Ok if the US is suppose to be the most succesful country blah blah, and most people here consider themselves educated blah blah, why are so many of you hatefull towards immigrants? Unless you are Native American, your family/ancestors came here as IMMIGRANTS, luckily they became legal and years passed, you were born here and NOW YOU HATE THE HISPANICS & OTHER RACES for coming in here trying to feed their family, Now, I don't agree with the ones that come here to commit crimes in a country that isnt theirs, that I DO not agree with, but the ones that do things right why do you bash them?? where is your education...most of your ancestors came here on a boat just like they are doing now...EDUCATE YOURSELF people...My family from PANAMA came here LEGALLY, with Visas on a freaking plane..now we are US LEGAL RESIDENTS...hold good jobs, have a great education...WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO ANGRY AT PEOPLE THAT ARE JUST LIKE YOU EXCEPT LESS FORTUNATE? Educate yourselves, ignorance is so unattractive!
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