dont miss his lying little ***, so why does he come by my house everyday( I never answer the door and he knows he aint getting sex), I wish I knew why he wont let this go

2007-11-05 03:10:14 · 7 answers · asked by beachbabie18 2 in Singles & Dating

Hello, I have a drama school audition coming up and I'm curious about people's thoughts on Phebe's speech "Think not I love him, though I ask for him....and thou shalt bear it, Silvius". I have some good ideas but I would appreciate any pointers on how to perform it, I'm doing it comically but I don't want to push this too much. Any other input about who she is, what she's like and thoughts on the character would be greatly appreciated. I'm a huge fan of Shakespeare but she's more of a minor character and there's never much written about her. I hope you can help me, thanks!

2007-11-05 03:10:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Jesus, Mother Teresa, ............. or .... Brucie Lee, Roger Moor, Agatha Cristy , Conan Doyle ... Shakespeare, Thomas Alva Edison, Sachin, Mackenna's Culkin,

2007-11-05 03:10:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact
ACA - Anti-Cardiolopin Antibodies
ADN - Any Day Now
AF - Aunt Flo - Menstrual Cycle
AH,AZH - Assisted Hatching
AHI - At-home Insemination
AI - Artificial Insemination
AIH - Artificial Insemination from Husband
AKA - Also Known As
AO - Anovulation
AOA,AVA - Anti-ovarian Antibody
ART - Assisted Reproductive Technology
ATM - At The Moment
AWOL - A Woman On Lupron
B4 - Before
B4N - Before Now
BA - Baby Aspirin
BABYDUST - Good wishes vibe for getting pregnant
BBL - Be Back Later
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BBs - BooBies AKA Breasts
B/C - BeCause
BC - Birth Control
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BD - Baby Dance (intercourse)
BF - BreastFed, BoyFriend
BFN - Big Fat Negative
BFP - Big Fat Positive!
BIL - Brother inlaw

C# - Cycle Number
CB - Cycle Buddy
CD - Cycle Day
CF - Cervical Fluid
CM - Cervical Mucus
CP - Cervical Position
CNM - CertifiedNurseMidwife

DA - Dear Angel
DH - Dear Husband
DP - Dear Partner
DD - Dear daughter
DS - Dear Son
DSD - Dear Step-Daughter
DSS - Dear Step-Son
D&C - Dilation & Curettage
D&E - Dilation & Evacuation
DPO - Days Post-Ovulation
DPC - Days Since Last Clomid pill was taken
DPR - Days Post-Retrieval
DPT - Days Post-Transfer
Dx - Diagnosis

E2 - Estradiol
EB,EMB - Endometrial Biopsy
EDD - Estimated Due Date
ENDO - Endometriosis
EG - Evil Grin
EOD - End Of Discussion
EPO - Evening Primrose Oil
EPT - Early Pregnancy Test
ESP - ESPecially
ET - Embryo Transfer
EW,EWCM - Eggwhite Cervical Mucus

FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer
FHR - Fetal Heart Rate
FIL - Father in law
FP - Follicular Phase
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
FBOW - For Better Or Worse
FTTA - Fertile Thoughts To All
FUR - False Unicorn Root
FV - Fertile Vibes
FYA - For Your Amusement
FYI - For Your Information

G - Grin
GAFIA - Get Away From It All
GAL- Get A Life
GFY - Good For You
GG- Gotta Go
GIFT - Gamete Intra-fallopianTransfer
GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
GnRH - Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
GP - General Practitioner

HAGD - Have A Great Day
HAND - Have A Nice Day
hCG,HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
hMG,HMG - Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy
HSC - Hysteroscopy
HSG - Hysterosalpingogram
HTH - Hope That Helps
HUTH - Hang Up The Horns

IAC - In Any Case
IAE - In Any Event
ICI - Intra-cervical Insemination
ICSI - Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
ICBW - I Could Be Wrong
IDTT - I'll Drink To That
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IM - Instant Message (Instant Messaging)
IF - Infertility
IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion
IMBO - In My Biased Opinion
IMCO - In My Considered Opinion
IME - In My Experience
IMHO - In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
INPO - In No Particular Order
IOW - In Other Words
IRL - In Real Life
ITI - Intra-tubal Insemination
IUI - Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF - InVitro Fertilization

