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All categories - 26 August 2007

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I've been invited to a little boys 1st birthday party. I want to give a gift that his mother will find to be useful, helpful, or one of those "Oh my god, That's PERFECT" type of gifts. If you have a son around a year, what would you like to receive right now. I'm just a friend or the birthday boy, not family, so nothing to outrageous.

2007-08-26 17:15:01 · 15 answers · asked by Amanda 1 in Parenting

next time you will see this is the year 2287. planet mars is 34.65m miles from earth. this is what you are seeing.

2007-08-26 17:14:59 · 24 answers · asked by auntdscronies 2 in Astronomy & Space

i need a great picture!

2007-08-26 17:14:55 · 7 answers · asked by camichan78 1 in New York City


2007-08-26 17:14:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Celebrities

my boyfriend is perfect, he is everything i want in a man and has never hurt me for the last couple of years we have been going out. He has never said anything about my wieght, and he thinks im obsessing about nothing...

a few days ago, we were at a mall there was this really hot girl, and i was looking at her (I work in advertising so im always checking out hot girls for model material) and i was like (to my BF) 'wow i wish i looked like that' and he was like ' are you crazy? then you will leave me for some other guy" :O

I mean thats the most chavantistic thing to say right? and it has all sorts of implications...he wants me to stay fat beacuse he is insecure etcc.. he has never hurt me in anyway before and up to now he is the most unchauvanistic man I know... and I would never give up the great thing we have going.. but is this cause for concern?

I did ask him to explain himself...but he was like 'I don't know why i said it and i wish i could take it back'.. HELP!

2007-08-26 17:14:39 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i can only describe them : a man made them by typing otu books in the bible and they form gorgeous heavenly pictures of Jesus and angels and they were in a hotel at the bottom of the arrowhead on a mountain or foothill in San bernardino on church grounds.

2007-08-26 17:14:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

We cleaned the carpet with one of those bulky carpet cleaners and even used special pet soap stuff and we cleaned the carpet and there were a lot of pet stains from my dog. They were when she would have accidents as a puppy and they seemed to come up really well but a day or two later the carpet is still wet and the whole room smells really bad like urine. Im talking really bad....its so bad its smelling up the whole house. How do I get rid of this smell????? It is driving all of us crazy! Any suggestions?

2007-08-26 17:14:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cleaning & Laundry

2007-08-26 17:14:33 · 18 answers · asked by ♥Enya♥ 4 in Reality Television

I am SICK TO DEATH of my Dell XP MCE and I wanted to get Windows XP Pro - WITHOUT the MCE, unfortunately microsoft can't do it without totally wiping out my hard drive and reformatting my laptop.

So I guess my only other alternative is Vista Premium. But my question is will Vista wipe out my current hard drive? I want to keep everything in tact! I just got this laptop reformatted because of a virus and it cost $$$ and lots of time and I don't want to go through the hassle.

My drive is already partitioned because of the reformat from the virus? So how can I keep everything on my laptop? I HAVE to get XP MCE off my laptop! All my audio drivers etc aren't working right because of the compatibility issues. I checked on my hardware and there are updated drivers for Vista - now all I need to do is find a safe way to install Vista.

Is this at all possible or am I stuck with this F'd up Dell XP CME?


2007-08-26 17:14:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

Anyone else amazed how he wrote so many novels? My personal favorite is Velocity, but I want to read Intensity, Watchers, and Phantoms. His first novel was "Star Quest"

2007-08-26 17:14:08 · 5 answers · asked by ? 4 in Books & Authors

and I do mean multiple.
Dairy, wheat, soy, corn, barely, buckwheat, rye, egg, crustaceans, tuna, peanuts, tree nuts, and many of the wild grasses.

2007-08-26 17:13:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Allergies


for each a, there exist a unique real number 1/a.
*explain why this is not true.

2007-08-26 17:13:54 · 3 answers · asked by j;lkj;lkj;lkj;lkj 2 in Mathematics

I am just having a hard time and need some advice. : )

2007-08-26 17:13:46 · 12 answers · asked by ktbiggs24 1 in Psychology

2007-08-26 17:13:39 · 16 answers · asked by ♫That'll be the Day♫ 6 in Polls & Surveys

by just telling us what the climate is going to be like in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years from now? And telling us how they came to their conclusions so we could check their math?

