I have 4 guppies, 4 neon tetras and 2 black tetras along with 3 guppy fry. They're all being kept in the same tank, although the fry are floating in a plastic tub above the others until I can set up a nursery tank. I was treating Ich using Interpet Aquarium solution #6 though the active ingredients are unknown. This appeared to be burning my fish so I decided to drastically cut the dose and raise the temperature of my tank. On very informed adivce I raised my tank to 84 intending on raising it to 88 but stopped because I was concerned for the fry, can the fry handle such extreme temperatures, especially since they are a few days old at present?. If I was going to do a salt bath, would this be wise with pregnant guppies? (one is showing a very darkened gravid spot).
As a result of cutting the dose, the signs of burning have lessened dramatically. I am also doing daily 10-20% water changes with the gravel siphon to try and reduce the ich levels in the water, is this wise?
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