This was a topic of discussion among a few friends the other night. We have a friend who was divorced and turned her 2.5 carat, high-quality, engagement ring into a right hand ring. She added smaller diamonds and other gemstones and it is beautiful. She has worn it every day since.
Now, she is getting close to becoming engaged again. Her new b/f makes considerably less money and could not afford a ring like that. She doesn't want her right hand ring to outshine her engagement ring.
Should she retire the right hand ring?
Would it be okay for her to give it to her new fiance to trade in? Would it be improper? They have already merged finances anyway.
Or...another suggestion? She doesn't want to sell it because you get so much less than the value. I don't think her b/f would care what she did, but sher wants to "downgrade" or get rid of the right hand ring before the proposal.
What do you all think?
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