If they were able to do that, what basis would anyone have to deny their findings?

I think that would just shut up all the deniers, wouldn't it?

2007-08-26 17:13:34 · 9 answers · asked by Dr Jello 7 in Global Warming

i have not had a period for this month

2007-08-26 17:13:16 · 19 answers · asked by CECE 1 in Pregnancy

Ok, I want to understand this, I have the answer but I need to know why we got that answer, if we have a closed loop system with a given transfer function:

G(s) = 10 / (s+11)

What is the steady state output of the system when an input of:

2 cos (2t - 45)

is presented to the system.

the answer I have is 1.79 cos (2t - 55.3)

Please Explain, Thanx in advance.

2007-08-26 17:13:15 · 2 answers · asked by 037 G 6 in Engineering

Any explanations in the Bible as to why he created us in the first place? Did he create us realizing we would be sinners and the only way to be saved is by him? Sounds pretty evil doesn't it? Power hungry? Is He obsessed with Glory?

2007-08-26 17:13:04 · 5 answers · asked by Octavio F 2 in Religion & Spirituality

The rumored closeness of Mars for tomorrow (false) actually happened in 2003 - it was the brightest object in the sky - and the Lunar eclipse will occur Tuesday night-Wednesday morning (true). Have you planned to watch it?

2007-08-26 17:12:36 · 6 answers · asked by TitoBob 7 in Astronomy & Space

When his *** is still in the Ground.

2007-08-26 17:12:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My mom called me on my cellphone...and cellphone rings, but when I pick up, I don't hear any voices.

And another thing, when I try to call someone, the person would get the call but I won't hear the phone ringing on my side. It's just quiet when I dial.

What's wrong? Please help, I dont' wanna buy a new phone!!

2007-08-26 17:12:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cell Phones & Plans

I'm a big fan of immoral technique and poetic Atmosphere (not that political but good).

I like the vegan hip hop movement as well.

I'm mainly looking for rock, rap, reggae, and anything else you might think is good.

I don't care if it's not in English. It can be in Germany, French, etc.

I've been looking for some new songs. If you know of any good groups, let me know.


2007-08-26 17:12:12 · 18 answers · asked by Reflected Life 5 in Rock and Pop

yarn! Then she farted! Whew!

2007-08-26 17:12:08 · 2 answers · asked by starcharlieblue 6 in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-26 17:12:06 · 8 answers · asked by ez f 1 in Politics

Hi everyone, any advice would be appreciated greatly.
I'm at a crossroads in my life. I recently graduated from college and have started working full time. I haven't quite mastered the art of dealing with those of my parents' generation and kindly request your help.

At work, I am perfectly comfortable with dealing with coworkers of all ages, because I feel that in that environment, we are all equals, and we are all professionals with work as common ground.

However, when I am in other social settings, such as in church, I feel awkward dealing with people from my parents' generation. This is because they are with their children, who are often just a few years younger than me. And I often get the impression that the parents expect me to be friends with their kids more than be friends with them.

I don't really know how to deal with this, so please let me know what I should do! Thanks!

2007-08-26 17:12:02 · 2 answers · asked by Stargazing 3 in Friends

I never hated my dad, but I'm starting to dislike him more and more. My mom and dad divorced when I was a kid, mainly because my dad treated my mom like crap. He is an old school Korean, so he treats women like they are lesser then him, and I hate it. He treats my mom like crap, and shows an immense amount of favortism for me over my sister. I hate how he does this, and I keep telling him to treat my mom and sister better. He never changes, and he's dead rich and doesn't spend his money for anyone else but for me and my sister (mainly me). Because of this I always reject anything he offers me, ever since I was a kid I had this mentality. In my mom's side of the family, my aunt is dying and their family is really poor. My cousin can't go to college because she has no car, and my younger cousin gets 4.0's and probably won't have enough money for a good college. My dad will not give them any money whatsoever. What can I do to change his views, I'm starting to hate him more and more.

2007-08-26 17:11:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

If they found a way in Europe to test for homosexuality while in the womb, cure it with chromosome therapy (or something like that) and give birth to a straight baby would you be in favor of doing it?

2007-08-26 17:11:25 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-08-26 17:11:18 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-26 17:11:18 · 52 answers · asked by mao ying 3 in Polls & Surveys

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