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All categories - 7 October 2007

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2007-10-07 05:35:49 · 8 answers · asked by Tommyknocker 4 in Polls & Surveys

Due to a reduction in health service finance, hospitals are having to reduce the number of chaplains who are employed within them:


Given the empirical research which clearly shows that prayer and other religious devotions carried out in hospitals make a significant difference regarding whether a patient survives or not, is it not the case that these cuts will put the lives of patients at risk?

2007-10-07 05:35:29 · 15 answers · asked by dougietrotter1945 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I have seen multiple questions on this subject in the last 3 weeks I been here. I have answered the ones I saw, but folks aren't hearing it.

When I was in the military I had a room mate who was a preacher's son. He hated God because his best friend died in accident. His dad the preacher told him that God took his friend home, thus putting the death on God.

And so he became bitter. Reasonably so, based on that falehood.. Once I shared teh follow truth with him, he was no longer angry with God.


Q. Why do bad things happen? Accidents, death... does God kill?

A. Jesus said,

John 10: MKJV
10 The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

When the world was made it was perfect. God gave Adam authority over the earth, but Adam sinned and gave the authority to satan.

2007-10-07 05:35:25 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-07 05:35:23 · 64 answers · asked by elflaeda 7 in Polls & Surveys

2007-10-07 05:34:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lebanon

I just watched on the History Channel the story on Mary Magdelah and their are two different view points on her (well three is you are not Christian of course lol but assuming you are Christian then) what is your view point on Her? Was she his wife? just a follower? Is the egg turning red in front of the Emperor Tiberius true and the origins of the Easter egg?

Please tell me what you Christians think, I am not Christian so the story and two view points are interesting to me and I wish to learn and I can learn best by reading and also listening. regardless if I believe or not, i still am intrigued. I hope I will get some good answers and please any NON Christians I understand your want to say something about it not being real or such...IM not a Christian either so its pointless with me...I am asking them because i have interest in their view point on this and if you have an opinion other than that please answer then just no bashing please of anyone..TY

2007-10-07 05:34:37 · 5 answers · asked by Legend Gates Shotokan Karate 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I miss the boy that I love. Where is he?

2007-10-07 05:34:31 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

many planes i see land about 100 ft. into the runway on big white lines why do they do that

2007-10-07 05:34:30 · 9 answers · asked by ng18 5 in Aircraft

2007-10-07 05:34:27 · 3 answers · asked by Laurent K 2 in Hockey

Can anyone find fault with the following?:-

o Assume there was a 'first' Chicken, before which there were none.
o Its parent looked like a chicken in every way, but had some tiny genetic difference that meant it was not actually one.
o Some genetic process - mutation by radiation or a toxin; copying errors during meiosis; the pairing of the 'pre-chicken' with a 'pre-rooster' - eliminated that difference and produced a fertilised ovum that had the genome of a true chicken.
o That ovum was encapsulated in an egg, and laid by the proto-chicken.
o The egg itself contains no (significant) genetic material.
o The developing embryo therein was a true chicken.
o Therefore the egg was the first true chicken egg. Ignoring later genetic drifts in chicken genomes, the egg would be identical to all subsequent chicken eggs.
o When the egg hatched, the first chicken emerged, and the rest is poultry.

Anything wrong with that?


2007-10-07 05:33:34 · 14 answers · asked by Super Atheist 7 in Religion & Spirituality

what is james watt famous for.This is for my physics homework, the answer has to do with something about energy.Thanks guys!!

2007-10-07 05:32:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Engineering

I got experince, and any commuity website where they put on shows will be helpful too, and any site that announce open calls or/ and auditions.

2007-10-07 05:32:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

2007-10-07 05:32:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

2007-10-07 05:32:40 · 5 answers · asked by oddpoeticdude 2 in Movies

Is there a reason why people say to not eat the unopened clams after the dish is cooked? Thank you!

2007-10-07 05:32:24 · 5 answers · asked by ??? 2 in Other - Food & Drink

I think this administration is running a PR campaign to build support for an attack. If that happens on the basis of what we know now, what will your reaction be?

2007-10-07 05:32:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Okay so my two friends and I are performing You Are the Music in Me from the movie High School Musical 2 at our chorus's upcoming concert. We need either the karaoke version or sheet music, and don't suggest limewire or iTunes because we looked there. PLEASE PLEASE we need one of these or we can't perform!!! This is my first big performance as a singer on stage in front of hundreds of people, and it could help to achieve my dream of becoming a singer. If you answer this it could change my life, and I promise in return all I can give... 10 points!

2007-10-07 05:32:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts

Asking 'cause one of my friends died this way, they jumped into the river Tyne in Newcastle from the bridge while drunk. I'm just hoping their last couple of minutes wasn't horrible.

2007-10-07 05:32:02 · 8 answers · asked by Sid 1 in Other - Health

2007-10-07 05:31:50 · 52 answers · asked by Buddie 7 in Polls & Surveys

I am making a curry with aready made pot of sauce, some chicken and veg. . .
On the instructions, it tells you to fry the chicken first BUT whenever I do this, it doesn't go very tender.
Do you think it would be better to boil the chicken breasts first and then add them to the curry sauce, etc.?


2007-10-07 05:31:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

my baby budgie's feather is coming off and i just noticed its bleeding kinda bad to not gushing, but i see blood i dont know if its from flying or what. someone please help me

2007-10-07 05:31:23 · 8 answers · asked by Joe K 1 in Birds

I just had my front brakes and rotors replaced less than a month ago. I was wondering what is going on, especially since I won't have any money for repairs for about 3 weeks. Is this something I might be able to wait on till then (not that I have a choice). Thanks.

2007-10-07 05:31:16 · 3 answers · asked by MelpomeneTears 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

So, I know the general rule is - spend no more than 3 times your annual income on a home. So, $100k/year would buy you a $300k house. Say you have a decent downpayment of around $70k to put down and get a monthly mortgage of $1.7k then wouldn't you be able to afford that even if you only brought in around $4k/month?

Just wondering.


2007-10-07 05:31:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

2007-10-07 05:31:02 · 22 answers · asked by BeatlesChick(♥'s music) 6 in Polls & Surveys

Does it make any sense that God would need to be intelligent? It appears to me, that if God is intelligent, then he would be reacting to changing circumstances which are beyond his control. If God is omnipotent, then he has no reason to react to stimuli in his environment, and therefore he would not really be "intelligent". If God were intelligent, we would not have free will, and we would never be punished for misbehaving, because everything we did would be programmed to be exactly how he liked it. I'm not even going to get into the existence of God, but the "theory" of intelligent design has about as many holes as Swiss cheese... care to chime in?

2007-10-07 05:30:55 · 9 answers · asked by justin r 2 in Philosophy

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