My heart is hurting as I type, My 20 year old daughter and I just got into a physical fist fight along with some really hurtful words. I feel sick to my stomach because of this. What happen was recently my mother her grandmother passed. at first I let her and my 19 year old son live in her house , the destroyed it. Didn't pay any ulities. Made a BIG MESS, so i put them out. My daughter went to a hotel. Where she has been for the past 5 months. So I asked if she now wanted to move back in. She said yes but she asked was the house pay for and if so she felt she shouldn't have to pay rent. I said she would only 525 a month for a 3 bd 11/2 bth. she got upset. stated i just wanted her money, not true only trying to teach her responsiblity.Make a long story short she got loud, crused , then swung. what ever the reason. I feel I am HER MOTHER and outside in public, cursing then to swing on me. I have tried to make this bonding work, but it never does, I am tired I feel defeated.
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