Is this a widely held view among you, or is there in fact dissension about it as this article implies?
Charlotte, NC (Bluehost/PRWEB ) August 14, 2007 -- A reform group called The Bene Yeshua, meaning in Hebrew "children or students of Yeshua (Jesus)," believes it has proven that a core doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses conflicts with the Bible itself.
The "1914 doctrine" of Jehovah's Witnesses has been a source of debate and controversy because it misleads adherents into believing that the first destruction of Jerusalem took place in 607 BCE instead of the scholarly accepted date of 586 BCE, excommunicating adherents that challenge it. Providing an entirely scriptural argument against the doctrine is significant because Jehovah's Witnesses argue that only the Bible should be used to establish biblical chronology.
One of the primary doctrines of the Jehovah's Witness faith is that Jesus' second coming or "presence" occurred in the year 1914, the year World War I began. Since that year, Jesus has been ruling as king, waiting to collect a small remnant of humans that will co-rule with him in heaven. Once the last human has been collected, there will be a period of worldwide hardship and suffering that culminates with Armageddon, the great war between God and the Devil.
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Religion & Spirituality