so because atheists don't believe in a god or an afterlife, they therefore do not have a valid viewpoint and thus should not be in this forum, right? that seems to be the view shared by pretty much everyone who asks the old "why are so many atheists (often spelled athiests) in this forum?". so simply because we don't have a belief in a higher power, that's supposed to disqualify our thoughts on issues of religion and spirituality? do the people who believe this hold this logic to everything in their daily lives? so, if you don't believe in using illegal drugs, does that mean you don't have a valid opinion on whether people who use them should go to jail or not? shouldn't only the people who abuse drugs be allowed to make that judgment, based on your narrow-sighted reasoning?
21 answers
asked by
just curious (A.A.A.A.)
Religion & Spirituality