JIC - Just In Case
J/K - Just Kidding
JMO - Just My Opinion
JTYWLTK - Just Thought You Would Like To Know

KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetheart (Stupid)
KUP - Keep us posted
KWIM - Know What I Mean

LAP - Laparoscopy
LH - Luteinizing Hormone
LMP - Last Menstrual Period (startdate)
LMAO - Laughing My Ankles (A**) Off
LMBO - Laughing My Butt Off
LO - Love Olympics (sex)
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
LP - Luteal Phase
LPD - Luteal Phase Defect
LSP - Low Sperm Count
LUF,LUFS - Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome

MC,m/c - Miscarriage
MF - MaleFactor
MIFT - Micro Injection Fallopian Transfer
MIL - Mother in law
M/S, MS - Morning Sickness

NA (N/A) - Not Applicable, Not Appropriate
NAK - Nursing At Keyboard
Newbie - New to the Internet or Bulletin Board
NFP - Natural Family Planning
NIPing - Nursing In Public
NMP - Not My Problem
NP - No Problem
NPI - No Pun Intended
NRN - No Reply Necessary
NT - No Text

O - Ovulation, Ovulated
OB - Obstetrician
OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OC - Oral Contraceptives
OD - Ovulatory Dysfunction
OHT - One-Handed Typing
OP - Other Poster/Original Poster
OIC - Oh I (C) See
OMG - Oh My God
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
OPT - Ovulation Predictor Test
OT - Off Topic
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTS - Off The Subject
OTC - Over The Counter

PPAF - Post-Pardom Aunt Flo
PCO - Polycystic Ovaries
PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCP - Primary Care Physician
PCT - Post Coital Test
PG - Pregnant
PID - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PMS - Pre-menstrual Syndrome
POAS - Pee on a stick (Home Pregnancy Test)
PPL - PeoPLe
PTL - Praise The Lord
PU - That Stinks

RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
R-FSH - Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone
RI - Reproductive Immunologist
Rx - Prescription

SA - Semen Analysis
SAHD - Stay-At-Home Dad
SAHM - Stay-At-Home Mom
SB - Step-Brother
SBT - Sad But True
SD - Step-Daughter / Step-Dad
SFAIAA - So Far As I Am Aware
SF - Step-Father
SFMP - Sorry For Multiple Posts
SHG - Sonohysterogram
SIL - Sister in law
SITD - Still In The Dark
SM - Step-Mom (Mother)
SNS - Supplemental Nursing System
SMEP - Sperm Meets Egg Plan
SS - Step-Son / Step-Sister
SO - Significant Other
STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease

TAFT - That's A Frightening Thought
TAYL - Talk At You Later
TCOYF -Taking Care of Your Fertility
TFIC - Tongue Firmly In Cheek
THX - Thanks
TIA- Thanks In Advance
TIC - Tongue In Cheek
TIME - Tears In My Eyes
TMI - Too Much Information
toh - typing one-handed
TPTB - The Powers That Be
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TTFN - Ta-Ta For Now
TTYL - Talk To You Later
TTYS - Talk To You Soon
TWIMC - To Whom It May Concern
TWW - Two week wait (also 2WW)
TY - Thank You
TYVM - Thank You Very Much
TR - Tubal Reversal
Tx - Treatment

UR - Urologist
U/S - Ultrasound
UTI - Urinary Tract Infection

V - Vasectomy
VR - Vasectomy Reversal

WAHD - Work-At-Home-Dad
WAHM - Work-At-Home-Mom
WB - Welcome Back
WFM - Works For Me
WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
W/O - WithOut
WNL - Within Normal Limits
WOHM - Work Out of Home Mom
WRT - With Regard To
WTG - Way To Go
WTH - What The Heck??
WU? - What's Up?
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

ZIFT - Zygote

2007-11-05 03:10:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

I'm a bit confused and hope I can get a few opinions and information on this....I understand that you're basic shows are in danger of running reruns for sometime until this is settled. However, they are saying that shows such as David Letterman, Leno, SNL are more at "risk" since they are recorded live or on a rolling basis...so I guess my question is this...aren't David, Leno and the cast of SNL comedians in their own right? Wouldn't we expect them to write most of their own material, which means that they they shouldn't suffer as much as drama shows? Or am I on the wrong line of thinking?

