Troop draw-down will not return us to pre-surge levels...
That was the endless game in Viet Nam. The politicians would claim they were bringing troops home, all the while they sending even more of them to the front. This was the game played from 1968 to 1974.
One week you'd have 50,000 troops. The Pentagon would announce it was bring 20,000 home, but not mention they were sending 40,000 new troops in. By the time this did get mentioned, they'd be blathering about another reduction, while planning on committing even more on the side.
In this way, they kept reducing troops in Viet Nam for about five years. They reduced 30,000 troops all the way down to 100,000 troops.
And the public never even noticed the game.
Sad how history is repeating itself.
Exhausting really.
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