I'm already throwing out these ones:
Being given away. Women today are not property. It's just degrading to be given away.
Being walked down the aisle by my father only. Again, this relates back to being a man's property and where's mom?
Throwing the bouquette, like every single woman wants to be herded up like cattle ready to catch the 'magical flowers of weddings.'
The veil, apparently this one relates back to protecting a woman's 'innocence' or 'purity' from other men who might find her beautiful on her wedding day. Well, women are not weak creatures who are easily seduced. I can hold my own.
Being pronounced 'man and wife' instead of 'husband and wife'. That's just obvious.
I admit, I don't know much about weddings, since I don't like 'em, but I'm having one, so what are some other traditions that go on during weddings that should be kicked to the curb in the name of self respect?
19 answers
asked by
skunk pie