Everyone remember your early education about the American Government? One of the first things they cover in a Civics class is the idea of Rights and Responsibilities. Most rights have corresponding responsibilities, IE. you have the right to life, thus you can't murder someone as that is violating their right to life.
Understanding these simple principles, how is the current state of abortion law acceptable when it comes to MEN? I am not talking about a woman's rights here, I am talking about the double standard that men are placed in when it comes to rights vs. responsibilities. A man has no RIGHT to that child, and can't force a woman to carry his child to term. So how can it possibly be Constitutional to charge him 18 years of child support if the situation is reversed?
Legally, it's taxation without representation, and the last time that happened we fought a war over it. I don't want to get bogged down in moral arguments, I am asking if you think it is legally justifiable.
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