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I saw clips of Britney's alleged 'train wreck'. It wasn't that bad - maybe mildly lethargic, not her best, but why are they making such a big deal out of it? Is this just piling on because of her previous troubles? Or was it really that bad?

2007-09-12 05:29:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

22 answers

I think it was just to soon for her to perform infront of a large amount of people since not having done so in such a long time,to me her performance was stiff and her outfit was a little to little,it just seem to unprepared,I wish her well though for the future and that if she performs again she be able to regain her stage performance.

2007-09-12 05:34:33 · answer #1 · answered by Classy Clarissa 7 · 1 1

Well since most people thought it sucked, and some people are actually defending her...I figure that I gotta point a few things out. People say it was bad because she was stressed out or whatever...forgetting the fact that if you have a chance to redeem yourself (which she never deserved to be famous in the first place which I'll go into detail later) you gotta put everything you have and more...believe me I've had to do this many times after mistakes I've made, and obviously she hardly tried. Even if she wasn't expecting to do what she did because of something to do with Angel, it really doesn't matter. As a performer she knew what needed to be done and she couldn't do it! And why are people who don't even sing at live shows famous? They seriously have little talent and don't deserve to do live shows or be famous. I have no remorse for her, I don't care what she's been through...if she actually had talent, maybe I would feel different...Also I should point out that I am not famous, but when things that could drastically affect the rest of my life I never gave up, I pushed myself beyond my own expectations. While most people don't notice the effort I put in I really didn't care, all that mattered was that I accomplished my goals and gained self-respect...something that if she had she wouldn't lip sing...I hope this has been another nail in her coffin of popularity...the sooner its burried the better!

2007-09-13 02:15:05 · answer #2 · answered by Jack Daniels 2 · 0 0

I sort of get sick of hearing excuses for why her performance was bad. It was bad bc she didn't put any effort in her act. It was her COMEBACK, meaning everyone was expecting her rise to the occasion. She let herself fall into a deep hole and this show was suppose to bring her back up. A performance like that, whether she was a new comer or a vetern would have just harmed her career. Stop making excuses for her, she did horrible and should have to face it.

Also, this has nothing to do with her body or outfit if that is what people think I am talking about. Even if she had the hottest body in the world again, this performance was horrible. There was no heart and soul in this performance. Also as a singer, lipsyncing is bad to start off with but whatever, everyones over it. But at least pretend you're trying to sing. Geeze, she's considered a singer!

Seriously, stop trying to make excuses for her. Do you know she made an excuse about the umbrella attacking situation. Check out her official webstie. It's on there. Too many excuses and I'm sick of it. People need to face up to their mistakes.

2007-09-12 13:09:51 · answer #3 · answered by basmusiq 5 · 2 0

It was bad...she was dancing like she didn't know what she was doing. I mean she's Britney Spears...she should be bringing the same energy she gave in previous VMA performance if not more since it's her big comeback. She didn't keep up with the music while she was lipsyching...old Britney could've masked her lipsyching...that didn't even bother people much...its just she usually lipsynchs because she's dancing her *** off...and she wasn't dancing her *** off...it was her big comeback and it wasn't suppose to be bad because she'd put all her energy in pulling it off but her performance showed no signs of energy or effort from her...

2007-09-12 12:39:20 · answer #4 · answered by jassie9788 3 · 1 0

Britney did always lip sync in her performances so I don't know why this time its such a big deal. If you didn't pay attention to her lips not matching the words it wasn't all that bad.

Plus, her performance wasn't what she had planned. MTV pulled the plug on her bit with Criss Angel right before the show - she wasn't prepared for the new routine.

2007-09-12 12:34:23 · answer #5 · answered by ♥ Sarah K ♥ 6 · 1 1

If you remembered her when she first started and how great of a performer she was!. I am not a fanatic over her but I do appreciate some of her songs. Besides that my nieces and nephews love her! With all her drama and escapades..throughout the last couple of yrs. She has lost it and has lost lots of FANS..Aside from looking and acting like a s***, no care in the world, and her song sucked too. And while lip sync...that sucked too. It is obvious she is trying to make a comeback but apparently she is not listening to those who are trying to help her! I feel for her children...and I do hope she comes back as she was when she first started.

2007-09-12 12:48:32 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

It was bad... unprofessional... looked under-rehearsed... she stumbled around like she was drunk / stoned / under the influence of something ... it seemed like she didn't know the routine... practically ran into several of her back-up dancers on the stage... the routine lacked a smooth flow (Britney refused to perform certain moves at the last minute - and it changed the whole movement on the stage for her... instead of being carried from one point to another - she stumbled & slowly walked around) ... the costume wasn't very flattering for her on the stage (she chose to nix the corset outfit which would have better hid her "flaws" because it wasn't "sexy enough") ...and she couldn't even lip-synch her OWN SONG properly!!

2007-09-12 12:37:15 · answer #7 · answered by Eric C 6 · 3 1

I didn't think it was as bad as they made it out to be. It's just "Britney" and they need something to talk about that they think we want to hear. Not me. I could care less. She still dances better than me. Like the line in a certain song says..."sometimes life sucks". Some people need to get a life and leave other people the h--- alone!

2007-09-12 12:41:44 · answer #8 · answered by Motherof2 3 · 1 1

I have watched this performance and frankly it wasn't that bad. As a performer and singer myself it seemed as thought she didn't really know the routine that well like it was just put together. Later i found out they pulled the plug on the show she had been rehearsing with magician chriss angel. Which i thought was messed up to do that to them. Because of that this new routine had to made quickly. On top of that it was pretty stupid for mtv to have an award cermony in las vegas where folks gonna be getting drunk. Knowing they got to be rehearsing. All these folks looked high, drunk, and wore out. From what i hear, the whole show was wack. However, Spears is gonna take this one for the team unfortunately.

2007-09-12 12:46:29 · answer #9 · answered by Tasha C 3 · 1 3

I didn't think it was "that" bad,it just wasn't the spectacular event everyone was expecting.
In my opinion,she looked a little shocked. I guess it's been a while since she's performed in front of an audience,and it showed too.

And i don't get all the hype about her weight. She's had 2 babies for gods sake,of course she's gonna have a little pot belly,it's what happens when babies in your stomach move your internal organs about!

2007-09-12 12:42:17 · answer #10 · answered by Mrs_Golub 4 · 1 1

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