I never hated my dad, but I'm starting to dislike him more and more. My mom and dad divorced when I was a kid, mainly because my dad treated my mom like crap. He is an old school Korean, so he treats women like they are lesser then him, and I hate it. He treats my mom like crap, and shows an immense amount of favortism for me over my sister. I hate how he does this, and I keep telling him to treat my mom and sister better. He never changes, and he's dead rich and doesn't spend his money for anyone else but for me and my sister (mainly me). Because of this I always reject anything he offers me, ever since I was a kid I had this mentality. In my mom's side of the family, my aunt is dying and their family is really poor. My cousin can't go to college because she has no car, and my younger cousin gets 4.0's and probably won't have enough money for a good college. My dad will not give them any money whatsoever. What can I do to change his views, I'm starting to hate him more and more.
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