By the way, I don't watch TV much at all (only to fall asleep and a few shows a week amounting to about 5 hours of TV a week if that much).

2007-11-05 03:10:04 · 3 answers · asked by oh boy.... 1 in Other - Television

what is something girls do that turns you offf

2007-11-05 03:09:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

It didn't seem like "white guilt". (Just thought I'd mention that, because I'm sure someone else will.) They acted like they were REALLY PISSED (like it was far more than "white guilt").

This is what happened....

My husband and I went to a party Saturday night (at one of hubby's cousin's house in Richmond, VA). Much of the family was there who we haven't seen in LONG time. While there, we discovered that a few of his cousins had married white women and that the mother of four of his cousins had married a white man. No biggie... They seemed cool. Everything was going great until we all started making race-related jokes.

One of hubby's cousins wanted to take a group picture of a bunch of the guys. So anyway, they were making jokes about it being too dark to take photos of black people. My husband's brother made a joke about Panasonic making the camera "too eff'd up to take pictures of black folk in the dark" and then said, "yea, we need to call the NAACP on'em."

2007-11-05 03:09:44 · 14 answers · asked by SINDY 7 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Autumn Watch is on tonight.I really enjoyed Spring Watch, so I'm looking forward to this.Anyone else going to tune in tonight?

2007-11-05 03:09:36 · 5 answers · asked by CMH 6 in Drama

tips tips please and no flylady stuff ifound her site boring

2007-11-05 03:09:30 · 6 answers · asked by mother love 4 in Decorating & Remodeling

I had my period on Oct 24 and it ended on Oct 28. I had unprotected sex on Nov 3 and 4? Is it possible I could be pregnant?

2007-11-05 03:09:24 · 18 answers · asked by sparklingeyes24 3 in Women's Health

I have gained alot of weight and my due date is Jan 29th. I'm just worried and the only thing my doctor told me was they will chack with ultrasound in a couple of wks.

2007-11-05 03:09:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

If i spelled that right,lol. But i havent dated since 04, and i been to bars, i work with alot of girl and basically no one will shows any interest in me. Im starting to belive im not attractive at all. Im not the type to approach, because i been told to make women work for my attention. Well, i got nothin,lol. Maybe i need a new style or something? Check out my myspace myspace.com/iamdwade So in conclusion, how do i make women notice me?

2007-11-05 03:09:21 · 7 answers · asked by downriverguy66 1 in Singles & Dating

1. What dose 1000 Lumens mean? dose this mean 1000 hours on a lamps life?

2. Is there a differents between a DLP TV and a Home Theater Projector lasting longer then the other.

3. Which device is better to have....let me rephrase this question, which one of the products would have less technical problems?

4. When a DLP TV's lamp life goes out isn't the same replacement a person would have to make for a Home Theatre Projector?

Thankyou for your time

2007-11-05 03:08:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in TVs

2007-11-05 03:08:49 · 15 answers · asked by Dhiraj..(DJ) 4 in Polls & Surveys

Where do you get your morals from? I'm not saying that you need to have a religion to have morals, I don't, I'm just curious to know where you learned what is right and wrong?

2007-11-05 03:08:40 · 26 answers · asked by katty claire 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I know this might sound like a stupid question but this is a question I have always wondered and I would like a scientific answer so I can understand it.

2007-11-05 03:08:40 · 10 answers · asked by Ron F 4 in Biology

im hosting my familys thanksgiving dinner this year(im 19 but my hubbys 23) and i need to know what is the most flavorful cheap wine? i dont have much money to spare after being the sole supplier of dinner, but which wine is fairly cheap no more than 15 dollars.. that tastes rather pleasant?
we like boones farm--melon ball stuff like that..but all the others we have tried tased rurnt..Is Franzia in the box good what kind would be appropriate for thanksgiving table.?

It must be low cost and good flavour.I live in bama..so wine shoppes are out of the question..Im talkin about rite aid-walmart- winn dixie options.

