Before my newly live rock all I had were dead rocks now I have one live & 4 dead rock, two clowns, cleaner shrimp, red general star fish, hermits and snails. All in a 40 gallon tank that 2 1/2 months old. So back to the 3 worms on the side of the glass...I know there are live species on the rocks but are worms one of them? If so what else should I be looking for so I won't trip out like I did with the worms.Also what can I get to eat the worms.What are good things on live rock and what are bad species on live rocks.The hermit and snails love the rock... so does the shrimp. The fish and the star fish has gotten close to it but that it.So fish lovers out there...please help me with these wormssssssss.
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