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All categories - 18 October 2007

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Put them please in an order from the most important to the least one (in your opinion).

2007-10-18 12:36:43 · 16 answers · asked by Oim 1 in Languages

the backside of the moon has a crater impact on the other side of it (almost centered), making the moon almost appear to be an eye. What do you think this would have done to our development as early peoples? (such as impact?)

2007-10-18 12:36:42 · 4 answers · asked by SwiftKill 4 in Astronomy & Space

I've heard of doctors writing prescriptions for their wife or kids, but what about themselves? Like can he diagnose himself with something and write out a prescription? Wouldn't he look weird walking into a pharmacy with a prescription from himself? Would he even have to go to a pharmacy? Please advise. ty.

2007-10-18 12:36:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

are either apostates or disfellowshipped without the sincerity of returning to the organization? I've been observing for months now questions that are posted from "Unsilenced Lamb", "Carol D", "Sinister Minister ?", Pedi C....and a few more for JWs. I'm not a Witness (yet) myself but i know these people are just out there to either annoy you to the limit and bad-mouthing all JWs (stereotyping ya'all). Why do you fall into their trap? Why do you answer and defend your fatith when you know they don't really care for your answers? I understand you need to defend for others sake who may see the questions & are curious themselves but again, isn't answering them is the same as "talking to them?" when you're not supposed to? U guys are in a very tough situation. I hate to see you JWs fall into the trap of the "bird catcher." Personally, I not being a JW get very angry when i see these people continue to put you and your beliefs down. Hope your God Jehovah shuts the mouths of these people soon

2007-10-18 12:36:16 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

almond? doe eyes? small or big. I think my eyes wont match her make up style. i wanna copy hers.

2007-10-18 12:36:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

A physicist on planet Mongo is using a device equivalent to Atwood's machine to measure the Mongoian gravitational acceleration gm. He fixes one of the two 0.40kg masses at each end of the rope. While both are at rest, he places a 0.025kg gronch (a toadlike creature) on one of the masses. That body and its wart-covered passenger descend 0.50m before the gronch hops off. The body continues traveling downward another 0.8m in the next 3.0s. Compute gm.

please help me with the question.
I'm stuck for hours on this.

2007-10-18 12:36:13 · 2 answers · asked by Seongmo L 1 in Physics

2007-10-18 12:36:08 · 31 answers · asked by stargirl 3 in Baby Names

2007-10-18 12:36:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baseball

Do you think consumer report is a puppet for The Unions and get told what vehicles to say are reliable and which are not. Or do you think that they sell out to the highest bidder to say what vehicles are reliable and witch are not?

2007-10-18 12:35:50 · 5 answers · asked by wiseornotyoudecide 6 in Buying & Selling

I know it's real. Do you [at]tend a pumpkin patch every Sunday? If you (and your pumpkin patch) are the most sincere about your faith in it, it will come and bring you blessings. Pumpkins are proof that the Great Pumpkin is real! Just because he doesn't show up doesn't mean it's not real, it just means that you didn't have enough sincere faith that it's real and you should try again next year.

2007-10-18 12:35:46 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

There is a middle school age kid who constantly gets into my garage. I've asked him to leave, and he either won't, or he will but throws stuff (my stuff) in the process, kicks my car, etc. He has stolen a whole bunch of stuff from my garage which I went to his house and got back. His grandparents say they'll say something to them but it's the same old stuff. He's broken into many houses in this neighborhood. Noone will call the cops cause he has 'special needs'. He knows what wrong and right are, clearly. He tells me I can't tell him what to do, it's my husband's house and not mine. (?) I have to open my garage door at times, my children have bikes to get out, gardening, etc. He is so mean and threatening. Any ideas?

2007-10-18 12:35:41 · 34 answers · asked by angelsteps51 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Specifically, which amendments does the USA Patriot Act violate?

2007-10-18 12:35:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Ok I am buying a gaming computer that is custom. Now, I have to make a trade off. It is either the Intel QX6850 Quad processor and the GeForce 8800 Ultra Video Card.......OR.......The Intel E6850 Dual processor and 2 8800 ultra video cards. Which is the better pick?? Thank you! All answers highly appreciated!!! Remember this is for gaming not multitasking. Also, keep Flight Simulator X in mind.....

2007-10-18 12:35:39 · 8 answers · asked by ninertwo 1 in Desktops

use newtons method to approximate the value of cube root (59)

how would that translate into F(x)
so i would be able to use it in the formula

2007-10-18 12:35:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-10-18 12:35:28 · 1 answers · asked by -sen 2 in Video & Online Games

I model, but never would even consider nuse modelling. It amazes me that people automatically assume I am a b***h or stuck on myself. Actually, if you met me you wouldn't think that.

2007-10-18 12:35:28 · 7 answers · asked by Heatherlikesleather 3 in Polls & Surveys

What if, your mother had been a missionary child of Messianic Jewish parents but was now a Buddhist and your father also had been a missionary child of Christian parents and was still a Christian.
When you'd ask either parent things like :
" What is God? Where is God? Who is God? What's the right faith? What should I believe? What's the truth? etc "
They'd simply tell you that you must find that out for yourself.

