I posted a wig on craigslist. Lacefront, never worn. Lady conatcted me from another state asking if i would consider shipping, take paypal, and drop the price by $25. I aggreed. After the fact learned paypal charges for transaction so i only made $118, down from the $150 i posted the wig for. I emailed the lady pics of the wig, exact measurements, gave here the website I had purchased the wig from and everything. She wanted the wig. Once shipped she emails me saying it is longer than what she expected and does not fit the way she would like and that she is sorry but can't keep the wig and wants a refund. Am I obligated to refund her money? I never said it was a final sale, but i also never said I would give refund. Plus , I went out of my way to get her this wig, i was only looking for a local sale. I originally paid $400 for this wig and never wore it and she got it for only $125. She got the better end of the deal. So do i legally owe her a refund?
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Law & Ethics