2007-11-05 03:08:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beer, Wine & Spirits

last weekend i kissed a fella i shouldn't have and now i can't stop thinking about him. i've seen him three times since and every opportunity he gets he grabs me and flirts or else rubs my back making sure peoople can't see. both of us are in a relationship for the past few years.
i love my fiance but can't hardly sleep thinking bout this other man.
he has also text me things like "how are u today babe".
he also hinted about bringing me away ect and telling me how wonderful and gorgeous i am.
he also says that he'll neber be the same after what happened
what do ye think is going through his mind

2007-11-05 03:08:37 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Advance Merry Christmas to all....

2007-11-05 03:08:35 · 33 answers · asked by noy 4 in Christmas

I´m not a believer in religion. Having said that, I´ve been to church many times in the UK for weddings and funerals. I found the experience to be one of despair. The church was invariably cold, dull and in many cases it was a boring experience. However, I was recently invited to go to someone´s communion in a Catholic church in rural Spain. The experience in that church was uplifting. The whole time I was there I felt relaxed. People came and go as they pleased. Some answered mobile phones and others chatted through the communion. The one thing that would make me go again was instead of organ music they had guitars playing. Even some traditional hymns sounded so much more inviting. I could have stayed there all day just listening to the music. The church was packed full of people. When I´ve been in the UK churches seem a much stiffer occasion and their appears to be dwindling membership. Why can´t the UK adopt the same as rural Spain. Have a relaxed and enjoyable experience.

2007-11-05 03:08:25 · 10 answers · asked by soñador 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-11-05 03:08:24 · 8 answers · asked by cafelatte 1 in Sydney

MOSES: And God came down from the Heavens, and He said unto the Chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road!" And the chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.

AGENT MULDER: You saw it cross the road with your own eyes. How many more chickens have to cross the road before you believe it?

RICHARD M. NIXON: The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the chicken did NOT cross the road.

JERRY SEINFELD: Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, "What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place, anyway?"

FREUD: The fact that you are at all concerned that the chicken crossed the road reveals your underlying sexual insecurity.

BILL GATES: I have just released the new Chicken Office 2000, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook.

OLIVER STONE: The question is not, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Rather, it is, "Who was crossing the road at the same time, whom we overlooked in our haste to observe the chicken crossing?"

DARWIN: Chickens, over great periods of time, have been naturally selected in such a way that they are now genetically dispositioned to cross roads.

LOUIS FARRAKHAN: The road, you will see, represents the black man. The chicken 'crossed' the black man in order to trample him and keep him down.

MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.

GRANDPA: In my day, we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken had crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.

MACHIAVELLI: The point is that the chicken crossed the road. Who cares why? The end of crossing the road justifies whatever motive there was.

EINSTEIN: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road moved beneath the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.

BUDDHA: Asking this questions denies your own chicken nature.

RALPH WALDO EMERSON: The chicken did not cross the road; it transcended it.

ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die. In the rain.

COLONEL SANDERS: I missed one?

2007-11-05 03:08:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles


I saw this thing in the sky the other night and it was bright as hell!

Way to bright to be normal...I think is something else and they are trying to explain it to cover it up

2007-11-05 03:08:05 · 10 answers · asked by Elaine R 2 in Astronomy & Space


Just checking to see if I've made any mistakes in my hw problems...
1. A block of mass m is at rest on an inclined plane as shown in the figure. Find an expression for the static friction in terms of the mass , the acceleration of gravity, and and the angle shown.
1. The attempt at a solution:
Newtons 1st Law
sum of forces = 0
mg cos(a) -μs * mg sin (a) = 0
μs = cos(a)/sin(a) = cot(a)
thus: static frictoin = cot(a)*cos(a)
2. A proud new BMW owner drivers her car at a speed of 25 m/s into a corner. The coefficients of friction between the road and the tires are 0.70 (static) and 0.40(kinetic). What is the minimum radius of curvature for the corner in order for the car not to skid?
2. Speed(v) of honda = 25 m/s
Coefficient of kinetic friction(μk) = 0.40

2007-11-05 03:08:02 · 4 answers · asked by korr 2 in Physics

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