And what if, from the time you were born you'd been taught about the major world religions, atheism, agnosticism and it had been made clear to you that there were many other forms of beliefs and non, and you were highly encouraged to find out all about them.
What if you'd also been to many countries, were highly cultured and had from the time you were a toddler been going with ( mainly ) your mother to the many places of worship that there are, i.e. to a Gurdwara, and you'd take your shoes off and you'd completely cover your head, Synagogue, your grandparents faith, Dar be-mehr, and you'd offer sweet smelling dry wood to the priests, Masjid to visit, Buddhist temple to chat with your mother, Church with your father,
Jinja with special permission, Mandir to try and get a connection with the gods, etc, etc.
At night your father would read to you from the Bible and
your mother would pray a Buddhist prayer with you.

When you got older, what do you think your personal religious beliefs, if any, would be?

2007-10-18 12:35:22 · 18 answers · asked by 5 in Religion & Spirituality

i can't stand them.

2007-10-18 12:35:12 · 17 answers · asked by Neev 7 in Polls & Surveys

Two guys driving through Texas when they are pulled over by the highway patrol for speeding. The driver rolls down the window and the patrolman hits him across the face with his flashlight. 'Ow! what was that for' The patrolman replies 'In Texas, drivers have their licence and registration ready.
The patrolman writes the driver a ticket. The driver is about to roll up his window when the patrolman hits him again. 'Ow!, what the hell was that for?' In Texas, you say thank you when you get a ticket.' says the patrolman, who then walks round the car and taps on the passengers window. The passenger rolls down the window and the patrolman hits him over the head. The passenger yells, 'Ouch! why did you do that' The patrolman says, 'I'm making your wish come true.'
'What wish?' asks the passenger.
The patrolman replies 'Five yards down the road you would have said "I wish that son of a b*tch had tried that sh*t on me"

2007-10-18 12:35:03 · 11 answers · asked by BRIAN M 5 in Jokes & Riddles

2007-10-18 12:34:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Music

Since people DIDNT READ my extension to my question. I HAVE TAKE TWO TESTS. both negative. and dont try to give me crap about this. Im a grown woman, and i DONT have unprotected sex, i use condoms. and THIS IS WHY IM FREAKING OUT:

had sex August 29th. Nothing got 'in' me. Pull out method..which is stupid. I didnt know he didnt have a condom on. Pushed him off.
Period came like normal on September 2nd. Nothing strange about it.
Started Birthcontrol (pill) on September 26th.
Period was supossed to come on September 28th. But it didnt. The pack I had for the BC wasnt a full pack..So I skipped a week of the regular pills.
First day on the last week of pills(This last Thursday)..started my period. It was normal and lasted the full 6 days that it normally does. But it was almost two weeks late, was that due to the birthcontrol pills messing up my cycle?
Is there still a chance i can be pregnant?
I'd be two months, and im feeling no different. No sore boobs, or anything different

2007-10-18 12:34:45 · 22 answers · asked by bah 2 in Pregnancy

Consider this:
For those that are on welfare, it is like a full time job to get assistance. The lines go around the block and it can take up to four days just to fill a prescription or get a loaf of bread and there really isn't a cashable check that anyone gets.

For college students, most are taking out loans in hopes that they will get a good enough job to pay them back... but most companies are going over seas for cheaper labor.

For the elderly, how productive are they expected to be at 90?

For the baby-boomers, many of their jobs have been taken by outsourcing, technological innovation and immigrants. They never got to save for a proper retirement which puts their kids who want to go to college immediately in debt.

For the people who are in credit card debt - interest rates and late fees account for 2/3 of what they owe... and the companies still issue cards to them knowing that they are doomed.

2007-10-18 12:34:39 · 21 answers · asked by rabble rouser 6 in Politics

I'm making a run to Chipitole to get a chicken rice bol.

2007-10-18 12:34:21 · 13 answers · asked by Squirt 7 in Polls & Surveys

should i go see my doctor?

2007-10-18 12:34:18 · 5 answers · asked by Gabriel M 1 in Pain & Pain Management

In the film the killer kills his victims with bizzar weapons, he kills a couple who were makeing out in a car with a horse head book end (I think, its been a good 10 years) . One chick gets killed after a shower by a paper clip. Another chick who was in a parade gets killed inside of her float by an eggplant, and then the killer decides to chase down a teen from a locker room, when he states in exaustion " great I picked a runner". The killer allways is wearing these rubber boots that allways makes squishy wet sounds when he walks, its quite humourous. Does any one know the name of this film.

2007-10-18 12:34:07 · 4 answers · asked by 7light 1 in Movies

as the biofuel industry enters comeptition with meat industry for land and crops, it becomes an increasingly irrational act to continue with the traditional western diet. How long will the general press and our polititians side step the issue of enviroment and heavy meat consumption.

When will the benefits to the enviroment of a meat free diet be brought into the arena for the general public to see?

2007-10-18 12:34:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Vegetarian & Vegan

All I could get out of the song was "word up", and I would like to know the name of the song if anyone can tell me. Thank you!

2007-10-18 12:33:58 · 1 answers · asked by Hot Coco Puff 7 in Rap and Hip-Hop

How do you feel more one with the Divine? Do you have a ritual? What helps you make the connection?

2007-10-18 12:33:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Ok here goes. my father in law names is daniel my husband was named after him daniel Jr. but we call him danny.
Now pregnant... dont know sex... was wondering a variation of daniel.... dont want daniel 3rd. ty.

2007-10-18 12:33:42 · 10 answers · asked by me2 3 in Baby Names

I know way too many people that use social security or unemployment just to buy drugs... and I think it hurts the system when these people don't contribute back to society. Should they be drug tested? or what

2007-10-18 12:33:35 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

fedest.com, questions and answers