I was dreaming that my husband and I were working on our house, ripping up the carpet and putting new tile etc (we are actually adding onto our house right now and just had tile put in). Anyway, it wasn't really 'our' house in the dream, it was this really HUGE house with alot of rooms (we are planning on selling our house and having a big house built). Well, in the dream there were all these people there, helping. They mostly seem to be people from a previous job of mine - even some that I never liked very well. I remember thinking,in the dream, "why are 'they' here?" At one point I was on my hands and knees, scraping the floor. I was wearing my 'nightgown, so my husband came over and put a blanket around me, because there were two other guys in the room. Then, I got up and told him if he wanted me to 'cover up' or 'kick everyone out'??? I remember being mad that 'they' were all there and wanted them to leave. Does this mean something??
3 answers
asked by
oh laura
Dream Interpretation