The man took a steroid test and passed. The WWE has fired some of their main talent before for doing steroids. Randy Orton, a main eventer, was suspended and on the verge of being fired. So why would they let Chris get away with it. Also this thing about Wikipedia is so strange. Isnt possible that the person could have killed the family and then put on wikipedia having the IP address located in Standford b/c thats where WWE offices are located. All of this is just so stange. Also why is everyone coming down on just WWE when other sports use steroids. There was a list of wrestlers that died young & about 75-80% did'nt even work in WWE. I think people are targeting just the WWE b/c they dont care for Vince. They only cover him when something bad happens. They dont cover him when he's doing Tribute to the Troops or donating to the Make A Wish foundation. You dont ever see NBA, NFL or MLB having a game in IRAQ to entertain the troops. WWE's the only org. that does that, but gets no credit
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The Phenomenal One AJ Styles