I don't think that having kids is wrong or anything, but I have a friend, who is 17, and seems to only want to get married and have a lot of children. I am worried about this for a lot of reasons. One, I am afraid that she will be quicker to marry a guy at a younger age and not think as hard as she should, two, that she will not take her college education as seriously as she should because she does not plan on having a job, three, that she will end up living through her children and husband instead of taking up her own intrests, and finally that she is just not ready to make this desicion in high school. I have nothing against SAHM, so dont think I am discouraging her from taking that role, but I feel that she should have goals for herself and I have never heard her talk about wanting to acomplish anything but to be a wife and mother. I do not say anything to her when she talks about this, but I want to know if there is a way to talk to her about my concerns without offending her?
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